School Never Ends



Inner Self



(TenTen's P.O.V.)

Chapter 1:

I stood there at the entrance of Konoha High School. I stood there like a statue staring at the HUGE school. I thought that it was going to be a small school like ones I was used to but damn was I wrong.

"Damn!" I said.

"That's what all the kids say when I drop them off here." The cab driver said.

"Here are all your luggage bags. Would you like some help carrying them inside?" asked the cab driver.

"Um… I think I can manage. Thank you!" I said.

'Well now I know I am definitely going to have a hard time getting around.'

I walked through the large glass entrance door trying to find the main office. I could have sworn I walked around the entire building going up all the stairs. I found a clue that I was nowhere near the front office because I found that I was in a hallway with dorms! I was about to turn the corner when I bumped into someone.

"Here watch were you're-

I was interrupted by a pink haired girl that kept repeatedly apologizing.

"I am so sorry are you okay?" asked some random pink headed girl.

"Yeah I'm fine, can you help me find the main office?" I asked.

"Sure are you new?"

'No Shit Sherlock I am wandering around the school aimlessly.'

"Yeah I'm new." I tried to smile but it wasn't really working out for me.

"Okay just follow me." She said.

"Um what's your name?" I asked a bit curious.

"Sakura Haruno, what's yours?" Sakura asked.

"TenTen Kiyomizu."


"Well here we are the main office!" Sakura said

"Thanks a lot!" I said hyperactive like always.

"Would you like me to wait for you so I can guide you to your dorm?" Sakura asked.

"Sure thanks!" I said as I cautiously walked through those gigantic doors.

"Why hello you must be TenTen Kiyomizu am I correct?" said the lady at the front desk that I assumed to be the principal's secretary. "My name is Shizune, Principal Tsunade's secretary; she is ready to see you now."

"Okay thanks…"

So I walked through the waiting area all the way to the back were Principal Tsunade's office was located. Butterflies were running through my stomach as I ran through the possibilities of how she looked and acted. What if she was mean and ugly! As I knocked on the door I heard a faint "Come in." I opened the door and there she was. She looked young maybe in her middle 30s. She had blonde hair in two low ponytails (the way Tsunade always wears her hair) with a white shirt on that shows a lot of cleavage, dark green pants that stop 2 inches before her ankles, and a long green jacket.

"So you must be TenTen Kiyomizu." She inquired.

"Um… yeah I Am." I said a little intimidated.

"Ok, well as you may know I am the principal my name is Tsunade. So here is your room number and schedule."

"Okay!" I wonder why I'm so happy about this. I had to leave my friends from my old school to come here all because of her.

"Oh and TenTen since your new I made your schedule compatible to your roommates schedule so each class you have you at least have one of you roommates with you."

"Ok…." Now that depressed me. What if I don't like them, then I am stuck with them no escape!


First Period: Homeroom: Kakashi-sensei 8:45-9:00 am

Second Period: Math: Kurenai-sensei 9:10-9:55 am

Third Period: Break: 10:00-10:20

Fourth Period: History: Asuma-sensei 10:25-11:30 am

Fifth Period: Lunch: 11:30-12:15 pm

Sixth Period: English: Kakashi-sensei 12:20-1:15 pm

Seventh Period: Gym: Guy-sensei 1:20-2:15 pm

Eighth Period: War/Self-Defense: Anko-sensei 2:20-3:05 pm

Ninth Period: Biology/Human Body: Jiraiya-sensei 3:10-4:00 pm


"Wow you have the same schedule as I do! Isn't that great!" exclaimed Sakura

"Yeah it is so at least I will know 1 friend in each class!"

"Really we're friends OMG that's great!" shouted Sakura and hugged me.

"Sakura….squished…can't…..breathe….." I said incoherently.

"Oops….sorry." she apologized

"No…worries…" I panted

"Ok so let me see your room number." Sakura said


"OMG you have room 346" Sakura said excitingly.


"You share a room with Neji Hyuga and Sasuke Uchiha!"

"Oh wow Sasuke goes to this school too! I wonder how he's been. It has been so long since I've seen him!"

