Author Note: …it all comes about…


Chapter 28 – It's Showtime!


Brooke's mom was babysitting so she could attend the party. She was also Eric's buffer in case any of the Point Place group got out of hand. She wasn't afraid to get a little dirty. Jackie wore a beautiful sapphire gown and strappy heels. She made sure that Brooke had a guest pass so she could get in and out of the studio.

Eric was feeling sort of like a celebrity. Jackie had a seat for him in the mezzanine and Brooke sat with him while the rest of the crowd sat far below. Jackie and Tony stood at the entrance and welcomed each guest with a glossy picture autographed by Able Strong. When Jackie saw Red and Kitty step forward she took a deep breath. That meant her old friends weren't far behind.

"Mr. Forman! You look so handsome!" Jackie exclaimed. She gave Red a kiss on the cheek and he nearly blushed. "Okay, enough of that mushy stuff – let's watch this movie so I can get my beer."

Jackie laughed, "You are in the third row. You are my special guests." Kitty stepped forward and took Jackie's hand. "Oh!" she exclaimed looking at the bigger diamond.

"Did he?" Kitty dared to ask.

Jackie smiled, "Yes he did. Oh, don't forget your picture."

Kelso and Fez stepped up next. "Jackie….you're looking as AWESOME as I remember." Kelso grinned. "Hello Michael." She replied. "You're looking just as handsome as ever. Fez, you look good in gold."

"Well, it's not everyday my beautiful friend helps produce a motion picture!" Fez said excitedly. Jackie handed Fez a picture of the movie star. "Watch for the beach scenes. We filmed those here." She whispered.

Donna was right behind Fez. "Jackie….god, you look so beautiful." Donna couldn't help but catch a glint from Jackie's diamond ring. She grabbed her hand, "It's lovely. Who's the lucky guy?"

Jackie smiled. "Somebody on the crew – I'd rather not go into detail right now….I'm working." She said simply, "There's a seat for you in the fourth row." Jackie handed an autographed picture of Able Strong."

She looked up to see Steven Hyde wearing his best pair of faded jeans and a button up shirt. He had shaved and wasn't wearing his glasses. Jackie waited for the old feelings to surface but nothing. All she could think about was Eric and Brooke up on the mezzanine waiting for her. "How are you Steven?"

"Damn Jackie. You look….you look amazing." He leaned forward for a kiss but Jackie sidestepped. "Where's your wife?" she said in a hushed tone.

He grimaced. "Seems like I wasn't really married after all. Samantha's legal husband tracked her down and took her back to Vegas. Looks like you're doing good."

Jackie handed the Able Strong photo. "I'm living my dream Steven. You have a seat in the fourth row." Jackie watched him walk down between the seats to sit with the Point Place friends and she breathed a sigh of relief. After all the invitees were seated and the doors were shut, she hurried to the stage to meet Tony.

Hyde couldn't get over how beautiful Jackie looked. She was poised and well spoken and mature. This wasn't the same girl that wanted a commitment from him nearly a year ago. The sparkle from her engagement ring winked at him and he swallowed hard. Jackie had found someone? She really wasn't coming back – as much as he hoped, it wasn't happening.

Tony picked up a microphone and tapped it to get the audience attention. "Ladies and Gentlemen; if we can have your attention for a minute please? The movie will start shortly but our supervisors are making us do this." There was a smattering of laughter. Jackie picked up her mike. "Without telling you what the movie is about, we would just like to point out that all beach scenes and explosions were filmed here and in our Chicago studios. The names of the crew members will be in the credits."

Tony continued, "Yes folks, that was Jackie Burkhart and I'm Tony Becker. My crew worked tirelessly to complete this film on schedule and on budget so please remain seated until the credits are over."

Kelso whispered to Fez, "Cool, explosions."

Fez whispered back "Beach scenes. Bathing beauties."

Red whispered behind him, "It's a damn movie. Shut it."


The movie started playing and Jackie sought out her seat next to Eric and Brooke. Eric put an arm around Jackie's shoulder as the movie started.

Able Strong and Margaret were star-crossed lovers who several times, missed each other by chance, once in Monte Carlo at the gaming tables. They were both in a commuter train accident ending up in the same hospital – their rooms across from each other and still didn't know. A telegram from Able sent Margaret to Florida for the famous tryst on the beach.

When the beach scenes started there was a loud cheer from the crew members that sat among the audience members. Eric was amazed at how the camera filmed a perfect beach scene and he remembered creating the fake shadows and being buried in the sand.

When the boat exploded, the audience was startled at how real it seemed and Eric was proud of his lightning effects. The Coast Guard rescue of the unconscious Able Strong was very realistic and when Margaret fell to her knees sobbing for the dying character, Jackie could see Kitty and Donna wiping their eyes.

