I've been listening to Flowers for a ghost by Thriving Ivory for the past two days, and this came to mind. I plan on writing a couple of one shots for The Big Bang Theory, because I need to take a break from Doctor Who. Please review this, as the last one I wrote got one review! Reviews will make me come back to the Who archives!

Disclaimer: All characters belong to BBC.

She's only human.

That's what he tells himself when she makes a mistake. Sometimes, it's a larger mistake then others, and sometimes he's so absurdly mad that he can't see her tears fall.

But he never meant for this to happen.

No, it was never in his plan to fall in love with Amelia Pond. He never wanted someone to truly replace Rose, for that relationship to fully come to an end. But, when he thinks of Rose, the heartbreak's gone.

It's only her now.

And that's why he's standing outside her incredibly large house for the last time. Her bump is just beginning to show, tugging lightly at the front of her sweater. Rory has already gone inside, taking his grin with him. Now, it's just them standing outside, in the cold. It begins to snow.

He rocks on his heels, and she raps her arms around herself to keep warm. He shrugs off his tweed jacket and wraps it around her shoulders, despite her protests. Sighing, she looks to the stars, and soon his gaze joins hers. She remembers the night they lay on the grassy hill, looking forever into the stars above.

Funny, he's thinking the same thing.

He grabs her hand and pulls her into a tight hug. He buries his face in her shoulder, trying not to shake. She herself begins to cry, holding him closer then possible. They pull apart, and he wipes the tears with his thumb. She holds his hand there, pressing her forehead against his.

"I love you." She manages to get out, squeezing his hand against her face.

"Don't say that now." He whispers back, slightly shaking his head.

"I had to. Or else I never would of."

He hopes she leaves it at that, but she stares up into his clouded eyes.

"Say it back to me."

He pulls his hand away from her grasp, and grabs her own hand. He kisses it softly.

"Words for another time."

It's an empty promise to both of them, as they know this is how it ends.

He walks slowly back towards the TARDIS and opens the door. He's halfway inside when he looks back at her.

"Bye bye, Pond."

He shuts the door as she cries.

But he does come back. He comes back to every milestone that her and her family has. He's there in the shadows as her daughter is born. He's there in the back row as she's baptized. He's there as a teacher on her first day of high school. He's a waiter at the 50th wedding anniversary of Rory and Amy Williams.

But, forever, she will be his Pond.

And, as she lies dying, he holds her hand, staring into her lost eyes. As she becomes cold, he whispers last words to her before the heart that he's loved so much stops beating.

"I love you, Amelia Pond."

She dies smiling.

She's only human, but he wouldn't have had it any other way.