Disclaimer: I do not own the Mystic Knights, Saban does. I do not have the rights to the characters, settings, past plots, or any of it. The only things I have are my own characters, settings and plots in this story, as well as a love for Irish mythology. Please don't sue me!

Nearly five years had passed since the banishment of Queen Maeve, leaving the Mystic Knights and the remainder of Kells in peace, at least for the time being. Numaine's empty threats had been forgotten, along with Numaine herself. Not a word had been spoken of Kells' past enemies, and the current ruler of Temra – King Rohan – posed no threat to Kells. If anything, Rohan had bettered the relationship between the two kingdoms to the point that they had almost combined into one larger empire. Still unable to come to terms with the idea of being in direct relation to Maeve, Rohan spent the majority of his time aimlessly wandering the border between Kells and Temra, hoping to forget any thoughts of his bloodline.

While the end of the seemingly incessant war relieved the people of Kells, the army had become restless. Shortly after Maeve's banishment, commander Uuan had grown tired of playing babysitter to his unruly soldiers and announced his resign to King Conchobar. The king, who had hoped to replace Uuan with Rohan, was understanding of Rohan's birthright and could not have him as the new Captain of the Guard. Much to his and Cathbad's dismay, the only man fit to be in charge of the Kells army was Angus, as both Ivar and Garrett we born to different kingdoms and Deirdre was the Princess of Kells. Surprisingly enough, Angus took his position rather seriously and took charge of the army, though he still managed to find himself in trouble from time to time.

Ivar and Garrett had returned to their respective homelands for a brief period of time, only to return to Kells because of a special bond to the kingdom and its citizens. Ivar brought his sacred chalice back to his kingdom with great praise from his parents and older brother, but as he was not the eldest of his siblings, he had no claim to the throne and therefore no reason to linger as a Prince to his people. Garrett on the other hand was the first-born in his family, but his father's health showed great promise like his father's before that and Garrett would not inherit the throne until later in his life. Both men played advisor to King Conchobar, at the same time traveling back and forth to Temra to see how Rohan was coming along as King.

Unlike the other Mystic Knights, Princess Deirdre was less than happy with her current lifestyle. She longed for adventure as she once had when Kells was under attack by Maeve. Now that Kells was no longer threatened daily with the prospect of war, Deirdre found herself bored being a princess. She and Rohan had yet to confess their love for one another, though the other knights saw through their emotions like a thin veil.

Unfortunately, King Conchobar's health had lately been failing him and he feared that his end was coming. Deirdre had convinced herself that her father would soon get well again, but the rest of Kells had lost hope for their beloved King. Conchobar, while afraid of the concept of death, felt that since Kells and Temra were finally at peace, he was leaving Deirdre the kingdom at an opportune time. Little did he know that his passing would come at a time where the Mystic Knights would be needed once again, and the throne of both Kells and Temra would be at risk…

Author's Note: More will be up shortly, I hope you enjoy it! R&R!