The end of the film was a collage of missed romantic moments between the main characters and the theatrical score was a popular tune. The audience stayed seated and Tony jogged to the stage. "Keep your eyes on the Chicago and Wisconsin film locations."

Red glanced up as the credits rolled:

Produced By:

Kathleen Dubois…...Production Manager Mid West

Jacqueline Burkhart...Asst Production Coordinator Mid West

Giovanni Goldsman…..Line Producer – Italy

Production Management:

Tony Becker…. Set Manager Mid West

Debbie Kiernan….Unit Production Manager – France

Lucas Winters…Post-Production Supervisor

Sound Department:

Wes Banks….. .Sound Engineer Mid West

Eric Forman…...Asst Sound Engineer Mid West

Kit McLeod….Asst Sound Engineer Mid West

Camera and Electrical Department:

Tony Becker…Head Technician Mid West

Wes Banks…..Grip

Eric Forman….Rigging Gaffer

Red Forman blinked. Did he just see his sons name twice in the credits? Was there a second Eric Forman or was he just missing his boy? It was certainly nice to see Jackie's name up on the big screen but he needed that beer now. Red looked over at Kitty who was smiling at the screen with happy tears flowing down her face.

Kelso was pointing at the screen, "Hey, they must have went to Africa cuz that's Eric's name up there!"

Hyde frogged him in the shoulder, "Quiet man, we're in a theater. Besides, Forman's thousands of miles from here."

Donna saw Eric's name and it created ambivalent feelings for her. She dumped Eric for Randy and Randy dumped her for no reason. Now she was seeing Eric Forman on a freaking movie screen. How had her life got to this point?

In the mezzanine, Brooke was clapping and cheering while Jackie and Eric kissed to their success. "Can you believe that almost eight months ago we didn't know what we were doing?" Jackie whispered in his ear.

Eric pressed his cheek to hers. "I would do it again in a heartbeat."

Brooke looked at the pair, "You guys are killing me with romance. Jackie, don't you have a party to start? I'll bring Eric around the back way."

Eric added, "We'll be waiting in Cathy Ambler's studio show."


The premiere party had champagne and bodyguards and police at the door keeping out the riffraff. Red got his beer and a nice plate of expensive appetizers. He and Kitty had their picture taken beside a huge prop telephone before Brooke grabbed their arms. "Jackie has a surprise waiting for you in the next set.

"Oh, this is The Cathy Ambler Show!" Kitty exclaimed. Brooke had Red and Kitty sit on the guest couch. The set lights suddenly came on and Kitty giggled, "Do I get to meet Miss Ambler?"

Brooke laughed softly. "Just hang on while I find the rest of the group."

In the back behind the set, Jackie was a bundle of nerves. "Oh Eric, are we doing the right thing?"

Eric held her shaky hands. "Jackie, we just made a movie and did you hear the applause? We were just a small part of a bigger team. Me and you. Right now, no one can break up our team right?"

She smiled. "No. We started this together when no one had any faith or confidence in us…." She looked into his green eyes. "I love you Eric. I'm not saying this to make you feel good. I just want you to know that even if those people on the other side of that wall hate what we did….the lie….I would do it again in a heartbeat just like you said. To go from where we were….to where we are now? I don't want to go backwards."

Eric tugged on a lock of brown hair. How did he get so lucky? "I love you too and you know what?"

She grabbed the lapels of his suit and pulled him closer. "What's that?"

He tipped her chin. "Someday…not tomorrow or even next week. I want us to be engaged for real. Not a pretend engagement to help us with our future…I want a future with you with a real house and real children."

"You already have that. When you proposed in the jewelry store I couldn't imagine a future without you in it."

Eric's lips curled into a smile. "Really? Are you sure? You picked me?" He lifted Jackie into the air and gave her a spin. "I love you Eric. There's no pretending or movie magic. Just Eric and Jackie magic. Let's go get this done. I want to go home and be with you."


Brooke had finally rounded up all the friends and they were sitting impatiently in Cathy Ambler's guest seats. The remaining set lights brightened and Brooke clapped her hands.

"Hello everyone. Jackie has a big surprise for everyone. Give her a minute to get up on the set."

Brooke waited until Jackie stepped up on stage and sat on the corner of the talk show hostess's desk. Brooke disappeared offstage while Jackie set up the reveal.

"I hope everyone liked the movie." She smiled calmly. She saw Tony and Wes walking across the set floor to just outside the lights. "Okay, if everyone is ready, here he is our guest of honor….Eric Albert Forman."

Brooke steered Eric behind Cathy's desk. He swallowed the lump in his throat and said. "Hey dad. I really missed you." The sound stage was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Red looked at the man who called him dad - this tall muscled man with great posture and confidence. He looked like Eric and sounded like Eric but Red wasn't going to be fooled.

