AN: Here's the epilogue I just had to tack on to the end. *laugh* I couldn't help myself!

Disclaimer: I only pretend to own Psych and Supernatural. In all honesty, they're totally not mine. And believe me, that fact does not help me sleep at night...

Shawn Spencer, werewolf-slayer, hunted with the Winchester trio for three months. It was a job unlike any other he had ever experienced—and ever would experience.

He was good at it. Good at getting the job done. He could talk is way into places with an air of ease John wouldn't have guessed. He shot with slightly better accuracy than Dean, it turned out. He made friends with Sam, and earned respect then friendship from Dean. He fit in well with the Winchesters, and quickly found his own place in the group.

When he left the Winchesters after three months, there were no hard feelings. John had always suspected he didn't have the heart for the job. He also lacked what John possessed—a reason for following this life. He had blessedly not been touched by the supernatural before taking down that first werewolf. Hunting wasn't his life. He wasn't meant for it, nor it him.

So he left eventually. Found another job in another state, and kept moving. His life continued on. His road trip continued on. And he promised to help the Winchesters out if they ever needed an extra set of hands. So they called him up every now and again. They promised in turn to help him with anything, should he ever need it, and he cashed that offer in once or twice. Whenever the Winchesters happened to be near a city Shawn was staying in, they would stop by and see him. If he heard of hunts during his road trip, he would drop them a line and they would come take care of it, or find someone else who could.

As it turned out, he probably did more than his fair share of helping them, because he soon took to introducing the Winchesters to acquaintances of his. With his road trip, he met more people and made more friends than he had ever pictured. Even two years into the trip, it seemed like he knew people from all over the States, and his third year was spent traveling the other continents. With the friends he made, he found some pretty helpful acquaintances. So he took to referring the Winchesters to people he knew. If they needed something specific, and he knew of someone who could help, he gave them the number and cashed in a favor with someone from his trip.

It worked. Shawn became their reference, and he was fine with that. The Winchesters helped him out enough with other stuff. And they were friends of his. He wasn't quite one of them—a hunter—but Shawn was close enough. And both he and the Winchesters looked after their own.

So that, ladies and gentlemen, is how Shawn Spencer came to know the Winchesters. With all of the people he met on his road trip, he was bound to run into a hunter someday. It's not all that surprising, really. Hunting monsters was just one of his weirder occupations over the years.

AN: Thanks for reading!