
By: raq

Written: 8.6.01

Chapter I ~

"Serena!" yelled her mother from the bottom of the stairs. "You'll be late for school sweetheart!"

"Take it easy sweetheart, she's just had her first serious boyfriend and her first ever heartbreak. Of course she won't take the next day too lightly," A man who held wisdom within in face said to his wife. Surprised, it didn't take long for her father to assume that his wife had forgotten all about the heartbreak his daughter came home from last evening.

"Oh... I forgot." she looked to her husband then back up the stairs. "Maybe I should go up there." Placing her wooden spoon down she made her way up the stairs to see if her daughter needed a little cheering up.

Serena Tsukino, a 17-year-old sophomore at Crossroads High School, had been taken by a jerk of an ass guy who she thought had really liked her and from the day she had given in to his charming smile and his ways, something wasn't right.

A blossoming beauty she would eventually prove to be, Serena was sweet, innocent and full of life. Many other girls her age had started to develop their womanly figure, curving and their bosom filling, where Serena's was just merely budding to its growth. Her large and hopeful blue eyes shone with naivete. Petite and skinny for her part, she wasn't curving as the others were but yet she was charming. She might not be at the moment, but later she would prove to be a beauty.

It hadn't seemed right when the jerk asked her out. Serena was plain and very kind, and not that it was against the laws that govern the boys vs. girls world, but she just was too naïve. Her virginal ways and blessed innocence kept her smile pure and enchanting, which just wasn't the type of girl the boy dated. His type was of bountiful girls who wore sultry outfits and positioned themselves in revealing ways, complete opposite to sweet Serena. Her friends had told her that he was up to something, that he was no good with his conniving ways. But little did she listen and heed the warning that eventually led to her heartbreak.

Seiya was her first real serious boyfriend, meeting him first at summer school. He hung around the circle of friends that Serena and her friends were always competitive with, the social lights of the school's popular crowd. It was a wonder to all when he had approached her and asked her to the movies and even a chocolate shake after school. But she had given in, allowing him to sweet talk, manipulate, and wound her most fragile heart within his fingers.

Serena was in mid air as she had gone on her dates with him. She had actually felt what the first stages of love was—puppy love. Although it was far off from the love a mature relationship held, she still felt herself falling for his wicked charms. After weeks of dating and once summer had ended, his actions became more puzzling, only asking her out on certain days and even to certain areas of the park.

She began to wonder, as calls became fewer throughout the week. Seeing him also became a wonder if his heart was ever there. Then one day she and her friends had gone out to the mall. At first Serena was lively, she laughed with her friends as well as shopped. It was something more relaxing than sitting at home waiting for Seiya to call. Then upon the rise of the escalator to the second floor, she stopped suddenly as she recognized the set of jet-black hair. The stupefied Serena froze and even her friends that had run into her couldn't get her to move. Slowly and surely each one of them saw what was happening and felt anger rise. In front of them in the photo booth was Seiya and Marcy, the high school's current voted tramp. It seemed that they had just taken a picture and while they waited, decided to make the time useful and give their lips some stretching exercise.

"The nerve of him," Rei said, peeved as she began to make her way towards the couple with the others in tow. They all surrounded the booth and waited to get their attention. Obviously the two were enjoying themselves too much for minutes had passed and they still hadn't noticed they had an audience. Rei gave up and took the photo that was drying in the slot. "Give me a pen," she whispered to the blond girl with a red ribbon who giggled in response. Minutes later, while the lip twisted couple sat there not knowing that they had an audience still went at it.

"Excuse me, but your photo is ready," said the tallest of the five. The couple stopped and Seiya was mildly surprised as he saw Serena behind her friends being comforted by who he recognized was the school nerd, Ami. "Here… have a nice day," she grinned before they all walked away. Seiya took one look at the picture and rolled his eyes. They had drawn glasses and elf ears, nose rings, mustache, and a goatee on him and on the girl was the word 'tramp' written in big bold letters.

