Almost Broken

Hey peeps! Here is something I hope you'll enjoy! Like a lot of stories out there, this is a kidnapping, but with a slight twist in it. ENJOY!

Her breath was becoming more and more ragged, but she didn't dare slow down, nor look back. More warm tears streaked down her cheeks, traveling down paths that many tears before it had run. She had strips of dirt and dried blood smeared across her face. Her whole face had been covered in it earlier, but the tears had wiped some of it away, leaving streaks. Herhair was tangled clumped and mated with dirt and sweat. Her once bright, lively eyes that sparkled and shimmered in the sunlight, now looked exhausted, terrified, and dull.

There was no color in her face, the only splash of any color were the dirt and dried blood caked to her skin, and the purple bags uner her eyes and bruises along her chin and around her eyes and across her cheeks.

Her clothes-a simple outfit consisting of a purple halter top an a demin skirt-were clumped, ripped, and torn in all ways possible. Where large cuts and rips in the fabric of her clothing were, underneath were just as long and deep cuts in her skin, which will undoubtfully become scars, reminding her forever of the horrible experience.

2 years earlier

Sonny smiled at the screen as another message popped up. This one being a poem from one of the matches on the dating site, named GottaloveSunlight. The poem read:

'Something in the dark

Something in the light

Strong arms to hold you tight

Through thunder in the night

To chase away your fright

Leading you from the dark

Leading you to the light'

Sonny smiled and placed a hand over her heart. She clicked reply underneath the message, using her account Sparkle'n'Shine and replied:

'Aww, that is the most heart-warming poem I've ever read! Did you write that yourself?'

The reply came quickly:

'Yup, I've been writing for a little while. I'm glad you liked it… I… wrote it just for you…'

(Here this will be easier, Sonny (Sparkle'n'Shine), GottaloveSunlight)

Aww, that is so sweet, thanks =)

Oh, you're welcome… you know… I've been thinking… we've been talking for months and I still haven't met you yet.

Ya, you're right…

Well maybe we could go out for coffee or something tonight?

That sounds nice…

Ok then, great…meet me at the Starbucks right across from Condor Studios at 7 tonight

Sure thing… I'll see you then, I gotta go now, I have to work

Ok, me too, see ya then

Sonny was just about to log off when a new message popped up on her screen, Sonny checked the time on her watch and decided she had enough time to read the message and still make it to rehearsals and reply later. She opened it to find it not from GottaloveSunlight, but from a different match the website made for her, the message was from LifeoflovetillDeath. Sonny clicked on the message and it read:

Hello sparkle, would you like to meet me for dinner tonight? I would love to finally meet you

Sonny quickly checked the time again, but decided against replying and quickly walked over to the set for rehearsal.


After rehearsals were done for the day, Sonny walked back into her dressing room and checked the site again. She opened the message from LifeoflovetillDeath and clicked respond.

I'm very sorry, but I just made plans with a different match for coffee tonight at 7

The reply was: Oh… well ok then… so where ya going for coffee?

Sonny knitted her eyebrows in confusion but decided to respond anyway: Uh… the Starbucks right across from Condor Studios, why?

(Again, this will be easier… Sonny is bold, intalics)

Oh, no reason, just curious that's all

Um, ok, well, I better be going now, I need to get ready

Sure I'll let you to it, but before you go, what do you plan on wearing?

Umm… ok… I'll probably be wearing something simple and/or purple… why?

Again… no reason, just curious…

Ok… I'm going now…

Sonny was slighty creeped out by the questions he was asking, but didn't think much of it, just logging off and heading over to her closet to get herself ready, being that it was 6 and it took a little bit of time to get ready and get over there.

Sonny raided her closet for something cute and light to wear. After a tiring hunt through the clothes in the backstage So Random clothing room thing across the hall from her dressing room door and her own closet, Sonny found a plain dark purple V-neck with a grey plaid, checkered vest on top with a demin skirt from her own closet and black leggings with white paint looking splatters going up and down the cloth from the clothing storage room thing.

Sonny dressed herself and smiled to her reflection in the mirror and quickly applied eye liner, smokey grey and light purple eye shadow, mascara, and a light pink blush and light pink lip gloss. She ran a brush through her soft chocolate brown hair quickly and looked back in the mirror.

Satisfied with her appearance, Sonny walked out of her dressing room and weaved her way through hallways and towards the double doors leading to the parking lot. As she reached the hallway she bumped into Chad on the way out.

"Hey Sonny" Chad said, smiling over at her as they both pushed open a door and walked out of the building.

"Hey Chad" she responded.

"You going home now?"

"Actually no Chad, I have a date tonight" Sonny responded smiling.

Chad's face lightly dropped but smirked back "Well, ironic because I do too. But now I see why you're so dressed up"

"I'm going to take that as a compliment, and I see you're all dressed up as well" she responded.

"So…" Chad said as they continued walking "Where are you going?"

"To the Starbucks across the street to meet someone for coffee, you?" Sonny replied as they stopped at the end of the parking lot and now were at the sidewalk.

"Weird… me too…" Chad replied and they both stepped out into the road an quickly crossed the street and arrived at the strip mall.

"Odd…" Sonny replied as Chad reached for the door, holding it open for her and himself. They both walked in, unaware that they were the only ones there other than the teen girl behind the counter and a guy about 20 looking sitting watching them secretly from across the room and listening to their conversation.

"Ya… so… who's your date?" Chad asked.

"Well… I'm meeting someone here, don't laugh, but I signed up for this dating site" Sonny shyly, not looking at Chad. The guy across the room watched them a little closer after hearing that.

"Wow… that's even weirder… me too…" he replied.

"But I thought the great all mighty CDC doesn't need someone to find a girl for him, girls already worship at his feet" Sonny mocked sarcasticlly, sitting down at a two person table, Chad following.

