Ariadne works at the lathe behind him, he can hear the slow turns polishing down the wood. He measures out the resin, wearing safety goggles, forgoing the recommended face mask in lieu of careful pouring procedure. Bach plays barely above the hum of Ariadne's lathe. He is humming along to it, mixing in pigment, trying to get the proper red, but still retain the streaks he finds so pleasing.

Eames comes in from the kitchen, eating what appears to be a fudge-sicle, he stays far away from their respective work-tables, vapors and dust of unsavory distinction in their corners. "So how goes the process loves?" Eames slides onto a stool, gives it a spin, Arthur allows himself a moment to study the Forger, watch him stretch out his leg carefully as the doctor had ordered. "Almost ready to let the resin set in the molds." Out of the half dozen die, Arthur would choose one, the rest would be memorized and placed in various safe-places, reality back-ups. He hadn't told the others, he knew Eames would understand the need though.

"I received an e-mail from Cobb earlier this morning." The sentence causes Ariadne to still her lathe, Eames almost drops his popsicle. "He sent pictures of the children, expressed a desire I should show them to you when I next encountered you Ariadne." His words set them at ease, the comforting sound of the lathe begins again. Perhaps he would ask her to make him some candlestick holders or something, she was uniquely skilled at the device. "He also displayed an interest in procuring our services for a potential job in the up-coming months. He thought I would be best suited in tracking you down Eames." Arthur was indeed best suited, which amused him no end. Of course he was best-suited to track Eames down because they were sleeping in the same bed most nights.

"I'll contact Yusuf, no promises though, he wasn't all too happy with the last go-round, apparently he's never had to drive a van in a high-speed chase before." Eames chuckles at some memory, he'd been the one to travel back with Yusuf, unfinished business from before their job.

"I'm game, never a dull moment with you guys." Ariadne's grin is clear in her statement, Arthur does not bother to look up from his careful pouring to witness it for himself. "But no-go if you aren't all better by then Arthur." She warns, the grin is still there though, she knows he'll work regardless of condition, he couldn't turn it off.

He taps the mold on the table, forcing the bubbles in the resin to rise, the pigmentation to settle, he bends down, trying to tell if the resin was poured level to the top. Eames is bent low too, grinning at him from across the room. "I love you" Eames mouths out, and Arthur is forced to smile, tearing his gaze back to his work, his shakes the mold a bit more, watching the pigmentation set. This was real, he could hold onto this.