Ok please don't yell at me. I just love making stories fro you guys :) so here it is.

Disclaimer: I do…. Not own Twilight :'(


I'm Bella Swan, daughter of Charlie Swan tribal council member. Today we have a meeting with everyone. I live on the Rez and my best friend is Jacob Black. I'm currently walking towards the bonfire. Billy then spoke.

"Ok boys we have news. There are vampires coming to town, and yes they are real. And yes that also means the wolf legends are true too. You boys will soon catch a fever and lose your temper quickly, and then you phase. You only phase when you are mad. So when you catch a fever let us know and you will be pulled out of school for a while." Billy explained.

I felt the need to speak. "How come only boys? That is so unfair!" I yelled.

Emily and Leah nodded in agreement. I think I was standing too close to the bonfire because I felt so hot.

"Sorry bells but that is how it is. We don't control who gets phased." I don't know why I was acting like this but for some reason I was fuming. Next thing I know everything turned black. I woke up in my bed. How did I get there? Why is Jacob in the corner of my room, sleeping, on my rocking chair? I sat up and took off the wet rag on my head. I moved the covers and suddenly Jacob woke up.

"Oh hey bells how are you feeling?" He asked coming to sit on my bed.

"Really hot."Jacob chuckled. Probably thinking about the other meaning. Perv.

"So Jacob did you get the fever yet?" I was so mad that only the boys get to become wolfs. I still feel I'm over reacting but I'm mad.

"Nope, no one has." He said with a frown.

"Ugh." I grunted while getting up and heading to the kitchen with Jacob following. I cooked us some bacon, eggs, and pancakes.

"Mmm Bells. Sooooo good!" He exclaimed while stuffing more eggs down his throat. I giggled then headed up stairs and put on shorts and a blue tank top. I came down stairs and we walked to Sam and Emily's house with Jacob. When we got there the gang was already there: Quil, Embry, Sam, Paul, Jared, Emily, and Leah.

"Hey guys." I said to them as me and Jacob walked in.

We got a chorus of "Hey bells, Jake." We all decided to hang out by the forest.

"Dude, I seriously can't wait till I become a wolf. Haha girls don't get to be one." Quil said smugly.

I filled with rage and next thing you know I was a wolf. My clothes shredded and I looked down to see big paws wit fur. The girls held smiles, Jacob was shocked along with the other boys but Quil also held a pout. Jacob cam and hugged me and I licked the side of his face.

He smiled. "Ew Bella your slobber is all over my face. Yuck!" He said still smiling, while wiping it off. Everyone laughed. I no longer felt angry and suddenly I was human… and naked. The boys gawked while the girls shielded their eyes. I blushed and ran behind a tree.

"Jacob stop looking at me naked and get me some clothes!" He shook out of his trance, smirked and ran.

"Dam Bella thanks for the show." Embry said.

"Yea thanks Bella. I liked the view." Quil said smirking. I phased into a wolf again and I stepped out from behind the tree. I growled at Quil and Embry and they were shaking with fear. I held my stance, growling at them and the girls giggled. Jared laughed and came over to me and pet behind my ear. Man that felt good. I sighed with comfort and lay on my paws. Jared sat next to me scratching and petting me. I then had see Jacob running with clothes in his hand and Billy, and Charlie coming. Jacob sat on the opposite side of me that Jared was by and did the same Jared was doing on that side. I made sure I held anger so I wouldn't phase back to human. Charlie was smiling along with Billy.

"Looks like Bella is the first to phase and first girl ever to phase." Billy said. Sam started sweating all of a sudden. He was turning. I got up, grabbed the clothes with my mouth, and ran behind the tree. I phased back and put the clothes on. It was a white tank top and black shorts and… bra and underwear? Jacob black did not just go through that draw. He will die. I stood in front of Jacob. Then I slapped him.

"OW! What the hell Bella? And since you are a wolf now, you have more strength so that hurt!"He yelled while rubbing his cheek.

"Good, that is what you get for looking at me naked and going through my bra and underwear draw." I stated. He smirked. He smirked? Grrrr. I walked over to Charlie, Billy, Sam, and Emily.

"He is going through the change. I wanna see if I can make it happen faster. Everyone stand far back." Everyone moved back as told including me.

"Hey Sam, guess you are pathetic and spineless since you still haven't phased. Why would Emily wanna be with you?"I said. He snapped and phased. He went to charge at me but I phased and tackled him to the floor. But not before quickly taking my clothes off. He calmed down and phased to human.

"Bella, how could you?" He said with hurt. I then went behind the tree, phased, dressed and came towards him.

"I didn't mean it I was just trying to make you mad." I said chucking him some clothes Jacob brought just in case. Jacob surprisingly brought clothes for everyone just in case. Sam got dressed and came to me and hugged me. "Thank you for your encouragement" he whispered in my ear. I nodded and smiled. Then Jacob started sweating. Another one?

"Get. Off. Her."Jacob growled. Sam backed up and everyone else did too because they knew what I was going to do.

"Why? I'd rather hug him than you." And surprisingly that was all it took and he phased. I snatched my clothes off and phased tackling Jacob who was going to attack human Sam. Sam couldn't phase tht good yet so that is why he was human. Jacob struggled against my grip. I licked the side of his face and he stopped struggling. He phased back to human and I quickly got off him. He out clothes on and smiled at my wolf form.

"Wow Bells already learned how to phase when she wants." My dad Charlie said. I once again went behind the tree, phased, and got dressed. We went to Jacob and Billy's house and hung out. Jacob, Sam, and I ate like no tomorrow. We figured it's a wolf thing. After hanging out I went home with dad and went to sleep.

How was it? Good? Bad? Readable?


Oh and if you want the next chapter I need to know if you guys want this to be