"Well yeah, but I wanted someone to get to know the real me, not just like me because I'm famous, so I didn't say exactly who I saw, just used my account name"

"Same here… so… what site did you use?" Sonny asked

"DreamMatch dot com" he answered (I made that up!)

"No way! Me too!" she replied. The dude across the room focused a little bit more to listen in on the conversation.

There was a moment of awkward silence between them and Chad awkwardly said "We've been sitting here for a little while… do you think we got stood up? We're the only ones here…"

"Well the guy seemed so nice, I don't think he would stand me up…"

"Same for the girl… she seemed too nice to stand me up either… I even wrote this short little poem for her"

"Really? He wrote me something too…"

"Same time?"


"'Something in the dark

Something in the light

Strong arms to hold you tight

Through thunder in the night

To chase away your fright

Leading you from the dark

Leading you to the light'"

They said exactly at the same time, staring wide eyed at each other.

After a few long moments Chad asked "Sparkle'n'Shine?"

"GottaloveSunlight?" Sonny replied.

"Wow… so we've been talking to each other for months without knowing… and the most shoking… the website matched us up?" Chad asked.

"I know…weird… they say they match people by the deepest level of compatability, I mean… they think we would be best together?" Sonny asked.

"They obviously don't know us…" Chad replied.

"Well… if they think we are best together… why not try it?" Sonny asked slowly.

"I guess so… by the way… how many matches did you get?"

"Just two, you and someone with the name LifeoflovetillDeath" Sonny replied. The guy across the room looked up from staring at the table, consentrating on listening. He slightly smiled, not a heart warming smile, but a 'well I know who you are now, you won't see the end of me' kind of creepy smile.

"Well, let's get some coffee" Sonny said standing up along with Chad and walkng past the dude and to the counter.

"How do you drink it?" Chad asked.

"Oh I'd just like a Caramel Frappuccino, with whipped cream please" Sonny said.

"Two please" Chad said to the girl at the counter.

"Sure thing Chad" she said.

"Thanks Amanda" Both Sonny and Chad said to her.

"You know her too?" they said again together.

"Yeah, I come here often" they both responded to the same question and laughed as Amanda walked to the back where the capp and frapp machines were.

"Ok, we really need to stop that" Sonny laughed.

Amanda came back shortly with their drinks.

"Need anything else?" she asked.

"Ya, can I have one of those yummy looking strawberry things?" Sonny asked.

Amanda used her gloved hand and grabbed the pastry from the tray with the others and placed it in a little bag, putting the bag on the counter with the drinks.

"$8.49" Amanda said from behing the register. Chad handed her a 10 dollar bill "Keep the change" he said grabbing his drink and handing Sonny her's and the pastry.

"Thanks Chad" Amanda said as they walked back to the booth they were at earlier.

As they sipped their drinks, they joked and laughed and talked for a few hours, oblivious to the dude still sitting there not doing anything except slowly sipping on a no longer hot coffee and eavsdropping on them.

"So… are you gonna close your dream match account?" Sonny asked.

"Yeah, are you?" he responded.

"Yeah, there's really no point now…" Sonny said lowly, embarrassed.

Just then Amanda came up to their booth saying "Come on guys, 10 o'clock, closing time, my shift is over" she said.

"Wow, it's already 10? Feels like it's been 30 minutes" Sonny said standing up, as did Chad. Amanda turned around and called out to the guy across the room "You too buddy! Closing time" she said, motioning with her arm for him to follow them out the door.

The guy stood up and slowly made his way out. Amanda was the last out and locked the door behind them. The guy walked off and around the corner, but slightly peeked his head around the corner to watch.

Sonny gave Amanda a small hug, and Chad did too before saying "See ya later Amanda" followed by Sonny saying "Bye Amanda! See ya soon!" and both waved to her as they walked across the parking lot. Chad grabbed Sonny's hand as they crossed the street and held onto it after they reached the end. In Sonny's other hand she held the bag containing the uneaten pastry as they crossed the Condor Studios parking lot.

With the studios currently being closed for the night, Sonny and Chad walked over to Chad's convertible and climbed up onto the hood and sat, Chad's arm around her as they sat close.

Sonny pulled the strawberry pastry from the bag and ripped off a piece from it. She bit into it and showed her delight with a long 'MMMmmm'. Chad just laughed from beside her, sneaking his hand up to the pastry and ripping off a piece for himself, quickly popping it into his mouth before Sonny could protest.

"Hey!" she laughed, smaking him lightly on the chest as Chad continued laughing and swallowed his bit of the pastry.

"You're right it is good" he said licking his lips from the strawberry jelly like filling.

"Unfair…" Sonny whinned, crossing her arms.

Chad tightened his grip around her "Oh lighten up, I bought it"





"So we're good?" Sonny asked laughing lightly

"Oh we're SO good!" Chad answered laughing along with her.

Their laughter died down and they continued to eat the strawberry pastry. The man from the coffee shop, Who now I'm naming Dustin, continued to watch them, but from closer up.

Sonny and Chad finished off the strawberry desert, but stayed on top of the hood, leaning up against the windsheild for a few minutes.

"Sonny?" Chad asked breaking the quite comfortable silence between them.


"Do you wanna go up to Lookout Mountain? The stars will be brighter over there" he asked.

"Yeah, sure, let's go" Sonny replied, sitting up and sliding off the hood and slipped into the passenger's seat as Chad sat down in the driver's seat, roaring the engine to life and heading out of the parking lot, unaware of a dark navy blue Honda following them up the drive.

Hey peeps! Hope you liked! It's kinda short, I know, but I just wanted to introduce the story, see if you like it. I have the second chater already written if you guys are interested! =) REVIEW!