Me: Hey all! I'm not grounded anymore! So here I am with another chapter. At the time I started writing this I am at my Nana's. When I finish it I might still be here, or I might be at home. I'm going to get started right away. Enjoy!

[Recap: Deidara was visibly irritated. Itachi was irritated, but he hid his behind his wall of apathy. Itachi elaborated for Kakuzu. "One: They have secrets that can't get out. Two: This is, for two of us, for love."]

Chapter 18

X~Nobody POV~X

Tsunade looked at the group of Akatsuki, wondering how this group was functional together. And many around her were surprised that Itachi just admitted to a feeling. A feeling he had to tell Matthew right away.

"Are you going to give us the two, or not?" Itachi demanded.

"No," was Tsunade's answer. "Get ready!" she yelled to the surrounding ninja.

The Akatsuki separated, leaving the leaf ninja behind. They were on a mission, and they needed to do it fast.

X~Deidara POV~X

I left Hidan behind to buy us time and to keep everyone out. Based on Zestu's information, I should find Serenity behind the third door on the left. When I got there, it was locked.

"Get back, I'll smash the door." Kisame pushed me back. I could have blown the door up, but I guess Kisame wanted to do some damage. He swung his sword, smashing the door to pieces.

When the carnage cleared, I saw her. She was pressed against the wall, shielding her face with her handcuffed hands. She peeked from behind them, her eyes landing on me.

"Deidara!" She ran to me, jumping into my awaiting arms. She gave me a huge kiss, which I returned.

"Ehem. I think we are still on a rescue mission." Kisame was smiling knowingly at me. Serenity was blushing like mad.

"Then get these cuffs off." Kisame snickered, but brought the keys I didn't know he had found out. We headed to find Hidan, and to see if Itachi's group needed help.

X~Itachi POV~X

Matt was in one of the cells toward the back, according to Zetsu's information. I left Sasori and Kakuzu at the entrance, since it was easier that way.

I was appalled with the way I found Matt. He was hanging with his hands chained above him and his legs chained beneath him. I found the keys to his cells, and opened it. Matthew's head shot up, thinking he was next. When he saw me, his face softened.

"Itachi. You guys came. I thought I was going to have to kill someone. I'm guessing Deidara went after Serenity while you're here. Now get me down. I want out of here." I gave him a small smile. It didn't go unnoticed by Matt.

"Alright. Just sit still." First I got his feet, then got his hands. I caught him as he fell. I decided then to tell him. "Matt? I have to tell you that I've never really had feelings for another person. Except brotherly love for Sasuke. But with you, I think I love again. No, I know I do." I kissed him, just to make my point. A blue light enveloped us, showing that the jutsu was now over.

When we broke apart, Matt had tears in his eyes. "I never thought this would happen. I'm just so happy I could help you realize that you do have feelings. They just needed to be polished. Now let's go. I'm tired of this place." I took Matthew's hand, and we headed out.

X~Nobody POV~X

The groups headed out to meet at the spot Itachi described. Itachi, knowing the way, brought his group there, while Deidara's group showed up later. The whole group argued about which way to go. The meeting place was the Uchiha compound.

"We can get out over here." He went to a meeting room, went to a certain tatami mat and lifted it, revealing a hidden passage. Everyone followed him down until they were at the bottom.

"What is this stone?" Hidan asked.

"Don't try to read it. You have to have a sharingan in order to read it." Itachi started to go down a passage but stopped. He turned around to see Kakashi and his team at the entrance of the stairs they just came from.

"I figured you would go to a familiar place. Never knew this place existed, though. No one knows this place existed. Just what were the Uchiha up to?" Kakashi had his hand on his head band.

"Bad things," Itachi answered. "They planned to take over the village, so I was ordered to kill them all. Ask the elders about it." He pulled out a smoke bomb and threw it at the surprised Konoha ninja.

The Akatsuki made their escape into the forest, meeting up with "Tobi" and Zetsu. "Serenity! Matt! You guys are okay!" Tobi tried to hug them, but Deidara and Itachi got in the way.

"I don't think so, hmm. No hugging them. Now keep up on whatever side of the deal you had for them Madara, hmm."

Sasori, Hidan, and Kakuzu were confused. Madara?

"Yes," Itachi said. "They both get the reward they got for winning your bet."

"Fine. Matthew, you can go home or stay. Same with you Serenity. What do you choose?"

They both looked down, knowing what they had to do. "We have to go back. We have our family to consider." Matthew looked at Itachi. "I love you, so much, but I have to go back."

Serenity looked at Deidara. "You understand, don't you?"

It seemed they didn't want to, but they did. "I won't forget you, hmm. Nor will I be with anyone else."

"The same for me," Itachi said.

The two cousins smiled. They turned to Madara. "Send us home." Madara nodded, and then preformed the jutsu. When he was done, Matthew and Serenity were no longer in the Naruto universe.

X~At Serenity's House~X

Serenity and Matthew landed on the floor with a big thud. They looked around, seeing Serenity's living room. "We're back," she managed.

"Yeah." They looked at each other, bursting into tears. They didn't hear the thundering off footsteps running for the living room. Not until they heard someone scream.

"Serenity!" She looked up to see her mom and dad.

"Matthew!" He saw his parents also.

There was a big group hug, as well as the police being called. The two were put under questions, but they claimed they don't remember anything. They claimed the things they do remember were filled with needles being injected into them.

Eventually, the questions stopped. The police stopped coming to ask questions. Life went on. Matt and Serenity hung out more, claiming they needed each other at the time.

School eventually started again, where they were bombarded with questions. They answered them the same way with the police. As they answered, they felt like they betrayed the ones they loved, since they left.

It was three weeks into the school year that Serenity and Matthew could actually start to talk about what they had been through.

"Remember the one night that we played slap jack?" Serenity asked Matthew.

"Our hands were dead. Hidan was the worst though. Then again, we didn't tell him how to play." They gave small laughs, but couldn't muster any more than that.

About a month later there was a large storm. Serenity and Matthew were in Serenity's room. Their parents were going out for dinner, leaving them home.

"You two will be careful? You guys won't go outside?"

"No, mom. We'll be in the living room watching TV." Matthew shooed them out, then went to the living room, dragging Serenity with him.

"We are going to watch Naruto, just so we have something." They both smiled and sat down. The episodes that were on were the Hidan Kakuzu episodes. The two couldn't help but remember some of the things they did with Hidan and Kakuzu, most too inappropriate or just too filled with vulgar language to recall.

"I would laugh if the power went out like last time," Serenity said. Just as she said that, the power did go out. They were silent, looking at the TV, waiting to see if it would start to swirl with pretty colors. But it didn't come.

"Let's go to the kitchen to find some flashlights," Matthew said, trying not to sound to disappointed. They went.

They then heard a thumping sound, followed by a groan. There was muffled talking. Serenity and Matthew grabbed a heavy object, then headed to where the noise was coming from. Before they got there, the lights came on.

When they entered the living room, they dropped their weapons.



The two cousins ran at their man. "What are you doing here?" Serenity asked.

"We decided to come to your world, hmm. We couldn't stand to live without you guys." Itachi nodded in agreement.

"Well, Serenity, what will we tell our parents?" Matthew asked.

"We'll think of something." She snuggled up to Deidara.

"All this because of Tobi," Matthew said. He gave Itachi a kiss.

"Yes," Itachi said. "A portal through Tobi."

Me: There we are. I hope you all liked this story. I couldn't think of a way to end this besides this way. See you all next story!
