Confessions ch. 3

By Loveless1617

[Author's Note]: my apologies for reading through what seemed to be a hectic word puzzle for those who read the apparent mishap with my computer; otherwise, a screwup after i submitted the story. Either way, it's just edited for an easier read, so please do reread if it was a hassle before. Otherwise, please enjoy~

Chapter III

Wolfram stared back at Klaus with a blank look, before registering that Klaus had just asked him if he wanted to go to the masquerade ball; back to Blood Pledge Castle, the one place he swore he would never return to; to the one person he never, ever wanted to see again.

Especially since Yuuri will be looking for...

A new bride...

He blinked back a few times, before turning away.

"A-Are you joking? Why would I go back there?" Wolfram replied as calmly as he possibly could, then stood up to go slip into his nightgown.

"Well, I mean..." Klaus turned towards Wolfram. "It's just that... don't you want to see your family again? And the Maou..." Wolfram sharply turned around and slapped the invitation out of Klaus' hands.

"I don't want to go, especially not for the Maou." Wolfram spat in contempt, then turned around again towards their dressing room. "I don't regret leaving. You know that. So let's not talk about this anymore." He gritted his teeth, trying his best to calm himself down, but still...

Stop taking this out on him...

Klaus is just worried...

"I'm just saying, it still wouldn't hurt to-"

"Just drop it, Klaus! Like I said, I don't want to go!" Wolfram yelled, as he tried to walk away from Klaus.

"I just don't understand! It's not like I'm asking you to go to see the Maou! But don't you want to go back at all?"

"I don't." Wolfram muttered, as stifling as his voice came out to be. Wolfram slipped out of his white tunic and leather brown pants to change into something more comfortable. "Besides, I heard about his divorce already." Wolfram said, as he scanned through his clothes hanging in their closet.

"What?" Klaus asked, as he walked over and leaned against the closet door. "When?"

"It doesn't matter," Wolfram turned away. "I already knew. But so what? It has nothing to do with us." He slid his legs into the opening of his new, floral white nightgown and had Klaus tie the ends around his neck for him.

"...but your family's there too..." Klaus muttered, as he wrapped his arms around Wolfram's thin waistline. "They must be so worried." Wolfram bit his lips, but made every attempt to smile and look up into Klaus' eyes to reassure him, "It's fine." "Wolfram, I always felt terrible about taking you away from the place you grew up in; away from every single person you've loved and cared for. You didn't even mention where you were going in that letter to... Yuuri-heika... nor who you were going with. It's like I took you away-"

"I wanted you to." Wolfram cut in, while resting against Klaus' broad chest.

"I'm the one who asked you to." Though still tense from the topic of discussion, Wolfram did calm down a bit at the touch of his lover's warmth.

"But you miss it, don't you? Seeing your family, friends, and your daughter, Greta... Not to mention that I'm keeping you here in some isolated mansion in the middle of nowhere when you've always grown up around people. I don't want you to feel lonely." Klaus reached around Wolfram and carefully brushed his cheeks with his fingertips, before Wolfram took his hand and kissed it.

"I'm not lonely." Wolfram whispered, in all honesty, though there was something tugging at his heart when he mentioned the name of his beloved adopted daughter, Greta. "You've given me everything I wanted since we came and it's been more than I could have ever dreamed of. Because of you..." He emphasized.

"...I still would like it if you'd go see them. I'd like to meet your family too." Klaus insisted once more. "Please?" Klaus wrapped him in his arms and held him close, nearly squeezing him to death in his persistence.

"Fine," Wolfram admitted defeat with a groan. "For you, I'll let you meet my family. But we'll leave as soon as we do. No lingering around for too long, okay?"

"Yay~" Klaus tackled Wolfram down to the ground and profusely nodded with the happiest grin on his face that it made him feel guilty for not giving in any sooner. "I won't!" Klaus agreed.

"Now then, go to sleep!" Wolfram kicked him away and then sent him to their bed first. "I'll go wash up first," He turned around and headed straight for the bathroom. After closing the door and locking it behind him, he looked down at the floor. Leaned against the door.

Tilted his head back a bit.

And then, cried softly.

"Why, Yuuri? Why now...?" He murmured through his tears.

Wolfram sighed, as he blankly stared out the window of Klaus' carriage that carried them both the long distance back to the place he grew up in.

"Wolfram, are you tired?" Klaus asked, to which Wolfram only shook his head and continued to stare out the window. And Klaus was truly worried that going back might've not been the best choice to make at such a time-especially because it probably would've still hurt his lover to see his old fiancee blatantly searching for a new wife.

But I want to receive his family's blessing for the two of us to marry before proposing... Klaus thought, as he watched his lover in complete adoration of his beauty-as Wolfram carefully leaned back against the cushioned seat he sat in and ran his fingers through the fine locks of his beautiful, golden hair; then slightly loosened his shirt by undoing the top few buttons of his linen shirt, as the heat of the season began to scorch through. Wolfram was obviously a beauty, but it only became more obvious in the radiating sunlight that shined on his porcelain white skin and beautiful green eyes, amongst many attributable features. Indeed, his lover's beauty was truly something to admire-

It's really a wonder why the Maou couldn't see...

