Author's Note: I realized that I haven't been clarifying that I don't own iCarly. Well, I don't. Anyway, this is a fluffy little Creddie Oneshot that I wrote a while ago; it's the only scene I have written for this major idea I came up with...anyway. Backstory: Almost everyone is in a relationship except Carly and Freddie, so they feel pressured to figure out theirs.

Freddie: Hey, Carly.

Carly turns, not expecting Freddie there.

Carly: Oh, hey.

Awkward silence.

Carly: So, what's up?

Freddie: Um, you know, I wanted to talk.

Carly: About what?

Another silence.

Carly: Freddie, we're gonna have to rehearse for the show soon, and –

Freddie: I wanted to talk…about us.

Carly: pausing …Oh. Well, what about –

Freddie: What exactly are we?

Carly: You mean, like…

Freddie: You know, after we…broke up –

Carly: sympathetic tone Freddie, I –

Freddie: turning away I think I see where this is going…I shouldn't have even asked. I understand.

He begins to leave. Carly stops him.

Carly: Freddie, wait. I was going to say that I've been wanting to talk about it too. I haven't stopped thinking about it. I mean, I know you thought you were right when you said I was only in love with what you did, but…you're wrong. Laughs nervously. And I know it's going to seem like I'm only proving your point, but that day changed everything, and there's no more casts and you're healed and everything seems normal again, but…it changed the way I feel about everything, including you.

They're silent again.

Freddie: Then, what does this all mean?

Carly: I think it means that it happened for a reason. I know fate and destiny sounds so corny, and we're really only teenagers, but…there's something that's been there all this time. We just don't know what it is yet.

Freddie: Carly, I – moves closer.

Sam: from upstairs CARLY, FREDDIE!

Carly: We're down here!

Sam runs down the stairs.

Sam: Come on, the show's about to start!

Freddie: Be there in a minute.

As Sam goes back up to the studio, Carly starts after her.

Freddie: One thing I wanna say, though.

Carly: Yeah?

Freddie takes her waist and kisses her, then starts up the stairs. Carly stands there, stunned.

Sam: from upstairs You guys coming, or what?

Freddie: Yeah, we're coming right now.