Ohai! It's been two years... hasn't it? Damn, that's a whilllle. Anyway, you might have to catch up, but here's the second to last chapter!(:

Jasper and I went inside, to the living room. Everyone was gathered around, with a smile on their face.

Well, everyone but Jasper.

"I love you," I whispered to him, as if only he would hear it.

He smiled, finally, and pressed his lips to mine.

Still in my wedding dress, I stepped in front of everybody. "Everybody" meaning all the vampires that wanted to suck my blood, but loved me enough to control themselves. For that, I was thankful.

"I want to be one of you guys," I said shakily. "I want to be with every one of you, for the rest of… you know, forever."

Carlisle smiled, and I watched as he slyly snaked his arm around Susanne's waist.

"I say yes," Rosalie said, grinning from ear to ear. "I want you to officially be my sister."

Jasper sighed, behind me, so I glanced back at him and smiled softly.

"Of course, Bella, I want you to be one of us. I am gonna miss, though, you blushing when I embarrass you." Emmett grinned mischievously.

I blushed, to Em's satisfaction.

"Both Susanne and I would love to have you as one of us," Carlisle added, with his breath-taking smile.

Slowly, I turned to my husband. (Wow, that feels amazing to say.) "It's up to you, now," I said quietly. "If you don't want me as one of you… I won't have you change me."

He looked from the floor to my eyes. To this day, I still felt my breath hitch when his golden eyes met mine. "You would let me change you, Bella?"

I nodded. "I wouldn't want anyone else to do it."

Jazz smiled and looked away, as if he were blushing. "Then"—his gorgeous orbs found mine and he pulled me into a hug—"I vote, yes, too."

Excitedly, I kissed him and giggled. "When?"

He shook his head and turned me in his arms so I was facing everybody else, and he was hugging me from behind. "Carlisle," Jasper said, "when do you suggest?"

Carlisle looked unsure. "Whenever Mrs. Hale is ready." He smirked, winking at me.

I grinned at how perfect that was. Mrs. Hale. "As soon as possible," I said. Slowly, I looked behind me at Jasper. "How about now?"

His eyes widened. "Bella, n—"

"I think that's a good idea," Emmett said, a smile on his face, as usual. "So you guys could like, run to your honeymoon."

Jasper glared at him. "No. Bella is going to experience her wedding like a normal human being. I don't want her to be in pain for half of it."

I shook my head. "No, really. I want it. That's a cool idea."

He growled. "No, Bella."

"Please?" I turned to face him. "Jasper, I want this more than anything."

His eyes burned a fiery gold color and his jaw set firmly. "At least wait until tomorrow, Bella. That's all I ask."

Rosalie, behind us, squealed happily.

"All right, yeah," I said, smiling. "Thank you."

(Jasper's POV)

What about her father? What about her family? What about college and her friends?

I didn't want her to lose her human scent, or the color of her beautiful brown eyes. I didn't want the dizziness of her head to go away when I held her while running, or the redness of her cheeks when I told her how gorgeous she was. Most of all, though, I didn't want to lose her.

"I don't want you to be mad at me, Jasper." Bella's voice came from behind me, as I sat on her bed. "Not on our wedding day, especially." Her slender arms wrapped around my waist as she crawled onto the mattress.

Leisurely, I turned to pull her into my lap. "I'm not mad at you, my love. I'm scared."

"Jasper? Scared?" Bella grinned and kissed my lips slowly. "No way." She pulled at the tie of my tux, taking it off and throwing it on the mattress beside her.

I matched her grin, realizing that she had gotten changed into a set of lingerie. Her body was covered in lace boy shorts and a bra to match. "You look… delicious."

She moaned as I kissed her neck. "You mean gorgeous?"

"That too."

Bella continued to grin as I laid her down on the bed. I realized that this was the last time I would make love to her before she was a vampire. A monster, much like myself.

I honestly didn't know how I'd contained myself, all this time, and didn't once slip and bite her. What if I couldn't stop when I changed her? What if I killed her? I couldn't kill her. I needed her for survival. Then again, I was already dead.

I love her too much to kill her, I reminded myself. I'll be able to stop.

*The next morning…

(Bella's POV)

I woke up and rolled over, sore from the night before. Beneath me was a perfectly folded note, and it smelled like Jasper—or should I say my husband?

Smiling to myself, I unfolded it and read:

Good morning, wifey. How did you sleep?