At the same time, Wolfram too was thinking of the Maou... He couldn't fathom why Yuuri would separate from him for someone who had only betrayed him in the end. But he couldn't blame him.

That woman...

Just what on earth had she done to him,

so much that he'd want to break it off with her?

And a royal engagement, no less.

There's probably another man and a child involved...

Honestly, Yuuri, what did I tell you?

If it was me, whom you had married, I would've-

Wolfram mentally kicked himself.

No, no, it was too late to think of that now.

And besides, I have Klaus now-

Wolfram turned away from the window and stared lovingly at his lover:

He's just so handsome...

And honest, kind, trustworthy...

Everything about him is just so lovable.

Of course, he takes his "hobby" a bit too far at times,

but how can I blame him?

It's Klaus' fault that I'm also...

"Why are you staring at me so intently?" Klaus asked, with a devilish grin.

"E-Eh? What are you talking about?" Wolfram flustered a bit, then looked away. "I'm just-"

"Are you feeling it right now?" Klaus asked, in his low, husky voice that he knew Wolfram absolutely loved. Klaus slid his leg against his with an ever so seductive and teasing manner that Wolfram just didn't know what to do, aside from blushing as usual.

"W-What are you talking about? Don't be obscene, we're still outside." Wolfram slid across his seat so that they were no longer directly in front of the other.

"Oh? But you sure seemed to like it," Klaus confronted. "or am I wrong? I really doubt it though, since I know every face you make and what it means. Like right now, for instance," Klaus yanked at his arm and pulled him onto his lap.

"What are you doing? There's no room in here for that, Klaus! Stop it~" Wolfram blushed, trying to slap his hand away.

"You get all red like that whenever you're thinking of the dirty things I'm going to do to you," Klaus started, as he slid his hands over his chest. "And then you make a face like you're going to cry whenever you feel good," Klaus lifted his chin with the other hand, as if to observe. "And you're certainly tearing up right now."

"S-Stop it, I'm not~" Wolfram whispered, trying to keep his voice down so that the driver wouldn't hear. But he instantly knew he was going to have his way with him.

"And then, you make the most beautiful face in the world when you beg me," Klaus continued on to slide his hands over his body, making it hard for Wolfram to stop him.


"Your cries, they're the best in the world. So dirty and lewd, I can't help but give in to you for that, you know? What is it you always beg for, in the end? Hm?"

"Aah... I... I don't... want to say it..." Wolfram moaned, pulling away from Klaus' hands and trying to push him away. "Stop it, it's embarrassing," He cried, though it was a weak argument in itself.

"You sure? So even if I'm about to make you cum," Klaus unbuttoned Wolfram's pants and slid his hands inside, stroking and rubbing at the hard erection in his pants. "And you feel so good with what I do to you,"

"Aaaah!" Wolfram let out a high-pitch cry at the feel of his hands doing all sorts of things to his body.

"You still won't want to beg me?"

"N-No..." "But then again, I guess that you look even prettier when you orgasm," Klaus smiled.

"Aaah, nn... y-you're being again..." Wolfram cried.

"Don't worry, I'll behave on this trip. Just for now, let me do this..." Klaus leaned over for a kiss-a breathy, passionate, and messy kiss that drove Wolfram over into orgasm. And as Wolfram writhed and came all over their seat, Klaus stole another quick kiss, fearing that it could be their last one in private.

Because even though he was the one who wanted to take Wolfram back in order to meet his family, there was still the question...

How would the Maou handle all of this?


Of course, there was always the fact that it was he who dumped Wolfram.

"Wolfram? Wolfram?" Cheri-sama ran towards the carriage which had arrived. Conrad held her back, wanting her to wait at his side along with the others: Gunter, Gwendal, Greta, Gisela, Anissina...

After a moment or two, the door opened and a lone figure stepped out of the carriage.


"My name is Klaus von Eichel, my Lady," Klaus bowed.

"Oh...?" Klaus opened the door a bit further, as if waiting for someone. And they all looked: staring at the dark entryway of the carriage which hid whoever was about to (whenever he decided was the right time) to step out. Then finally, Wolfram stepped out of the carriage with Klaus' help.

"Oh, Wolfram~" Cheri-sama silently wailed into her hands, as she saw how beautiful and healthy he appeared to be: his hair was just a tad bit longer than how he usually kept it before at shoulder length, but still as golden and full of light as it had always been. His eyes, which sparkled quite beautifully in the light of day, shone brighter than ever before.

"Wolfram!" Greta ran towards her father, who was and always will be her father, and jumped into his arms in tears.

"Greta..." Wolfram knelt so that he was level-headed with his daughter and let her bury her face into his chest. "I wanted to see you so much..." He gently cooed, as he rocked her back and forth.

