Hey everyone!
Woop first time making a story, so please no flames or anything ^0^

Disclaimer: I do NOT own the characters-owned by CLAMP- the wonderful..amazing..CLAMP *bows*

Please please reveiw, im curious to know what you think of it ^-^


Act 1:

"You mean the world to me, I'm not letting you go just because your parents won't accept us." He put his hands across my cheeks, I breathed in and out slowly.

"But Colin, how can we stay this way? You know I don't like lying to my parents." I held back my tears.

"We'll figure this somehow. But for right now, l-"

"Colin, please," I put my hands on his wrists. "You mean so much to me, but...what if..."

My voice cracked and his amber eyes pierced right into mine. He started leaning closer, I nervously closed my eyes and-


I quickly blinked and glanced at the teacher.

"Good job you two. Rehearsal is over, you may get going home now. We'll rehearse again tomorrow.

" I took my hands off his arms and he let go of my face.

"Better going, you don't want to get lost do you?" He asked with sarcasm.

"Oh just get run over by a car." I hissed and bumped right past his shoulders. "Oops.." I snickered, "My bad." and picked up my bag. "Goodbye...'Li'" I waved in a romantically-sarcastic way...is that even a word?

"Goodnight, 'Kimonoto'"And did the same, sarcastic thing.

I left the school auditorium and headed to home. That boy seriously needs to be taught some respect! I cannot stand him..at all. I kicked some stones that were scattered across the sidewalk.

The sun was setting, creating an orange and yellow glow painted across the sky. I could never get over how pretty the skies are druing sunsets. Fumbling through my pockets to get the key out, I stepped onto the welcome mat of my home. Just a nice, small, average-sized house.

After finally getting the key out, I poked it into the hole of the doorknob and twisting it a few times. But dang, this house wouldn't mind some quick fixer uppers. The door budged open and I walked in, not forgetting to wipe my feet.

The sweet smell of freshly baked cookies filled throughout the house.

"I'm home!" I shouted, walking to the living room and threw my bag onto a small table between the couches.

My small and fragile grandma walked into the living room from the kitchen. "Ah Sakura." I smiled and gave her a small kiss on the cheek.

My family, and I mean my whole family, mother, brother, father, all died in a house fire when I was very young. I was in a daycare, yes that young, so that's apparently the reason I was the only one left.

The police left me with grandma, the only family I have left. She has always been like a mother to me, I never knew my real family. Yes, I do miss them, but I'm also very happy living with Grandma.

"How was your...um.."

"Rehearsal?" I asked finishing her sentence.

"Ah yes dear. How was it?"

I walked to the couch and fell onto it. "Same as always. We still have a long way to go."

"Well that's okay isn't it? It's best...to always practice for a long while."

I groaned quietly and maneuvered my hands across the coffee table for the remote. Practice, practice...bleh.

"Would you like a cookie? I just made a nice batch."

"Um, sure...a cookie sounds good." I sighed and turned on the tv. Grandma nodded and coughed before heading to the kitchen.

I sat up on the couch and glanced at her anxiously. "Hey Grandma are you okay?"

"Yes dear, just a cough."

I hopped over to her and planted my hand across her forehead.

"Are you sure? You have been getting sick a lot lately."

"I'm fine Sakura. You worry too much dear." She said with a chuckle. "Now sit down, I'll go get that cookie for you."

I sighed and gently grabbed my grandma's shoulder. "It's okay, I'm not hungry anymore. I'm to go do my homework. I'll be in my room."

I let go of her shoulder, grabbed my bag and tossed it over my shoulder walking into my bedroom. I smiled and sighed at the comfortness of my room, it was pretty pink, but not the girly, or..princess kind of pink, it was just mellow, with a fair few stuffed animals from when I was a kid and some wooden furniture and a bed with a soft pink blanket.

I sat down at my desk by the window, taking out my homework. After a few assignments finished, I peeked out the window to see the sky was dark and the sun was long gone, until tomorrow.

My eyes got heavy and I glanced at the desk to see paper scattered everywhere. I set my head on top of the messy work and sighed. Just for a bit...I'll close my eyes...just for a bit...


"Stopppppp." I whined and turned my head over facing the small clock.

My eyes instantly widened and I stood up from my desk making the chair fall backwards. "Im going to be late!"

I quickly scattered all my papers into one pile, shoved it into my bag and quickly got dressed.

A few minutes later, or should I say...10 minutes later, I ran out of my room and out the house. "Bye grandma! Im Late!"

I rushed down the sidewalk and reached the school. Thank god its a walking distance from home. I ran to my class room and pulled the door open to see a class filled with chatting students.

After a few moments of catching my breath I walked to my desk and glared at Li who's table was, unfortunatly, right behind mine.

"Ohh dear Kimonoto, you look exhausted. Were you being chased by some cops or something? Gee dissapointing I wasn't there, it would have been great to watch." Li joked with a smirk on his face.

"Shut it, at least I'm not the one who is always too lazy to do anything."

Li slammed his hands on his desk and stood up. "Hey! Who says I'm lazy? I have classes and duties to do myself!"

"Oh really? But didn't I hear you have a servant that you even makes him take you out of bed because your so damn lazy and spoiled?"

Li's face turned red and he was about to burst.

Ooooh... now thats a mad face.

"Well what about you Kimonoto? Are you sure your not just as lazy yourself?"

'Just as'...he just said 'just as'...Did he just admit the fact he seriously treats his servant like that?

Oh boy.

"Sorry to dissapoint you, but no. I have to spend every day mending things, keeping the house in shape, taking care of my grandma and myself, and im stuck on homework and if that doesnt add up. I have to rehearse almost every day!"

Thats what I call a load of work.

Li and I exchanged peircing glares.

"Come on both of you, knock it off. The teacher is going to be here any moment." A pale, delicate-skinned girl stood between us with a skinny, hansome boy with glasses standing by her.

"Tomoyo is right you know." Eirol, her boyfriend said agreeing. He always agrees to everything she says, but she just may be right about this.

The door opened and the teacher walked in, picking up the chalk and writing some words on the board. "Good morning class. Today we'll be working on subsitution and linear equations."

I groaned quietly and set my head on the table. Math...god I hate it.

I heard a whisper coming from behind me. "Start suffering, todays a hard one."

But god, not as much as I hate him.