Short chapter, but I thought you might appreciate it. This whole thing is gonna take a lot longer than I anticipated! I hope you enjoy :) Dray xx

"We have a lead on Danny's attacker. Flack gave us a description of the figure that he saw fleeing the scene of the crime, and we've looked thru Wayne's contacts. There's a match to a guy called Alejandro DeDolor." Stella was standing in Mac's office with a folder in her arms and a look of concern on her face.

"Ok. We got a location on him?"

"Well, yeah. But it's not good... He lives in Miami."

"A little far from home, isn't he?"

"That's what I thought, so I gave Horatio Caine a call to see what he could tell us. Turns out Alejandro is a wanted member of a street gang that call themselves Los Hermanos Malvados. Seems like Wayne was in way over his head. Not only was he involved in child trafficking, but he was a dealer." Stella checked her notes, "Heroine, large scale imports from Cuba. The Angeles met the loads at Key West and then sold them on to Wayne, who sold the heroine in New York to VIP customers."

"So we inadvertently took a mass dealer off the streets?"

"Yeah, but it's not as simple as that. My guess is that word travelled fast. The Hermanos found out that their main source of income had been taken into custody, and Alejandro was sent to find out who did it. They couldn't spring Wayne, so Alejandro's out for retribution. He went for Danny because he was the one who linked the DNA to the boys and was the reason that Wayne was found, but he'll probably target the arresting officer next. Mac, I don't think Flack or Danny are safe."

Mac nodded in concurrence just as his cell rang.

-Mac, he's awake.-

"I'm on my way." he clicked his cell shut, "Can we get police protection?"

"Yeah, but it'll take a while to go thru."

"Do it. I'm going to see how Danny's doing, can you manage without me?"

"Go, Mac. I'll call you as and when we know anything."

"Thanks Stella."

The female CSI watched Mac go. She did worry about him, but the only way she could help him at the moment was to help with the case, so she went to call NYPD. The way she saw it, Danny was a CSI so he was family. Flack was NYPD so, by extension, he was too. Protect and serve. She would help Mac to look after their boys, even if her motherly instinct had to come into the equation.