I do not own Inuyasha and Co.

Chapter 12

A New Life Begins

(Lime Alert)

Naraku seethed as he arrived back at Hashima. He entered the back of the main building, where the holding cells were. He drifted up to the top floor and walked down the walkway to the very last cell in the corner. He unlocked the door, and an old woman lifted her head to gaze up at Naraku.

"Hello, have you been comfortable?"

Several hours later, Inuyasha was in the kitchen, stirring a pot of noodles. Still no word from Kagome, and no movement outside. He hadn't sensed anything unusual, and he figured Kagome was hungry. He decided to cook her Udon, with chicken, fishcakes, and vegetables. He grabbed a large bowl, a set of chopsticks, and a spoon.

He hadn't made Udon in years, but figured she would appreciate more sustenance than the usual ramen he'd normally end up cooking. He picked up a knife and the roll of fishcake, and sliced it into the soup. He picked up a carrot, and shaved it on the cutting board. He slid the shavings in, doing the same for various other veggies.

Once the noodles were done, he picked up the noodles and spooned them into the steaming broth. He pulled out another deep bowl and poured the excess into it for himself. He grabbed the tray, and set the bowl, chopsticks and spoon on it, with a steaming cup of steeped green tea.

He carried the tray of food down the stairs to the meditation room and set it down on the nearest wide ledge. He knocked and unlocked the door. He peeked his head in to see her still meditating with the jewel in her hands. Her eyes slowly inched open to see his face and ears peeking between the wall and the door. She giggled.

"I have some homemade Udon and green tea here for you. I figured you'd be hungry."

"Oh, thank you, Inu." She smiled and set the stone down on the pillow between her crossed legs.

He grabbed the tray and entered the room. He knelt down and gently set the tray of food on her lap. He stood and turned to leave when she said, "Inuyasha?"

He turned before leaving. "What is it?"

"You can eat with me, I kinda need a break."

"Okay, I'll bring my bowl down." He left the door cracked and headed upstairs.

Kagome smelled the bowl of Udon and her mouth watered. He took great care in the preparation. She scooped the broth, fishcake, and a chunk of chicken into her mouth, and was in heaven. She moaned as she chewed and savored. She closed her eyes and let her mouth enjoy the flavor. Inuyasha entered and closed the door as she enjoyed her moment of food-filled bliss. He settled down across from her on another pillow and was about to scoop up some of the broth and saw her savoring the food.

"I take it it's good?"

"Yes," she moaned out, and spooned another helping in her mouth.

He chuckled. "It's a simple recipe, nothing complicated about it."

"It's just the right taste, Inu. I love everything about it. You're a good cook." She licked her lips, and spooned more in.

He smiled and enjoyed a spoonful. She took a sip of the green tea and savored the natural taste. They both enjoyed their meal in silence for a few minutes, and then Inuyasha set his bowl down.

"So, have you found anything out yet?"

"Communication is difficult. The jewel seems to want to focus on what I want in this world."

"That's not what we're looking for."

"I know. I want for nothing. I just need to figure out what I need to do."

"Tell me what you know about the legend."

"Well, there's supposedly one wish to purify the jewel for all eternity, causing it to no longer exist, and I need to figure out what that wish is."

"Can't you just wish it out of existence?"

"Could it be that simple?"

"Well, that would be what I'd do, based on the legend. Why not be direct and see what happens?"

"I don't know. There are things that could be altered if I just wish blatantly like that."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, one thought that comes to mind is that of quantum physics; a fairly new fantastical scientific subject."

"I'm sorry, I don't follow."

"Well, it's the study of time travel, and how one event in the present, could alter both the future and the past if not handled correctly."

"OK, explain."

"For instance, say you wish the jewel never existed, then would you have gone through what happened in your past with Kikyo and Naraku? And if you did, and still meet, the circumstances would have been different, and in turn causing myself and my future to also be altered because of such a cavalier wish."

He lifted his left hand to his head and scratched his scalp. "Hmm… I see."

"So, the wish must be worded right."

They brainstormed in silence a few moments. Then Kagome broke the silence when she said, "I wonder if I should wish for the jewel to no longer exist in this world."

"Hmm… It could end up existing in a parallel world, though, right?"

"I don't know, but you have a good point." She thought for a moment. "I wonder what the outcome would be to request it to just disappear from this world forever."

"I don't know. It would be interesting to wish for the negativity within to be purified."

"Then it wouldn't be balanced. It's not like we can root for the Priestess fighting within the jewel to destroy the many demons stuck in there with her, while they feed off the pure energy she emits."

"Damn it."