"Good," I whispered aloud, knowing he would hear it. I went back to reading.

My Bella, I'll be downstairs making you breakfast. I hope you feel well, because I have a great day planned out for the two of us. Actually, I don't, but I'm pretty sure we'll figure it out. I want your last day as Bella to be wonderful. So, whatever you want to do, I'm up for it.

Love, Jasper.

Slowly, I got up out of bed and hurried down the stairs after getting dressed into some sweatpants and a t-shirt.

"What do you mean when you say my 'last day as Bella'?" I asked, standing at the doorway of the kitchen with my hands on my hips. Tears filled my eyes and I wanted so badly for them to stay where they were. "I'm going to be Bella after you change me, Jasper. I'm always going to be Bella."

He turned and looked at me, seemingly pained. "We both know you're going to change after becoming one of us, in more ways than one," Jazz said quietly. "You're not going to be naturally beautiful, or blush when someone embarrasses you. You're going to want to drink blood and not your favorite soda, or want to eat breakfast first thing in the morning. Those are the things that make you, you, Bella. I'm going to miss all of that."

I felt my cheeks blushing, just like he'd mentioned. "That's what you meant by being scared last night," I said softly.

Jasper bit his lip and sat down at the table. "I don't want you to change, Bella."

"Don't you want us to be together forever?" My voice cracked and sounded like a little girl, rather than the grown, married woman I intended to sound like.

He sighed, his jaw set. "I do, Bella. That's all I've ever wanted. But I'm just so worried that you won't want me anymore. What if I'm not as great as you make me out to be? Vampires are designed to draw humans into them. That's what we're made for, and you fell under the spell of Edward. What if you fell for my spell, too? What if when you change, you don't want me?"

I walked over to him and pressed my lips to his cold ones. He caressed the side of my face with one hand as he pushed himself up and onto the kitchen table. "I will always be in love with you, Jasper. You're my husband. I surely fucking did fall under your spell, and hard. But it's not because I'm human or because you're a vampire. It's because we're meant for each other, in only a way that a vampire can understand. And I want to understand it more than you can imagine, Jazz. I want this for us, and I can guarantee that nothing will change."

Jasper bit his lip and went in for another kiss. I granted it to him, as he nodded. "I need to speak with Carlisle before we begin anything, my darlin'."

Nervousness built in the pit of my stomach, along with excitement. I couldn't decipher between the two. "After I eat breakfast?" I said, as I felt my belly growl.

He chuckled harmoniously and nodded his head again. "Of course, my dear. I wouldn't want you to go into vampirism on an empty stomach." With a wink, he got up and went to retrieve my food.

* After breakfast…

"Jasper," I rasped, my legs curling around his waist as he shoved the plates onto the floor, pushing me onto the kitchen table. His lips raced against my neck and he sucked once more on my skin, making me holler out in pleasure.

Then, something changed.

Everything changed.

His teeth accidentally dug slightly into my neck, just enough to draw blood. Jasper's eyes turned red, instantly, and his hands gripped onto my wrists to keep me down on the table.

Pain like no other seared through my entire body and stung on my fingertips. "Jasper," I tried saying, but it only came out in a small breath. "Jasper, it burns."

"Shh," he said, looking frantic and feral at the same time. "Carlisle! Carlisle, fuck! Please, Carlisle!"

Everyone came running. Rosalie was at my side and Emmett was behind her, both of their eyes flaming red.

"C'mon, Rose," Em said, his hand shaking. "Let's go outside."

Reluctantly, she followed him outside.

Susanne covered her mouth and nose together, standing behind Carlisle. He was the only normal-looking one around me, keeping his cool. "What happened? You agreed we wouldn't change her until we spo—"

"It was an accident!" he shouted, hissing over his shoulder at his adoptive father.

Pain rushed to my toes and I writhed in pain under his body.

It's burning. Fire. Heat. It's burning! Make it stop!

"Tell me what to do, Carlisle!" Jasper hollered. "Tell me!"

Carlisle rushed to my side and rested his hand on his son's shoulder. "She's changing. If you don't change her fully, Bella will die."

Jasper, please.

His teeth showed as he growled, his beautiful, red eyes staring frantically at the blood trickling down my skin. "I can't. I can't do it, Carlisle. I can't change her."

"You have to," he replied, calmly. "She's dying, Jasper. You have to do it."

He shook his head repeatedly, the skin around his eyes growing red. "Isn't there anything else?"

"No, Jasper. You must change her."