They took Serena straight home and explained to her parents what had happened. Her father was not thrilled that his baby girl had to go through, and now live, her first experience with a boy whom many fathers hated.

Serena sat in front of her vanity, staring blankly at her face, eyes red and swollen from all the crying she had done. "I should have listened," she murmured through sulky tears. Her mother had heard the crying and let herself in. Serena didn't go to school that day for she and her mother spent time together, mother and daughter.

"He what?" said a somewhat deep voice over the phone. "When I get my hands on him I'm going to strangle both him and that tramp with their tongues."

"Sammy… she's fine now..." from the line Irene could hear another voice, 'who did what to Sere, I'm gonna…&*^%$# some @$$!' Irene tried not to laugh at her nephew's choice of words. They were both overprotective of her from the start. Being the only girl and the youngest in the Tsukino family was rough.

"Mom… Is she home? Can I talk to Sere?" he asked softly, worried for his younger sister.

Even though Sammy was three years older, they both loved each other dearly. It was something more beyond the brother and sister, but friendship built strongly to the core. Haruka, their first cousin was the same age. The three were inseparable, especially when Haruka had come down from his city to attend one year of high school at Crossroads. Now both were freshmen in college.

They made sure Serena was taken care of and brought her everywhere. Though some thought she was tagging along, both Sammy and Haruka liked her presence. Now in college they both went to the same school and even had the same dorm room. Serena was a bit saddened by Sammy's departure to college but she knew he would always keep in touch and they will always remain close.

"She's already in bed, honey, she's had a long day," answered his mother.

"K, mom tell Serena I love her and I'll call her soon… and tell her to expect her birthday gift early. Also if anything else happens make sure you tell her to call here."

"I will… Love you both and don't get into trouble!"

"Us… trouble?" A crash sounded in the background. Irene chuckled a bit. "I won't even ask… goodnight boys!"


Christmas, New Year's and even Valentines Day passed. It was now mid May and Serena was still in a bitter mood. Her outlook on relationships still reflected on her failure, but now she wasn't as naïve about the opposite sex. Not only had she witnessed many of her friends' romantic escapades go down the hole, but she also had to endure a whole semester of sex education. She had fully sworn that she wanted to do some growing up before she ever pursued any relationships, emotionally and physically of course. That way she wouldn't be as naïve and fall into the same trap set put by jerk dwellers like Seiya.

"Ready to sing, girlie?" asked the dark haired beauty.

"But of course, Rei," approached Serena as she held out her early birthday gift from her brother and cousin.

"You are such a lucky bitch!" bit Mina as she ran towards her. "I wish I had a brother to give such a sweet guitar!"

"Okay guys, we're all here. Now let's play!"

The girls took their places, and held their instruments fluidly. Lita was on drums, Rei on the keys, and Mina and Serena on guitars. Ami mainly composed and wrote music for them, but picked up a few percussion instruments at times, like the maracas. Serena helped Ami at times, liking to fit her mood in words that she can later alter to music.


"Ex-girlfriend" said Serena a bit evilly towards the girls who laughed! (AN: Not my song… NO DOUBT!")

"Ex-girlfriend, it is!" Their band played their strings and beats complete. Perfect to one's ears…. Now it was Serena's turn to put her scent it.

I kinda always knew I'd end up your ex girlfriend.

I kinda always knew I'd end up your ex girlfriend.

I kinda always knew I'd end up your ex girlfriend.

I hope I hold a special place.. with the rest of them.

And you know it makes me sick to be on that list

But I should of thought about that before we kissed.

You say you gonna burn before you mellow, Ill be the one to burn you.

Why did you go on and picked me when you knew we were different completely.

Serena sang to her heart's content. Her frustrations and strengths were released through a song so full of fire and energy. She still went on, thinking of Seiya and concentrating on putting that angered energy towards her music.

