A Jake and Nessie Love Story

Short but sweet... enjoy! ;)

Chapter 26- Renesmee POV

All the usual processions followed in the reception. The nerves bundled up in my stomach were now replaced with bubbling excitement. The food was served in generous amounts; though at least two thirds of the guests didn't even eat. The wolves made up for the vampires easily enough... they were wolfing (A/N- no pun intended) down the food like they hadn't eaten in a year. We received hugs and kisses from each of the covens... Amazon, Denali, Egyptian, Irish, Nomads.

"You guys are so cute..." Maggie said, her scarlet curls bouncing up and down enthusiastically as she spoke. I loved Maggie... she was so cute!

"Thanks, we're so glad that you could join us." I said, looking at her sincerely, holding Jacob's hand firmly.

The Amazon coven were next. Zafrina, Senna and Kachiri looked amazingly beautiful. Their stark black hair hung like a veil around their beautifully shaped, coffee coloured faces. Their eyes were drawn with black kohl, their bright red eyes great in contrast.

"Beautiful. You look amazing, my dear." Zafrina said huskily. Kachiri and Senna smiled and offered us their wishes.

"Thank you so much for coming. It means so much to us." I responded. Jacob smiled and shook their hands and conversed politely.

Due to the lack of food in the morning, I was now hungry like hell. Jacob and I both ate like there was a famine tomorrow. The food was not only in excessive amounts, it also tasted absolutely delicious. Obviously, this was all hand prepared by my family. I was extremely impressed at it seemed like the guests were as well. For starters, there was Chicken Liver Parfait served with Red Onion Marmalade and toasted Brioche. I tried the rack of lamb, veal Marsala, roast chicken... you name it. Jake had some Wild mushroom and Herb Pithivier with seared asparagus and sun-dried tomato dressing. I absolutely loved the swordfish... I swear I could eat it all day. I had to stop eating before the dress burst at its seam...

"Oh my God, I am going to burst. The feasting is officially over..." I declared, leaning back in my chair and tilting my head back.

"Very ladylike, Ness." Jacob said, laughing. I propped my elbows up on the arm of the chair so that I could meet his gaze.

"Shut up. You love it, really." I teased. He smirked.

"I love everything about you." He said, leaning over.

"And I, you." We kissed gently and several cameras went off. As we cut into the thick, soft layers of the cake more pictures were taken. The cake looked absolutely wonderful. There were six layers, every other layer covered in pure gold leaf. Each tier was a different tier. The bottom was chocolate, the one above that was hazelnut cream and almond, the middle layer consisted of vanilla sponge and strawberry jam, the penultimate one was mixed fruit and marzipan and the top layer was lemon and mint. It tasted exquisite. Absolutely gorgeous. A warm hand clasped around mine to hold the knife as I sliced it through the rich, gooey layers of the chocolate cake. I smiled without even bothering to look up. My body had become accustomed to his touch, though the thrill that coursed through me never seemed to weaken. Jacob gently prised my finger off the knife as he quickly cut a small portion and popped it into my mouth. I swallowed down by portion without tearing my eyes away from his. He prolifically devoured his portion as I placed it into his mouth. Cameras flashed again. After we had dutifully finished that part, the removing of the garter came next. My face flushed with a tinge of pink, but I tried not to let that get to me. I felt Jacob's lips placing kisses up my leg until he reached the top of the garter which he gently shimmied down to my ankle. He continued running his hand up and down my leg as he removed the other garter. I suddenly felt a thousand eyes on me... which then slid down to Jacob's curled up body that was still under my dress.

"Jacob... everyone's looking!" I hissed.

"So...?" he answered, his voice muffled against my leg.

"Get out from under there!" I said, trying not to laugh.

"But I'm trying to remove your garter..." he said, a bit louder so nearly everyone could hear. The crowd bubbled with laughter.

"Jake!" I said my voice more urgent now.

He reluctantly slid out from under my dress, both garters in his mouth. When he turned to meet the audience he was met by my stony faced Dad, flanked by Emmett and Jasper. But I saw that Emmett was trying unsuccessfully not to break into a smile and I saw the corner of Dad's mouth twitch.

"What? She's my wife!" Jacob protested. This earned a snigger from the pack; Emmett, on the other hand, clapped Jacob around the shoulder. Dad raised his eyebrows in mock exasperation and even Mom was trying hard to stifle a laugh. The crowd chuckled enthusiastically. Jacob turned his back to the audience and flung the garter behind him which landed into Quil's surprised hands.

I threw the bouquet over my head which rather unpredictably landed into Claire's hands. They looked at each other passionately and kissed before turning back to us with pink cheeked smiles on their faces.

Alice ushered me upstairs so I could change into my 'after dress'. It belonged to my mother... she had worn it during her reception as well. It was made from deep blue satin and wrapped around my body. It ended a few inches above my knee. When we went back downstairs, Dad was setting up the music on his laptop and Jasper was connecting the speakers to the laptop.

