A/N: Well my muse apparently likes me being drugged up because she keeps coming up with stories! LMAO! Let me tell you, you can ask Katie, Cassie, Lyns, or Steph how drugged I've been but being this way at least keeps the pain at bay somewhat… So here is another new BH 90210 story… And thanks Agent Smurf for typing it up!

Disclaimer: I don't own BH 90210! Hell I don't think I currently own myself either! LMAO!

After all the pain and heartache she's been through in this city, Brenda couldn't even believe that she had chosen to come back here. When she left for London all those years ago she vowed she would never return. Hell, even three years ago when things went south with Dylan she had vowed again never to return here or even speak to anyone from here save her brother. But now she didn't really have a choice about coming back home. She needed help and her brother was the only one she trusted to help her.

She looked down and smiled at her three year old twin sons. She should have known that when she got pregnant that she would end up having twins. After all she was a twin herself. She smiled bigger as she thought about the surprise her brother was about to get. She just hoped that she could be civil to the woman that her brother was once again engaged too. When she could no longer put off the inevitable, she knocked on the door to her old home. She held her breath even as she held her sons' hands as she waited on someone to answer the door.

As soon as the door opened and she saw her brother she said "Surprise!"

Brandon's mouth dropped open when he saw his sister but then he quickly overcame his shock and pulled Brenda into a hug. He couldn't believe that she was here. He pulled away when he felt a tug on his pants leg. Once again his mouth dropped open as his eyes landed on twin boys.

His eyes flashed back to Brenda and he said, "Welcome home Sis but it seems that not only didn't you tell me you were coming, but you didn't tell me I had twin nephews. How old are they?"

Brenda sighed and gave Brandon a slight smile. "I know and I'm sorry. But can we come in before we have this discussion?"

Brandon got a sheepish look on his face and he stepped back. "Of course you can come in Brenda. This is still your home even if you haven't lived here in eight years."

Brenda smiled a bit and walked into her old house and past Brandon and she said "Are you the only one here?"

Brandon nodded. "Yes, it's just me here for now. Kelly, Donna, David, Steve, Janet, Val, and Dylan will all be over later though. Are you going to introduce me to my nephews and tell me how old they are?"

Brenda chuckled and said "Brandon meet Brent Michael Walsh and Brandon Mitchell Walsh. Actually they just turned three years old today."

Brandon was surprised that Brenda had name one of the boys after him, well after his first name, but he knelt down to his nephews level and said, "Well hello there Brent and Brandon. I am your Uncle Brandon and happy birthday to you both."

Brent and Brandon both smiled and looked at Brandon and said at the same time, "Hi and thank you Uncle Brandon."

Brenda laughed and said, "I know that you have questions but let me put the boys down for a nap. Once I come back down we'll have that talk."

Brandon nodded. "Put them in your old room. We have a couple of hours before the gang gets here."

Brenda nodded and said "Alright boys follow me."

Brandon watched as Brenda walked up the stairs with her two sons following her. As he watched her, he picked up on some major differences from the last time he seen her four years ago. He had noticed earlier that she was paler than she normally got, even when she had the flu and now he saw that she was walking way slower than she use to. He knew that she would walk slower so that her sons could follow her, but he saw that they were trying to pass her so he knew then that she normally didn't walk this slowly.

Brenda's chest was on fire by the time she got her sons tucked in. She knew that she was going to need to get her overnight bag out of the rental car and take one of her pills. If she didn't it wouldn't be long before she would need an ambulance and the hospital. She also needed to get the beeper out of the car. She took one last look at her sons and walked out of the room leaving the door cracked open. She still couldn't believe that she needed a kidney transplant and she really wasn't looking forward to telling Brandon that, or the fact that she had a heart condition. She shook her head to clear it and started making her way slowly down the stairs.

Halfway down the stairs she clutched at her chest and gasped loudly. She saw Brandon who was standing at the bottom of the stairs looking towards the living room turn towards her and then heard his running footsteps coming up the steps.

"Brenda what is it? What's wrong?" Brandon quickly asked.

Brenda said through the pain "I need my nitro tabs. They are in my overnight bag in the passenger seat of my rental car."

Brandon nodded but didn't say anything. He swung Brenda up into his arms and hurried down the stairs and into the living room. He laid Brenda on the couch and then took off running out of the living room and out the front door. He ran to the rental car and pulled open the passenger door and grabbed the bag before running back inside the house and to Brenda. He set the bag down and then opened it and rummaged through it until he found the pill bottle. He read the label and then opened up the bottle and got a pill out.

"Come on Brenda I need you to open up your mouth so I can put this pill under your tongue." Brandon said frantically.

Brenda with the last of her energy opened up her mouth and lifted her tongue. She sighed when she felt Brandon put the tablet under her tongue. Within a couple minutes the pain in her chest was letting up and she was able to breathe easier. She looked over at Brandon and saw that he was staring at her in concern. She knew that she was going to have to tell him what was wrong.

Aww! Ok Katie here. I betaed this chapter! Let Crys know what you thought! Please review! Peace!