"Hmm… I think I'm going to contemplate these questions, and see what I can do."

"OK. I'll leave you to it, then. I'll bring you food for dinner later."

He stood from the pillow and left. He closed and locked the door. 'Please, Kagome, I hope it doesn't take too much longer. I fear we're running out of time.'

Inuyasha entered the living room and looked out the large picture window to see Naraku out front, looking right at him, holding a knife to Kaede's throat. "Shit!"

He darted out the door and yelled, "Kaede!"

"Stay right there, Inuyasha."

He stopped a few feet from them. "You Bastard!"

"Inuyasha, always calling out names that reflect your own situation."

"Shut-up. Get your hands off Kaede! She's innocent!"

"That's not the issue here, and you know it. I am asking for an exchange. Someone you hold dear for the jewel. Hand it over, and she'll be let go unharmed."

"I will never hand you the jewel."

"In that case," he chuckled as he slid the blade slowly across the skin of her neck, lightly scratching her.

"No! Leave her alone!"

"You want her alive, then hand over the jewel."

"You think I'm going to give in that easily?"

She cried out at the pain as he cut further into her soft skin, and blood seeped to the surface. Inuyasha growled.

"You going to do something about it?"

'Come on, Kagome. Please!' Inuyasha grit his teeth as he rushed Naraku.

Kagome continued silently meditating with the jewel. She was enveloped in darkness, like a void. Before her was the jewel, hovering in space. "Have you decided on your wish?"

"Jewel, it is a hard decision for me to make, as I want for nothing in this world."

"That is not true. I can see into your heart. There is at least one thing you long for most."

"What is that?"

"The man in your heart."

"Yes, but he's already there. That wish has been fulfilled. Therefore, I want for nothing material."

"Then what immaterial wish do you have?"

"Shikon Jewel, you are the cause of so much grief in this world. People are fighting and dying over a chance to possess your power, and your power is not meant for this world."

"Go on."

"Jewel, I need to decide how best to handle you. It is not a simple wish to make."

"Then choose your words wisely, Priestess, and speak when ready."

She closed her eyes and went over the words and possibilities.

Outside, Inuyasha released Sankon Tessou at Naraku, slicing his hand off before he could cut Kaede any further.

"Duck, Kaede!" She knelt down and Inuyasha punched Naraku away from the woman.

Inuyasha stood tall between Kaede and Naraku, his claws turned upward, ready to strike. "You're not allowed to touch Kaede again."

Naraku chuckled as his hand grew back. "Clever move, Inuyasha."

"Kaede, go into the house where it's safe."

"Do you need your sword, Inuyasha?"

"Don't worry about it, Kaede, just get inside!"

"You think she will be safe in there from me?"

"Better than out here where you can inflict harm upon her. How the hell did you find her, anyway?"

"I had Igongoro watching, and he relayed the information to me. I then removed her from the home and took care of her myself after you rescued Kagome."

"Yeah, I bet you did. Nonetheless, a hostage move never works with me. You never learn anything new, do ya?"

"Neither do you, Inuyasha. I figured you would have learned a new trick or two yourself after all this time. I put too much faith in you, it seems."

"Tsch, what do you know?"

"I know you haven't fought any strong demons and stolen their power as of yet, not since we fought over the last Priestess."

"Yeah, well, there aren't any new demons to fight left. I killed them all, and they were all entirely too weak to steal anything worthwhile from."

"Sounds like you're about to die, then, Inuyasha. Prepare to meet your doom." He released his tentacles and the mouths opened to spew a cloud of miasma at him.

Inuyasha removed the bandana from his pocket and tied it over his mouth and nose. He rushed Naraku while he was cloaked by the purple cloud and slashed his claws at him. Naraku leapt back and Inuyasha kept swinging.

Kagome continued to work through the words and outcomes. It felt like forever since Inuyasha last left her. She knew they were running out of time, but had no knowledge as to what was happening outside the home.

Kaede made her way down the stairs and toward the meditation room. She unlocked the door and entered to see Kagome meditating with the jewel. She quickly closed and locked the door from the inside with a key. She took the seat opposite of Kagome and began to meditate. Soon, Kaede found herself in that same void, with Kagome and the jewel.


She opened her eyes and saw Kaede coming toward her.

"Kaede, you're here?"

"Yes, Naraku and Inuyasha are fighting outside the house. It's the safest in here. He cannot disturb us."

"What about Inuyasha?"

"He can hold his own, he's been fighting Naraku almost his whole life."

"Do you know what to do with the jewel? What the one correct wish is?"