"I missed you so much, Papa Wolf!" She cried, still lovingly calling him by his pet name when she was still a small child, just two years ago. "I wanted to *hic* see you! But you never *hic* came!"

"I'm sorry," He murmured, apologetically. "I'm sorry..."

And as the others came forward to reunite with their beloved son, brother, friend, student, Conrad stepped forward to greet Klaus, who had only stood there in a solemn stance.

"Nice to meet you, Lord von Eichel. I'm Wolfram's older brother, Conrad." Klaus shook hands with him and nodded,

"It's an honor to meet with you too."

"I assume you've been... helping my younger brother recuperate for the past two years." Expecting a violent rage for keeping him in solitude, Klaus prepared himself for the worst. But Conrad only quietly stated, "Thank you for doing so." Klaus nodded once more.

"It wasn't a problem..."

And as Cheri-sama always had done in every occasion, she uplifted all of their spirits by having the two join the rest for a quick tea and snack break out by the garden before the main ball. With introductions to make, stories to share, and laughter, they all joined in what seemed to be a reunion of sorts-never once letting the fact that they've been separated for the past two years hinder whatever catching up they had to do, to which Wolfram was eternally grateful.

But that was just between them.

Across from the gazebo where they sat to drink their cool, ice tea and up behind the large, glass window of their Office and occasional meeting room, a lone figure stood watching with an unreadable expression upon his face...

"Wolfram..." He silently mouthed.

"Oh, Wolfram! You should wear this outfit for the party! Or maybe this one? Which one should he wear?" Cheri-sama asked Klaus, as he stood at attention in her bedroom beside Wolfram.

"All are fine choices, my lady." Klaus politely smiled.

"You're being too polite, Klaus," Wolfram scolded. "He's not usually like this," He commented, after turning towards his mother.

"Really?" Cheri-sama raised her brow. "And how would you usually act around my son?"

"He always acts like a know-it-all. He's arrogant and takes whatever he wants, whenever he wants." Wolfram pouted. Cheri-sama laughed good-heartedly and nodded.

"All fine qualities to look for in a man of keen intellect; or in any man at all, I suppose."

"Why thank you," Klaus laughed too, as he put Wolfram in a headlock. "Now is that all you wanted to say about me, or am I going to have to punish you?"

"For god's sake, Klaus, my mother-!" Wolfram blushed. But when he held on tighter, Wolfram quickly added, "okay, okay, I was kidding about before! He's an amazing and a very nice man." Klaus immediately let go and kissed the top of his head.

"Geez, trying to make a bad impression of me in front of your mother..." Klaus pulled at his cheeks. "If you keep acting up, I'll take you home right away!" Cheri-sama laughed.

"Oh! You two are just so adorable together! It's a shame I had to miss the progress between the two of you!"

"Yes, it really is a shame. You know, it took Wolfram nearly an entire month to get used to-"

"That's enough!" Wolfram covered Klaus' mouth, for fear of sharing every intimate detail of their life. "Go get changed!" He kicked Klaus off to the side and sent him flying into the closet.

"Okay, okay, I'm going to change." Klaus went into their closet for the clothes he laid out for the ball. And as he slipped out of his clothes and slipped on the white shirt and the tailored jacket so he bought recently, he noticed something falling out of his pocket.

A small box...

He picked it up and opened it, revealing a ring crested with a large gem that sparkled. He quickly closed it when he heard Cheri-sama run in and yell, "Hurry up, Klaus! We're leaving now!"

And with that, he put it back into his jacket pocket.

The right opportunity will come soon enough;

And when it does, he's going to take it.

Wolfram took a sip of the champagne at his hand, while walking around at his lover's side. Klaus proved to be quite the smooth-talker with the ladies and quite the initiative businessman in the realm of the aristocrats. And he was indeed proud of every minute Klaus had talked up some business deal in trade or created connections with the Lords of the Ten Nobles. Now if only his heart didn't race at every trumpet call that was made in announcing the next arriving guest...

For every single time, he couldn't help but lash around to take a quick peak at who he thought could be Yuuri.

But it always wasn't.

How like you, to deny me your presence even now.

But Wolfram tried to keep a positive light on all of this. For he was the single most happiest man by having one of the most accomplished, and more importantly, the right man beside him.

Klaus was just perfect.

And he needed that.

Wolfram took another sip of his drink, until he nearly choked at the sound of the entire trumpet band play their horns, signaling that this was it. Pressing tightly into the palm of Klaus' hands, he turned to face the door, like every other guest in the main ballroom.

"I now pronounce unto you, his Majesty, the Maou, Yuuri Shibuya heika!" The royal herald called, and the grand doors opened for the man behind them to step forward. A tall, refined man with long black hair, dark eyes in a stark black suit stepped out and all the guests clapped at his presence.

And without any warning, the two made eye-contact for the first time in two years- His eyes, gleaming with all the radiance, childish innocence, and utmost affection in the world, seemed to pierce right through him.

Yes, this was the man Wolfram was still madly in love with.

[End Chapter]