Authors Note: I wrote this after playing Grandia II and since I loved the game so much, I decided to read some fan fiction for this game, and I stumbled upon Saka Ogawa's ([email protected]) fan fic "Blind". I loved it so much that I decided to see if I could make a love story like that with Roan and Tio. I just hope I don't get sued or anything, especially since I'm a big fan of Saka ever since reading "Blind" ^_^v I hope there are no accidentantly similarities. ;;;_;;; I don't wanna get sued...I just like writing~! Also, this is what I thought would have happened sometime after Roan and Tio got back to Earth after escaping from New Valmar via Tio's shield thingy. They got so close and stuff, especially with the hugging and the soft talking that I thought it was just too damn kawaii~! ^_^; Hehe, enjoy.

And sorry if they seem out of character...if they are to you, sorry. ;-;

Also, Roan is about 14 years old, whilst Tio is about 1000 years old, but she doesn't look a day over 16-18. Hehe...

~Confused Love~
~By Brian Marcelo~
[email protected]~
Rated G.

~~~Chapter One~~~

"Roan...can I come in...?" Tio asked meekly.

Roan rubbed his eyes and looked at his door, which was halfway open with Tio's head peeking out.

"Uh..sure Tio...what is it?"

"Well, um..." she said as she sat on his bed, "I had a...bad dream...and I was thinking that since my room is right next to yours, I would go and talk to you about it..."

Roan tilted his head after she had finished.

"Why are you tilting your head, Roan...?"

"'re an automata...I didn't think automata's slept at all....and since you don't sleep, how could you have a bad dream...?" asked Roan as he was quite confused.

Tio's face turned a light shade of red.

"Uh...well...we um...have periods where we need to recharge so we don't break a fuse and uh...during that time we would have what you would call "bad dreams" I suppose..." Tio said, nervously.

Roan tilted his head again.

"Tio is acting out of character...I should ask her what that dream was about...maybe I'll get some answers..." Roan thought to himself.

"Um..okay...say Tio? You wanna talk about that bad dream...?"

Tio nodded and proceeded to scoot over a bit closer to Roan, which made him a bit umcomfortable.

She tilted her head as she noticed his reaction to her scooting closer to her and asked "Is there something wrong?"

"No no Tio, nothing's wrong, that dream...?" Roan said as he blushed a bit.

"Well...I dreamt about...Mareg...." she said as she looked at the ground.

"Oh.......what happened...?" Roan asked, sympathetic for his best friend Tio.

She started to choke up as her tears were becoming apparent.

"Tio..." he mumbled as he sat next to her and gave her a hug.

"You want to continue telling me...? You don't have to..."

"I...I feel comfortable telling you though, Roan.." Tio said as she hugged back.

Roan's face lit up with surprise, not believing that she had said that.

"I don't really know what to say.." he said as he started to stutter.

"What..? Did I say something wrong...?" she asked, as it looked like she was about to burst into tears again, which was very out of character for an automata like herself.

"No no Tio, don't be silly!" Roan said quickly.

" should....continue with what happened in my dream...right?"

"Only if you want to."

"I want to..."

"Okay were dreaming about Mareg..?"

"Mareg...I was dreaming about how he he stood up and was uttering a prayer to Granas as all those...monsters were swarming all around us..."

'I was still in Cyrum when that happened...' Roan thought to himself. "Then what happened...?"

"We were teleported to the Granasaber and it flew towards Earth...but...Mareg wasn't so lucky..."

"Oh......." Roan said sadly.

Tio started to tear up and looked down. "I'm sorry...Roan...I'm sorry for making you sad too..." Tio said as she looked at the ground with tears in his eyes.

"Don't worry about it Tio....okay...?" Roan said as he awkwardly put his arm around her.

"I miss Mareg so know...there was something...something I didn't get a chance to ask him about..."

Roan leaned closer to her in curiousity of what she was going to say.

"Roan?" asked Tio suddenly.

"Tio?" he replied.

"What does love feel like?"

Roan blinked.

"Why do you want to know Tio...?" he asked nervously.

"Out of curiousity I guess..." she said as she looked down at the ground.

" do I begin...?" he said as he gulped and tried to think.

" is when you feel like you want to spend all the time you have with just be able to talk to them about anything and be able to stay with them forever and be happy too. Like...whenever you say 'I love you' you always would mean it. That's what love is like.....I think..." Roan said nervously, unsure if what he was saying was right or not.

A small smile appeared on Tio's lips as he finished.

Roan smiled and said, "So you're okay now?"

Tio nodded and smiled back at him. "Thank you Roan."

"You're welcome Tio!" Roan said smiling in his optimistic way of his.

"Although I'm kinda confused again..." Tio said, smiling nervously.

"About what Tio..?" asked Roan, thoroughly confused.

"What you were saying about love.. I feel those feelings that you described towards..." Tio softly said.

"Towards who...?" Roan asked with a hint of curiousity.

"Towards Ryudo perhaps?" he continued while grinning.

Tio simply smiled, blushed, and said, "....towards you, Roan...."

~End of Chapter One~