"You know Sasuke Uchiha? How?" asked Sakura.

"Well he is kind of my cousin." I said.

"Holy Fuck he's your cousin! You better not let the fan girls know that he is you cousin or else they will rip you apart."

"Yeah I wish they would I would beat the shit out of them before they say 'MERCY'"

"Okay but since you are my friend I will warn you about the Neji Fan-club and Sasuke fan-club. Be careful ok"



"Ok well here is your room do you want to walk with me to class tomorrow so I can introduce you to my other friends?"

"Ok thanks, bye Sakura!"

"Bye TenTen"

I opened the door to find Sasuke siting on the couch watching TV. And the other guy that I am assuming is Neji sitting on his bed reading a book. "Hey Sasuke what's cracking?" I asked as Sasuke fell off the couch in surprise and Neji just looked up from his reading.

"TenTen why are you here?"

"What do you mean 'why are you here' it's a free country I can go pretty much anywhere I want to go!" I shouted.

"Uchiha please don't tell me that she is one of your past girlfriends." said Neji

"Awww my little Sasu-chan is growing up!" I laughed.

"TenTen I told you never to call me that!" Sasuke growled.

"What I'm not allowed to call my cousin that!" I pouted.

"TenTen I'm warning you!" He hissed.


"That's it!" He shouted and lunged forward pinning me to the ground.

"Ack!" I shouted as I was caught off guard. "Sasuke get off me you're heavy!"

"Not until you say 'Mercy'!" Sasuke growled.

"Never!" I sternly sounded.

"You'll regret that TenTen." Sasuke started to cough up spit.

"Eww" I said as that spit started to drip down, an inch before it would hit my face (it was still connected to Sasuke's mouth I guess some people call it a lugi or something like that)

"Mercy, Mercy!" I shouted.

"Yup that's what I thought" said Sasuke as he slurped back up his spit back into his mouth.

"God, I hated that when you and Naruto used to do that to me!" I whined. I sat on the empty bed that was that was closest to the door. "So how is Aunt Mikoto I talked to her like a month ago?"

"Yeah she is fine, so is father, but Itachi is still a fucking pain in the ass."

"You're just mad because Itachi and I would gang up on you after you and Naruto would tease me and called me names." I said as I stuck out my tongue.

"Oh yeah what was that name again?" Sasuke teased.

"Sasuke I'm warning you!"

"Oh yeah now I remember!"

"Sasuke don't say it!"

"Ok, Ok I'm sorry… Panda-chan"

"Sasuke I'm going to annihilate you!" I shouted but when I was about to punch him there was a knock at the door. Neji got up and opened the door to find a loud mouthed, hyperactive, blonde guy also known as…

"Hey Naruto what are you doing here?" asked Neji with an annoyed look on his face. Wow I never pictured him to have emotions like that. Hey you learn something new every day!

"I just came to figure out what was with all the yelling I could hear from all….the…way…down…..the…hall…" His voice started to trail down as he saw me Sasuke pinned down underneath me.

"Wow teme I would have never thought you would kinky with a random girl!" teased Naruto.

"Naruto I haven't seen you in a while!" I shouted as I ran up and hugged him.

"Naruto you remember TenTen my cousin." Sasuke said as he started to get up.

"Panda-chan I haven't seen you in years!" he said as he hugged me back. "Oh great, now he's done It." mumbled Sasuke. I pulled away and stared at Naruto. Then my eye twitched, and then in a blink of an eye I punched Naruto hard in the face as he flew into the wall of our dorm room. "Naruto!" I shouted as neared him and started to ring his neck until he started to gasp for air. That's when Sasuke walked over and pried my hands away from his neck.

"Oh yeah now I remember TenTen hated being called that. That's when she would go get Itachi and we started running for our lives." Naruto mumbled in between breaths. I stuck my tongue out at him. I walked over to Neji who was smirking and chuckling. "And what is so funny I may ask?"

"Oh nothing, nothing at all" said Neji as his smirk grew if that was even possible.