"Dad, I never went to Africa."

Red's eyes got big. "You never….where the hell did you go?" The Point Place friends were speechless.

Eric smiled at Jackie and turned back to his dad. "I've been working in Chicago and going to school. I'm becoming an electrician."

Fortunately, Tony and Wes stepped forward holding out their hands. "Mr. Forman, may I say what a pleasure it has been working with your son on this last movie. He's a great employee and when he gets his journeyman's certificate he'll be making some pretty big money."

Wes shook Red's hand. "Congratulations on the future daughter-in-law also – I work with Eric everyday and he's a good guy to have on the team."

Red didn't know these guys but felt some pride in their words. He looked at the man who used to be his skinny lethargic son. "You learned a trade?"

Eric grinned, "A couple of them. You saw the explosions and the lighting? That was me."

Red nearly smiled but Kitty jumped up and hugged both men. "My two guys are finally together."

Red frowned. "You're not moving back home are you?"

Eric laughed, "No, I have my own place with my fiancée."

Hyde and Donna said, "What?"

Jackie walked over to the desk and Eric wrapped an arm around her waist. "We're engaged - have been for a while. We have some stories to tell you!"

Kelso and Fez were nearly giggling with excitement. "Our friend is back. Wait, how did he not go to Africa?"

Brooke smiled at Michael. "They cancelled his trip at the last minute. He moved to Chicago."

Kelso frowned. "You knew?" Donna and Hyde looked at Brooke also.

Brooke laughed. "You did too. In fact, you met him at a restaurant. That's Bertha."

Fez covered his eyes. "I tried to pick up Eric? Oh, he's an ugly woman!"

Eric, holding Jackie's hand, walked over to his buddies. "Guys, if you remember way back when…you saw Sonny and Cher driving through town….."

Kelso laughed, "That was you guys? Oh what a great burn!" Fez gave Eric a one armed hug. "Glad you're back Eric."

Eric walked to Hyde, "Hey, I was never really gone but I heard about your marriage…I heard it was cancelled. Just want to make sure you're not going to interfere in mine."

Hyde looked at Jackie's face and wished that her smile was for him and not Forman, but this was not the Jackie he used to care about. This was a new woman. "Dude, no problems. I wish you the best of luck."

Eric faced Donna. "You broke up with me. It doesn't matter where I was; it was just something that was going to happen. I realize that you and I were only meant to be high school flames. I want to make sure that maybe in the future we can be friends."

Donna wished that it was her that could make Eric that happy but like Hyde, she could only wish him luck. This was not her Eric Forman. This was a grown up version of the boy she used to love.

Kitty laughed excitedly. "I have my family back!" She hugged and kissed Red and Eric on the cheeks. "Oh, Jackie get over here! You are going to be family too!"

Brooke stood back and watched the happy family reunion. The big lie that she was a part of turned out to be a small fib. Eric and Jackie just needed to grow up and to do that they needed to leave behind the people that held them back.

It was the same with Michael. It seemed like he lost IQ points when he hung around the basement and then when he was with Betsy and Brooke, he was the smartest man alive.

Jackie and Eric were saying good bye to his parents as the rest of the gang left. "Brooke, we couldn't have done this without you." Eric said kissing her cheek.

"Oh, it was my pleasure." Brooke said slightly embarrassed.

Jackie grinned. "Well, Eric and I are getting married for real and I want you to be my maid of honor….when we decide on a date."

Brooke laughed, "I knew it! You guys loved each other a long time ago. I saw it and I knew it was just a matter of time."

Eric smiled. "I keep surrounding myself with smart women, why is that?"

Jackie tugged his arm. "Let's go, we're having lunch at your parents house tomorrow."

Brooke waved, "Michael's taking me to my mom's tonight. I'll be moving out next week. We finally have our apartment." She said happily before running after Kelso..

Eric sighed. The big lie….it wasn't really a lie at all. It was the truth and he would happily do it again and again.

Jackie kissed his cheek. "Are you ready? We have a future to start Forman."

Eric gave her a pat on the rump. "Yeah…I was just thinking about that. Do you want a boy or a girl….in the future?"

Jackie wrapped an arm around his waist and rested her cheek against his shoulder, "How about one of each? In the future?"

"I'd like that. I love you."

"I love you too. Let's go home okay?" Those were the sweetest words Eric had heard in a long time.

"Let's go before I do something inappropriate."

Jackie laughed, "In this dress? I know a place where we can be as inappropriate as you want."

The pair held hands and ran off the stage into the darkness of the set giggling like two love struck teens.

There would be a baby or two in the future.

That would not be a lie!

The End

A/N: Thank you so much to all my regular readers and you new ones too! I appreciate every story alert and favorite author alert.

This was a fun ride and it needed to end so I can move on to my next.

Hope to see you there!
