Hey,! Thanks so so so much for the reviews and all the favorites and alerts. I know I did a 360 on this but it'l make sense in the end, trust me? Please? Thank you! On to a the story! Finally! Huh? But heyy it's a real chapter and I know its been like honeslty a year since a chapter but please know I have not abandoned this story! That is thank you. Oh and please leave a review, might give me a reason to update faster, you never know.

You are cordially invited to a secret special getaway retreat with the Host Club at Yuah Estate. There is a special surprise for those in attendance. Please contact and leave a message for Kyoya Ootori to confirm or deny attendance. We would be very delighted if you could join us. A car will pick you up from your home at a designated time. Till then fair princess!

Tamaki Souh

Aki blinked dumbly at the invitation in front of her. Nope. No way was she going to spend who knew how long with those guys. She may have a vacation coming up for school; but still she had to work, and no way were her parents going to let her go. Nope. She wasn't going, that was final. And it had nothing to do with her being embarrassed around Kyoya; since he had taken her to her school dance a week ago. She made to throw the invitation away another note fell out:

Aki, No skipping out; you owe me

Kyoya Ootori.

Crap, she had forgotten about that. Well it would seem like she had no choice, so be it. Unless, and she really hoped, that her parents said no. With a huge sigh; she went down stairs to find them. They were sitting on the couch.

She silently cleared her throat. "Mother, Father; earlier today I received this invitation," she handed them the envelope. "I wondered if it would be acceptable if I could attend."

"Young Ootori?" she used a sickly sweet voice; her eyes twinkled "Of course you can go dear. How can we deny you time with your friends. Just be sure to check in every night"

"Oh thank you." she kissed them each on the cheek and went back up to her room. Great she could see the wheels turning in her mothers head. If her youngest child couldn't amount to anything, she would just marry her off to a rich boy. Yes, because that would solve all of Aki's problems. She didn't want to marry any of the boys. Besides that would make her mother to happy; anything that made her mom happy, Aki was against. Nope she would just get through this trip. She called Kyoya and left a message, then went to bed.

Three weeks passed quickly, to quickly for Aki's taste. The day of her trip was upon her. There was no denying it, as she watched the driver put her luggage into the car. She thanked him kindly and sat in for a long drive.

It had been a few hours now, and all Aki saw was ever green. This place was most likely in the middle of nowhere. She smacked her forehead, in the middle of no where with the Host Club. Oh god, she hoped that things would just be peaceful and hurry up and past. "What have I gotten myself into," she muttered to herself.

Night fell as she reached her destination; a large western style mansion. Well how could she even be surprised? They were all very rich after all. The driver opened the door, and Aki reluctantly got out. "Thank you."

"Welcome Miss."

She slowly walked up to the front doors, her heart pounding. She knocked and waited. It was a few seconds till the door opened to reveal a middle-aged, slightly balding, thin man. "Good evening miss."

"H-Hi. I'm here for...Kyoya Ootori..."

"This way, Miss."

The man let her pass, and as Aki stepped through, she felt uneasy. Never again would she owe Kyoya, who knew what the next favor would be. She sighed and braced herself, for whatever laid through those doors.