"Time for the first dance!"Alice announced excitedly, tapping a fork against her champagne flute. The guests immediately returned to their seats and let Jacob and I take the floor. We chose Pachelbel's Canon to dance to. We thought that we'd go for a simple soundtrack because I didn't think our love could be put into words.

"You know... I have half a mind to take you right here and now." Jake whispered sexily in my ear. His words went straight to my crotch.

"Please do. I'll be very obliged." I whispered back in his ear. He reached for my waist as I clasped my hands behind his neck.

He sucked in his breath through his teeth and looked behind me hazily.

"As tempting as that sounds; I don't think it would be very polite." He looked back at me and grinned.

I pursed my lips. "You're right... unfortunately." I pressed my lips to his for the third time that night.

Jake POV

Never in my life had I seen a sexier bride. For the rest of the dance we were pretty quiet, just staring into each other's eyes and smiling. My wife. Oh, I love that. She looked heartbreakingly gorgeous. And my God, those curves... her breasts. They were teasing me, practically falling over that God damn dress. I was trying my utmost to be a gentleman, but really, I just wanted to rub my face into them. Later, Jacob. Later.

Bella and Edward soon joined us to dance as the song changed to My Love by Sia. Alice, Jasper, Emmett, Rosalie followed soon after. Rachel, Paul, Kim, Jared, Embry, Leah, Claire, Quil, Skye, Seth, Sam, Emily joined us as well. Slowly, most of the guests were on the dance floor. Watching a couple dozen of vampires dancing was quite a spectacle in itself. They'd probably been alive long enough to witness every dance craze there ever had been.

A cold, firm hand tapped me on the shoulder just as one of the songs ended. Edward.

"May I?" he asked, smiling. I grinned.

"Of course." I replied, handing Renesmee's hand to her father Bella was standing just behind Edward. I held out my hand.

"Shall we? For old times' sake..." I said, smiling as she placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Of course, it wouldn't be memorable if I didn't." She replied. We both laughed quietly.

"Who would have thought it, Jacob? Son-in-law..." she trailed off and looked me in the eyes. I laughed and met her golden gaze as déjà vu washed over me. Twenty years ago, this would have been the exact scene I would be thinking about. Bella as my bride.

"Time changes a lot of things..." I said, smiling. I grinned suddenly. "For example, you look a bit too old to be a mother-in-law, Bella."

She smacked me playfully on the arm.

"Shut up. I'm only 18." She bluffed. We both laughed. She leant her head against my chest.

"Thank you, Jacob. For everything." She said.

"No, thank you. Thank you for producing the most wonderful daughter, for being a wonderful best friend, for being a wonderful mother-in-law. Love you, Bells." I said. I felt her smile against my chest.

"I love you too, Jacob."

Renesmee POV

I got passed around to my uncles, to my grandpa, to Jake's brothers... everybody. I was always happy to get back to Jake. We didn't talk much; just held each other in each other's arms. It was getting close to midnight and we should have been leaving for the airport.

"We should say our goodbyes by now, honey." I said, taking Jacob's hand. I swear his eyes sparkled and I just about resisted the urge to rub my hands together enthusiastically.

Jasper and Emmett loaded our already packed suitcases into the car as we said goodbye to our families.

We were showered in rice as we made our way out of the house. After our millionth hug of the day, we finally made it to the car, accompanied by shouts of "Have fun!" and "Congratulations!"

"We're going to have fun, alright." Jacob said mischievously, his eye glinting. I looked at him from under my eyelashes.

"I'll make sure of that, don't worry." I reassured him, cupping his face in my hands and placing a loud kiss on his lips.

"I love you, wife."

"As I love you, husband."

We made our way to Seattle airport at leisurely pace, holding hands. We made it through the security without any problems and found our gate easily enough. We made it there in plenty of time. I bought a few magazines to get me through the long flight. I wasn't particularly fond of flying so I needed some distractions. Jacob, of course, will be distraction enough but just in case. One of the magazines especially caught my eye. It was the kind of magazine Jacob (not to mention Emmett) would definitely approve of. A few tips were definitely going to add a bit of "punch" to this honeymoon of mine. I purchased the magazine and a chocolate bar and went back to Jacob.

He held his arms out and I went to perch on his lap. I gave him the chocolate bar.

"You should get some sleep, baby." He said, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Maybe later... on the plane." I replied, leaning back so my head was on his shoulder. He gently massaged my shoulders with his hands and sank back into him.

"Ugh, your hands are totally magic..." I said, indulgently. As soon as those words left my mouth, I immediately regretted it. He laughed. I giggled too- the alcohol was definitely taking its toll. We were acting like teenagers.

"It's only a matter of time, my love." He reminded me enthusiastically.

"So you keep reminding me..." I said, grinning.

"You know, I might consider joining the Mile High Club." he said.

I raised my eyebrows and looked at him expectantly and grinned.

"Really? It's an interesting idea." I said, laughing. He tilted my chin up and kissed me.

We boarded our flight and found our seats easily. We were travelling in Business Class so it made everything a whole lot easier. Once we were in the air, it wasn't that bad and I leant against Jacob's shoulder and let sleep consume me...

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