"I do not, as no one has made that one correct wish. Over time, Priestesses who protected the dust, and tried to keep it from Naraku began to believe there was no correct wish. Only a vicious cycle that never ends."

"Has anyone tried to wish it from this world?"

"Yes, and it still came back. Our only chance is to protect the jewel and let Inuyasha handle Naraku."

"Jewel, what is your purpose for existing?"

"I exist as the symbol of balance between light and dark energies. I am the object that can be used for good or bad actions. I can be used to heal, purify, corrupt, and destroy. I am the center of everything concerning alignment of every spirit in existence."

Kagome and Kaede looked at each other. "Could wishing away this jewel's existence really be the answer? Could that cause imbalance in the world?"

"I do not know. The jewel is powerful, and can be used for good or evil, and will forever be fought over as long as it exists."

"What if it were no longer in solid form?"

"What do you mean?"

"What if the energy was released into the world to allow the world to regulate its own energy and create balance on its own?"

"If the energy is released into the world, then there would be no powerful object to pursue. Naraku's efforts will be in vain, and he'd have no way to gain power."

"Jewel, I have made my decision."


"I wish for your energy to be released from this present form. Release your energy and power into the world to be regulated by all the creatures upon this earth forever!"

The jewel shattered, and the pieces disintegrated into thin air, and were no more. Kagome and Kaede opened their eyes and hugged joyously.

Outside, Inuyasha and Naraku suddenly felt the earth rumble, and a surge of energy whipped through them like an energy wave. The trees rustled, and the grass bent in half. Suddenly, the new buds appeared on the nearby tree and opened within seconds, collecting the sunlight. The grass grew another inch, and birds began singing all around. Insects appeared from the taller grass, and filled the sky.

Naraku and Inuyasha looked all around at the shift in energy as the earth utilized the energy wave to become fuller, healthier, and more alive. The energy shifting around them was almost overwhelming.

Inuyasha smiled. "She did it." He closed his eyes and inhaled the sweet scent of the newly grown nature all around him.

"I can't believe it. The energy from the jewel has been released. How is this possible?"

"Ha, looks like you're not getting any stronger either, Naraku. So, let's finish this, once and for all!" He leapt toward Naraku and slashed away, knocking him back.

Then the garage door opened, and the sword was tossed his way. He whipped around, snatched the sword in mid-air, and landed on his feet. He drew his sword and amped up the power. Naraku readied himself to strike with his tentacles. Inuyasha swung his sword, launching the Kongo Souha his way. The spears of adamant pierced Naraku, cutting him to pieces. His sword turned black, and he shot a ball Naraku's way, and he was sent into the underworld by the Meido Zangetsuha, the technique he gained after the last Priestess he lost. Once the ball closed and vanished, Naraku was gone, forever. Inuyasha sheathed Tetsusaiga and Kagome walked up beside him.

"It's over. It's finally over."


He turned to look on Kagome. "You did it. What exactly did you wish for?"

"I asked the jewel what its purpose was, and I figured it out from there. It was a simple wish. I wished for the energy to be released to the earth, where it always belonged."

Kaede walked up to them. "Kaede, good, you're safe." He walked up and put his hand on her shoulder. "We need to take care of that."

"Pay no mind, it's just a flesh wound. It's not fatal."

"That's just like you." He said of Kaede, and they chuckled.

Later that day, Inuyasha cooked dinner for them out on the patio. The grill sizzled with fillets of fish. Kaede and Kagome sat at the round patio table shaded by a large umbrella. The tea they sipped was sweet, and refreshing.

Inuyasha watched the fillets turn a warmer color, and splashed marinade on them as it soaked in.

Kagome watched as the trees around slowed their growth, and the breeze picked up slightly. The backyard was filled with sweet natural smells such as flowers budding, new pine needles sprouting, and wildflowers that had bloomed nearby.

"The world is thanking you, Kagome. You released a renewed, pure energy upon the earth. Now the world can thrive, and no one entity can rule this planet."

"I can feel the joy in each breeze. It's amazing."

Inuyasha set the platter of grilled fish on the table between the women, and went into the kitchen.

Kaede watched as he went inside to gather the rest of the food. "Now Inuyasha can truly live."



"Naraku said that this sort of thing happened ten times."

"Yes, it did."

"Inuyasha never told me how many times he lost a Priestess. Why?"

"Because you were the reincarnation of the Ancient Priestess, Kikyo."

"And why does that stop him from telling me about the ten times he lost the Priestesses?"

"Because he didn't want you to awaken just yet."

Just as she finished the sentence, Inuyasha came back out onto the patio and set the rest of the food out.

