
A Laven Shonen-ai Fanfic

Disclaimer: As much as I hate to say it, I do not own -Man or any of the characters in it. This makes me very sad… But on with the fanfic!

Today was the day.

He was gonna do it.

It would be easy!

Lavi had finally decided to confess to his best friend, Allen Walker. "Allen, I love you." That's all he had to say. "I love you and I have for a very long time. You're more valuable to me than all the pretty girls in the world. I love you."

He had the chocolate, the poem, and the perfect, handpicked rose.

This rose is red,

My hair is too.

Allen, I'm not kidding when I say:

I love you.

There were only two redheads in the Order but he knew Allen wouldn't mistake him for General Cross.

Lavi knew exactly what he had to say. He had planned everything out. Now if only he were more courageous.

I can do this. I can do this. I can do this.

Lavi walked determinedly to Allen's room.

I can do this. I can do this. I can do this.

He took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

I can do this. I can do this. I can do this. HOLY CRAP I CAN'T DO THIS!

Luckily, it seemed that Allen enjoyed sleeping in because instead of having the door opened immediately, Lavi heard a muffled yawn and a small "Hold on." come from inside the room. If Lavi hadn't been so quick on his toes, he wouldn't have made it. But he somehow managed to place the present delicately on the floor and dash around the corner.

"Hello?" Allen called sleepily as the door creaked open. He swore he saw someone move but nobody answered. A box of chocolates, a rose and a sealed letter lay on the floor. "Hm. Lenalee? Is that you?" Allen called.

LENALEE? Damn. I guess it never occurred to me that somebody else could be after Allen's love. Lavi's heart sank straight through the floor. Lenalee is pretty, smart, and sweet. I'm just the goofy, red-headed pervert best friend. Damn it all. I'd lost before the first round even started.

As Allen closed his door, Lavi stalked away gloomily. I HATE myself. I couldn't do it. And now he thinks that Lenalee sent those. All that wasted time for nothing. Fine. I can still be the next Bookman. Allen can have Lenalee and that'll be the end of that.

Sad and frustrated, Lavi stomped off to the library to bury himself in a book. But after many hours of trial and error, Lavi found that no book could appease his aching soul. Resigned, Lavi walked back to his room hoping that he could sleep the sorrow off.

Before he was even able to reach his door however, he spotted something lying on the floor. A deck of playing cards, a note, and a snow-white rose.

Your rose was red,

My rose is white.

I love you too, Lavi.

It was love at first sight.

A small shuffling sound from behind him made Lavi turn in time to see Allen blow him a kiss before smiling and walking away.

Lavi's heart leapt back into his chest, happiness coursing through his body. As walked into his room, he inspected the rose. It was perfect. Just like Allen.