a.n/ I got this idea from when Kristen said in an interview that she had a really hard time with the break-up scene in New Moon. This is by no means about making fact or fiction about either Robert or Kristen. This is purely for fun.

This not real! This is just fiction, that I intend to use for entertainment purposes only. So please be kind. I am honoring all the hard work Robert and Kristen put into their work and how much it means to their fan base.

I hope you like it! I'm also not saying Robert and Kristen are together...though I have my thoughts made up from evidence...(wink) (wink)!

Leave a review to show you care! I love you all so much, and I hope you aren't having a suck-ish weather weekend like I'm having.

That is all...now, enjoy!

Kristen's POV

I found myself wandering back into my trailer on set. It had been an exhausting week on set, and this day was no different from any other. My call time was at 5:30 in the morning and I had gotten very little sleep last night rehearsing for the scene we were to film today.

I wiped my sleepy eyes, trying to wake up. If I got makeup on my mustard yellow coat Lana, the costume designer would get very mad at me.

I nestled into the small couch in my cozy trailer. The heat was on because it wasn't very warm outside. The blanket on the back of the couch looked inviting so I pulled in over me and snuggled in.

A lot of things were on my mind. I hated being torn so many ways. A soon to be ex kept on calling. He didn't believe in all the tabloid rumors, but it was getting to him. What would happen when he found out the just of them were true?

I shook the thought out of my head as a guilty tear rolled down my face. I didn't do anything wrong. Michael and I are separated even though he seems to think that means still together...

I had to let go of my ties to him, shut him out completely if I wanted to move on. Right then, I let sorrow over take me. Things always got better before they got worse. I sobbed, for everyone I was hurting. I felt so idiotic to believe I could have it all. Life never let you have it all.

I don't know how long I lay there. Time passed, the clock ticked...and soon I forgot about being on set. My mind was blank, empty, numb.

Three steady knocks on the door froze me.

"Kris, we have to get to set." Said a delicious British accent. I shrunk even more into the blanket, realizing I didn't lock the door.

I felt defeated so I called out to him, "It's not locked." It wasn't technically an invite.

The door pushed open and he stood there. Of course, looking dashing in the late afternoon light.

His face feel when he saw my puffy eyes. He looked down, like he always did when he was unsure.

After a couple moments of silence he bent down next to me.

"What's wrong?" He spoke sliding my hair out of my face. My grimace told it all.

"I'm just getting emotionally ready of the scene." I lied. His eyebrows tightened...he knew I was lying. He always knew when I was.

"Your lying." He let a soft smile escape, "I don't know why you try. I can read you like a book."

This made me cry more. What's wrong with me? I needed to get it together.

"I don't know what's happening to me?" I sobbed into his chest as I pulled him closer.

He rubbed my back and told me, "Nothing is." He whispered. After crying I kept my head against his chest totally content.

"Why can't it always be like this?" I didn't know I had said it out loud.

"Like what?"

"So serene. So calm, with no worries."

"Everyone has worries." He looked me square in the eyes, "What's really bothering you?"

I collapsed again, "My life and my choices." I sighed, swinging my feet to an upright position. Vertigo hit me like a wave and I had to rube my temples.

"Look at my phone." I slide it into his palm. He would have to see it for himself. I studied his face while he read the 30 text messages to himself.

"That's really rotten." That's all?

"Really rotten? Rob, I'm throwing my life down the toilet for you."

"I never asked you to." He said steadily taking my hand.

"You didn't have to." I said in a shy voice looking at our hands intertwined. It felt perfect, like the way I wanted forever to feel.

"Your right. I didn't. But I should of. I feel horrible for doing this to you."

"Hardly. You didn't do anything." I paused, "We are blaming our selves for everyone else's actions. It's out of our hands." Suddenly power over took me and I knew what I needed to do.

I got up and pushed past him, "Where are you going?" He asked, bewildered.

"To fix everything."

I pulled out my cell phone when I was out of ear shot from the cast and crew. I delivered my verdict to him, "We're over." I simply said, and then shut my phone. It felt good, I felt free. Free of any bindings.

I walked back to Rob and threw my arms around his neck as he pulled me close.

"I broke it off...for good." I paused to press my nose into his collarbone, "He crossed the line to many times, and besides I know who I want." I never heard myself speak like that. Usually as Bella, but this voice was knew. It was love.

Rob's trademark grin smiled down at me. "As long as your sure...I'm sure."

I laughed, "You should be sure, because I just gave up my rep for you." I joked as he loosened his grip on me.

"C'mon let's get to set." I took his hand and pulled him to the woods.

A year and two months later...

"Rob, the boxes don't go in there." I ordered. He peaked around the door.

"Where do you want these." He was carrying two large moving boxes and looked adorable with his new haircut.

"In here...I think." I was in my bedroom putting Rob's clothes into my closet...it felt nice to slide his leather jacket next to mine. It felt right.

Jella my cat sat purring at my feet. He bent down and rubbed his ear. Jella purred in delight.

"Hey pretty baby." He cooed.

"Why thank you!" I slide my arms around his neck, he slide his around my waist.

"I was talking to your cat, but okay." He shrugged pecking me on the lips.

"You mean our cat?" I giggled. "He's your's now too. If you live here, you take care of him."

"Fine, but we have to get a dog next." I stepped back.

"No! No dogs. Jella doesn't like them." I complained.

He looked sad and picked up the boxes and began to run. "Where are you going?" I called.

"Moving out...you won't let me have a dog." I caught him by surprise and jumped on his back. The boxes tumbled to the floor.

"Now you've done it!" He laughed as he ran down the large staircase and into the living room where he dumped me on the couch. I pulled him close to me, "Fine. Whatever makes you happy." He knew he had won. I loved joking with Rob, he always knew how to have fun.

He looked at his watch, "Shoot. I gotta go to set for a prep meeting." I frowned,

"When will you be back?" I didn't want to unpack things alone. Boring!

He kissed my forehead and grabbed his coat and shoes.

"Probably eleven or midnight. We'll see. I love you!" He called looking around for the script.

"On the table." I pointed, "Love you too." And he was out the door.

9 hours later...midnight

I poured myself some coffee and situated myself on the bed. I had recently bought Robert a pillow to go next to mine. A warm feeling spread through me. I liked that, lying next to him while he slept every night.

The television had nothing good on, as usual. Then I turned to ABC family and Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire was on. It was near the end and Cederic (Rob's character was in the scarey maze).

I remembered crying when he died and then I drifted into sleep.

I woke to someone's lips on my face. I looked up sleepily to find Rob smiling, his lips inches from my face.

"Sorry to wake you. I just got in." I just nodded as he took the mug in my clutch and put it on the bedside table.

"How did it go?" I asked snuggling into the plush satin comforter.

"Fine, it was funny one of my cast mates kept on cracking jokes the whole time."

"I'm glad you had a good time." I smiled with my eyes closed.

He kissed my cheek and then got ready for bed.

I felt his weight next to me and I flipped over into his embrace.

"I could get used to his every night." He spoke into my ear, and I inched closer. I felt at home, he was my home.

"Mmmm, so could I." I said into his chest.

I feel asleep to his soft hands rubbing my back to sleep. Yes, I could definably get used to this...