I kinda always knew I'd end up your ex girlfriend

I kinda always knew I'd end up your ex girlfriend

Serena and their band had been together since Haruka and Sammy attended high school, while the girls were in junior high. Both Tsukino cousins gave them the idea after a school talent show where they saw each girl play an instrument. After all the girls finished, Ami went up and demonstrated the power of words by reciting a dramatic soliloquy she had written. Sammy and Haruka had looked at each other and had the wonderful idea.

Serena played the guitar, thanks to her influential brother and cousin. She played rather well for a 'girl' and her age, her brother teased. Her fingers fluidly fingered the strings. The guitars she always held played for her, never did it matter if it was old or rather broken down. It played for her as if no one ever played them before.

'Wild Fire' became the name of the group of the vampy schoolgirls, courtesy of Tsukino brother and cousin duo. Those two had some drastic influences on the girls. No one would ever pinpoint five sweet schoolgirls in classic uniforms by day to be sexy vixens by night. Sammy and Haruka read many comics and were high strung on their own life trying to find their own conquest. But Sammy and Haruka had their intentions pretty tightly called. Sammy had always felt close to his sister's friends, as if they were family as well. Throughout their junior high days, Sammy and Haruka talked a bit about Serena and her friends. They both concluded that all five were going to be wonderfully rounded and could easily fit their sexy vixen name.

After a few hours had passed, Serena and the band sat around talking and eating snacks that Serena's mother had provided.

"So, what are you guys going to do over the summer?" asked Lita. "I'm going to visit my mom in Europe for two weeks," Ami said. "I'm visiting my dad in Kyoto for three," Rei replied. "I'm going on this modeling camp, where they teach you how to do the walk and do the talk…" gestured Mina as she stood pretending to cat her way down the catwalk. Serena and the girls threw popcorn at Mina booing her off the imaginary catwalk.

"You, Lita?" asked Serena

"I'm going to this camp, a culinary camp, I think its about a week and a half. How about you?"

"Me, I'm just going to visit the dynamic Tsukino brother and cousin of mine. They're attending summer school."

"Really?" piped the girls

"But wait a minute, Sere… if Haruka and Sam will be in school, what will you be doing?"

"Well, when I told Sammy about it, he got a part time summer job at the music store he and Haru work for," she said. "This way, I can see both my family and make a little money. Besides I think my mom and dad respect me more that I'm getting a job."

"Good idea, Serena… making your own money and all," Ami remarked.

"That sounds great, Serena…"

"Uh hmmm… college boys and frat parties and…" Mina said dreamily.

"Sam and Haruka," Serena tried to remind her friends of her brother and cousin's overprotective nature.

"Oh yeah…. Well I'm sure they're not as bad," said Mina

"You know, rumors say Haruka is out for Seiya's head," said Lita, grinning.

"What?" said the girls, especially Serena.

"Yeah, Haruka found out what happened and is planning to get revenge on what he did to you when he comes back."

"I bet he's scared stiff."

"No wonder…" thought Serena


"Sere… didn't Seiya left you a note saying sorry in your lock with a rose?"


The next 20 minutes was explaining what occurred and the other things Seiya tried to do as well. He smiled at her more often and even said hello a few times. He was sickeningly sweet, and even Serena knew how venomous his hisses were. So she often snubbed him off and left him to stand by himself. He was nothing more than a mere ding in Serena's memory. Although it still hurt that her first ever taste of puppy love had to end bitterly and gave her such a bad experience that she really didn't know whether or not she wanted to ever fall in love.

Stay tune………………………………………………………….

Email makes the heart to write grow fonder.. LOL


Disclaimers- Sailor Moon is not mine… only I wish it was.. well not the whole thing just maybe Mamo.

Thank You's – Thanks Carl's, Drae, Fin, Mogs, Jen who helped me through this. Sailor Elysia for editing, changing a few things around for me.