"What does that mean?" Kagome asked Inuyasha as he sat down across the table from her.

"What does what mean?" He asked.

"That you withheld that this sort of thing with the extraction happened ten times previously because you didn't want me to reawaken?"

He leaned back in the chair and looked at Kaede. "What are you telling her that for?"

"Naraku's dead now. No one else seeks the jewel, as it is no more. She is the latest, surviving Priestess. She has a right to know."

Kagome looked his way. He ran his fingers over his chin and sat forward. He looked at Kagome and said, "It's true."

"OK, so what does that entail, exactly?"

"Look, can we eat and discuss this later? The fish is getting cold."

"Inuyasha…" Kaede gave him the look.

He sighed. "Kagome, come with me a moment."

They got up from the table, and she followed him further into the yard, almost to the trees. Kaede then got her pick of the fillets, the biggest, juiciest one.

Once they walked far enough away from Kaede, he turned her way. He looked her in the eyes with a serious disposition. "Kagome, I wasn't planning on talking to you about this subject until much later tonight, but she forced my hand."

"Why? What's wrong with now?"

He sighed and looked up a moment. Then his eyes met hers. "Kagome, this did in fact happen ten times prior. The thing is, since you're the Priestess who lived, I've never had to explain the full story. I only mentioned bits and pieces because it's such a long story."

"After Kikyo died the first time, she released me from the arrow of sealing, and told me what happened. We then set out to destroy Naraku. However, he got the best of me, as I had just found the Tetsusaiga at that point. He sensed that she was the jewel, as the dust from the burned jewel mingled with her ashes and bones from the pyre the day she died."

He crossed his arms and turned from her. "Naraku tried to take the dust from her body. He couldn't figure out any other way, but to burn her once again. I got there too late. She was a pile of ashes and he was sifting through them. As he sifted through the ashes, he told me of how she screamed as she was burned alive. Only problem was, as he sifted through her ashes, her spirit and the jewel dust dissipated, and he only collected a small amount."

Kagome gasped and tears welled up in her eyes.

"Then, the next time, years later, Priestess Aya was another chance finding. She was stronger than most Priestesses at the time. I found her by chance, and she spoke in a similar manner to me as Kikyo did. She looked hauntingly similar, and had similar mannerisms to Kikyo. She claimed she'd always been that way. When I told her my story of who I am, she immediately spoke of recognition, and things about me she shouldn't have known. Needless to say, I promised to protect her, and look after her. I felt the energy about her, and sensed she was Kikyo's reincarnation. Once Naraku got a hold of her, he did the same thing. He burned her, alive. To get more of the dust."

"Oh God, Inu…"

"He bested me again, and again, and again. I got to the point where I started to fight strong demons to strengthen my sword so I could stand a chance against him, and stop him from continuing to do what he was doing. It was a rough road."

His eyes looked to her. "And then you moved in next door."

"And I saw you."

He nodded. "Kagome, you're the one who lived."

"And Kaede was looked after because…"

"She is a Priestess who was a direct descendant of the villagers from the original village. It was my duty to look after her, and protect her as it was a possibility he might go after her, though he never did, until today."

"That's good that she is safe."


"Kagome, I am glad I found you, and I'm even happier that you lived."

"Me too, I'm glad you caused me to sprain my ankle that day." They laughed a moment. He held her hands and leaned in for a kiss. The kiss was tender, relaxed, and kind.

"Hey! Lovebirds! The fish needs to be tossed back on the grill!"

Their lips parted and they laughed at Kaede's words. He put his arm around her shoulders and walked her back to eat.

Later that evening, Kagome and Inuyasha decided to stay at Kagome's house, as Kaede was staying at the ranch. Inuyasha and Kagome felt it strange to be back in those walls without her mother there, but eventually got over it. They sat down and watched TV, and ate snacks. Kagome rested her back against Inuyasha's torso and chest as his arms held her close. They eventually ended up kissing and turning off the TV. After the kissing became needy, he lifted her into his arms once again, and walked her up the stairs to her bedroom, and laid her on the bed. He looked into her eyes.

"Let's finish where we originally left off the last day we were here."

"Yes, let's finish it."

"Kagome, I've waited too many years for this moment."

"I know, so have I."

He put his hand on her cheek and smiled. "Kagome, now that all that crap is over, and we only have the future ahead of us, would you…" His voice caught in his throat.

"Would I what?"

"Be my wife?"

She gasped. "Yes!" She wrapped her arms around his neck and sealed her answer with a kiss, and their night of passion as an engaged couple began, filling the house with lustful sounds as they once again, consummated their love that surpassed hundreds of years.