Author's Note: 20 Word Challenge; Short but just as effective and fun as a 100 Word Challenge. Plus, I can actually finish this challenge! hah.


It was early one morning and Freddie decided he would visit his two favorite girls next door. He knocked on the door and entered, as the door was unlocked. As soon as he walked in a certain blonde caught his eye. Sam had a napkin bib stuffed in the collar of her shirt, and she was whacking what looked like shellfish with a meat tenderizer.

"What are you doing?" Freddie asked, somewhat mortified by what the blonde was doing.

Sam just looked up at Freddie and scoffed. "Eating lunch. Is that OK? Or is it not lunchtime yet?"

"It's 9:30 in the morning."


"You're eating crabs?" Freddie asked, inspecting the pile of shellfish.

Sam grinned, smashing another bunch of crabs with the hammer. "Crabs, lobsters, shrimp... Anything with a shell."

Freddie inspected the pile more closely. "It looks like it's mostly crabs."

"Turtles also have shells."

Freddie ignored that last comment. "How did you get crabs?"

"That's what she said."

Freddie also ignored that comment. "Where did you even get crabs from?" Freddie looked at the pile of crabs suspiciously. He could've sworn he saw one move.

"From a guy in front of the building, on the corner."

"Okay, so you bought crabs from like, a guy at a stand?"

Sam picked up a piece of crab and gnawed on it. "No, I bought crabs from like, a guy in a truck."

"Like, a lunch truck?" Freddie plopped himself on the couch, watching Sam engorge herself on the pile of crabs.

"Like, a pickup truck." Sam replied, mocking Freddie's speech.

"Wow, so you bought crabs from a total stranger in a pickup truck without any concern for food-borne illnesses?" Freddie reprimanded, knowing the blonde was never cautious when it came to the safety of her foods. Sam just shrugged, not a care in the world. She brought the meat tenderizer down hard on the pile of crabs, cracking open another one. "I think you've smashed them enough- You're getting pieces of shell and meat everywhere!"

"Okay well, it's still alive."

Freddie jumped off the couch and stood to his feet in fright. "Oh my god, you brought live crabs into the apartment?"

"I'm not going to eat these by myself outside." Sam argued, picking up a plastic bag which apparently contained more crabs. She picked the bag up upside-down, releasing all the live crabs onto the floor. "Oops."

"Oh my god! They're crawling everywhere!" Freddie squealed, jumped back onto the couch, safe from the "dangers" that now crawled all over the floor. Sam also got to her feet, not knowing what to do about this predicament. "Sam! Do something!"

Sam threw the small meat tenderizer away and picked up one of Spencer's sledgehammers and began killing the crabs, one by one. Somewhere along the way, Freddie also grabbed a sledgehammer and began killing innocent crabs, smashing and spraying meat and shell all over the apartment walls.

Carly entered the front door of the apartment, shrieking as she laid her eyes upon the mess in the living room. "What the heck happened here?"

"Um..." Freddie was at a lost for words.

Sam smiled the most innocent smile ever, trying to con her way out of getting in trouble with the angry brunette. "….. Shell?" Sam asked, holding up a dismembered crab leg.

Closing A/N: Okay, so if you know where I ripped this story idea off from, you're awesome. If you don't, then you're missing out. lol