Chapter 1:

It All Begins

Bus #1- Christian, Matt Hardy, Randy Orton, Miz, CM Punk

" Where are we all going? " Randy asked.

" I'm not really sure, " Matt replied.

" It better not be a bar, " said CM Punk.

They were all inside a bus heading to an old haunted house, but they didn't know that. Miz was in the back seat listening to his ipod jamming out to his theme song " I Came to Play. " In the seat in front him CM Punk was chewing gum and sipping his bottle of pepsi. Across from CM Punk was Randy Orton. Randy was cracking his knuckles and talking to the voices in his head. In front of Randy was Matt Hardy who was on his cellphone tweeting away. Across from Matt was Christian who was laying down in the seat talking in his sleep. Randy pulled a cigarette and started smoking. CM Punk saw this jumped into Randy's seat and started tackling him for the cigarette. He finally grabbed the cigarette and went back to his seat. He threw it out the window.

" Ouch! You made me burn myself Punk! " Randy looked at his arm and had a burn from the cigarette the two men were fighting over. " Apologize before I give you an RKO as soon as we get off this bus! "

" You shouldn't be smoking anyway, Randy. " CM Punk replied. " You need to apologize to your body. You should be thanking me for saving your lungs. "

Randy looked over at Matt. " You better not be tweeting this Matt! " Randy screamed.

" Too late! " Matt laughed. " You know Randy you should really get one of these. The fans love you and really want you too. "

" Twitter seems stupid. Having people stalk you all the time and those people who won't leave you alone... WAIT! Don't try and change the subject! "

" Don't hurt him Randy! " Christian screamed as he woke up from his sleep breathing heavily.

" Quiet down! I can't hear my theme music playing with the volume all the way up! " Miz screamed at the top of his lungs. He didn't mean to be that loud, but when you have headphones in your ears everything doesn't seem as loud.

" You'll be fine, " Matt replied to Miz's comment.

" What? " Miz screamed taking the headphones out of his ear.

" You'll be fine, " Matt repeated.

" Yeah, yeah, yeah. " Miz replied. " Just keep it down. " He put his headphones back in his ear.

" Why does everyone always think I am going to hurt them? " Randy asked surprised.

" Maybe because you threaten to give an RKO to anyone who makes you mad, " CM Punk replied.

" Shut up before I..." he stopped himself.

" See what I mean? " Everyone laughed.

" What? I was going to say give you a flower. "

" Sure, " Punk said rolling his eyes.

Bus #2- Edge, Jeff Hardy, John Cena, John Morrison, Zack Ryder

" Are we going to the zoo? " Jeff asked happily.

" No idiot! We are going to the beach so I can so off my amazing abs! " Morrison replied. " Does anyone happen to have a quarter on them? "

" I do! Why? " Edge replied.

" Hand it here! " Morrison grabbed the quarter and bounced it off his abs.

" Ow! " Zack Ryder said. " That him me in my eyeball! " Everyone started laughing.

Zack Ryder was sitting in the back of the bus checking himself out in the mirror. He was making faces into it. Sitting infront of Zack Ryder was John Cena. Cena was writing down lyrics to a rap. Across from Cena was Morrison. Morrison was brusing his hair with a very expensive brush. In front of him was Jeff Hardy who was smoking a cigarette. Across from Jeff was Edge who was relaxing in his seat.

" Are you sure we aren't going to the zoo? " Jeff asked.

" I already told you we are going to the beach! " Morrison replied.

" I think you made me go blind! " Zack screamed. " I can't see! Everything is black! "

" Open your eyes Zack, " Edge said rolling his eyes.

" Aww, now I can see my handsome face again! "

" Your face is not more handsome then mine, " Morrison said.

" Do you want to bet? " Zack replied.

" Yeah I do! " Morrison replied.

" Ask my mirror then, " Zack replied. Morrison looked confused before Zack tossed him his mirror. Morrison looked into it still with the confused expression. " You know what to say, " Zack said.

" Umm, no I don't. "

" Mirror mirror in my hand, who is the most handsome in all the land? That's what you say. "

Morrison looked into the mirror and repeated the words. A picture of Morrison showed up on the mirror glass. " What does it mean when my picture comes up? "

" What! " Zack screamed. " It must be broken. " Zack took the mirror and repeated the words. Once again a picture of Morrison showed up. " Yup, it's broken, " Zack said under his breathe.