"Uh-huh I thought so" I laughed.

"So TenTen Why are you here?" asked Naruto

"What the hell why is everybody asking why I am here it's a free country I can go anywhere I want." I shouted angrily.

"What do you take me for an idiot? I know you TenTen and you wouldn't leave your friends, and old house just to be here." Sasuke said as he pushed the issue instead of dropping it.

"Alright it was because Mae and Honoka, but mostly Mae because she heard from Uncle Fugaku that you went here. So off course the wicked witch of the west also named Freda made all three of us go here."

"She is still obsessed with me? Oh no what am I supposed to do?" panicked Sasuke.

"Wait is that the same one that used to stalk me when we were little?" asked Neji sounding a little frantic.

"Yup" I looked at him and nodded.

"Um… Sasuke there is someone walking down the hall and it looks like they are going to stop at the door." Said Naruto as he opened the door totally oblivious to what we were just talking about. I told Neji to hide in the closet and Sasuke to hide underneath the bed.

"Hey guys what's up I just wanted to talk to TenTen!"

"Sakura what the hell are you doing here?" Neji and Sasuke asked in unison.

"Well like I said I just wanted to talk to TenTen so I could introduce her to my friends, Hinata, Ino, Temari come in!"

Then in walked a girl with long midnight blue hair with bangs that fit her face perfectly with lavender eyes that matched Neji's. Then another girl walked in with her blonde hair in a high ponytail with shimmering blue eyes that almost matched Naruto's but not quite. And then another girl with blonde hair stepped in but her hair was in four spikey ponytails and her eyes were a dark brown. When you first look at then they seem cold but when she looked at me her eyes softened.

"What are you guys doing here?" inquired Neji.

"Oh we're just here to introduce ourselves. Hi my name is Ino Yamanaka!" exclaimed the blonde with blue eyes.

"My name is Temari Sabaku." said the blonde with four blonde, spiky ponytails.

"And my name is Hinata Hyuga." said the girl with lavender eyes that matched Neji's.

"Um…. I have a question." I stated. Everyone turned to look at me, and that made me feel so uncomfortable on so many levels.

"Yes TenTen what is it?" asked Ino.

"Is Neji and Hinata related?" I asked. A couple seconds later everyone busted out laughing! Well except for Neji and Sasuke they just smirked or chuckled because they were too good to laugh. They are such stoic bastards. Unless Sasuke gets mad at me and starts tackling me.

"What, what is so funny. That was a very reasonable question that I asked." I started to get annoyed with this. 10 minutes later everyone started to calm down. Finally!

"Ok, ok yes Hinata and Neji over there are cousins." said Sakura between laughs. Hours passed by and Naruto brought the guys over. So I met a guy named Shikamaru Nara. God was he a lazy ass. On top of that he had a pineapple hairdo. Next was guy called Kiba Inuzuka. He had red triangles on his cheeks. He also carried a small dog named Akamaru. We started talking until it was 2:00 am.

"Alright I think we should all go to sleep, we have school tomorrow morning." Neji said as he yawned, so we all yawned because yawns are contagious. I punched him in the shoulder as he fell over. "What the hell?" he shouted. "What? You yawned and then you made me yawn!" I said innocently. We started glaring at each other intensely! Steam started to come both of our ears as our faces turned red.

"Well… Bye!" they all said in unison and left to their dorms. We kept glaring until I blinked. That was when it was all over. "Ha you lose!" Neji shouted and walked over to his bed. (Wow that was very OOC of Neji!)

"I'm going to take a shower." I said and walked to the bathroom as they both nodded. When I came out of the shower I was dressed in a tight black tank top and pink short shorts. I looked like a total slut but it was really hot and I didn't want to wear pants or else I would get heat flashes. Neji was shirtless with pajama pants on. Sasuke had a gray tank top and boxers on. I looked at Neji and saw his beautiful six pack abs and nicely chiseled chest. But the bad thing was, was that I was caught starring.

"Like what you see?" Neji teased.

"Hmph" I said and went to bed. I had no idea what the next morning had in store for me.