Undeniable Infatuation

A/N: This was originally meant to be a one-shot, but I decided to extend it two or three chapters more (This has nothing to do with the poll on my profile). I have no idea if something similar to this has already been posted, but this came straight from my head, so I might as well type it up? I recommend listening to sad, melodic songs, or anything with a slow and steady beat while reading this. Try babysteps by David Archuleta, The song of the black forest by vocaloid Hatsune Miku, Heart beat by 2pm (korean band), Even if I die I can't let you go by 2am (another Korean band), & so forth. Enjoy-

The sadistic prefect reigned hate on the herbivore for aggravating him; his heart thumped and cheeks burnt whenever he saw the cheerful facade. But life isn't fair; it's cruel. Especially when you finally realise you how much pain you brought to the person you would die for.


WARNING: 1827 Yaoi (boys' love) and herbivore bashing. Slight cussing. Rated M just in case; follows the actual story somewhat.
Don't like? Don't read.



'Genius is born, not paid. - Oscar Wilde.

Chapter one: Aggravation, start.

Sawada Tsunayoshi's life was like a video tape rewinding over and over again, without falter.

Every morning, he would wake up from his slumber and proceed with his morning routine sluggishly, before heading out the door to meet with his two best friends -Yamamoto Takeshi and Gokudera Hayato, who always waited for the brunet at his gate, and walked to Namimori-middle, their school, together, talking about whatever was defined as normal for a middle-school teenage boy.

Yamamoto Takeshi was a black-haired, cheerful and out-going athlete, making him one of the most popular guys' in the school. In his first year of high-school, he accidentally broke his left arm and gave up hope on returning to his most beloved sports - baseball. He decided to follow and befriend Tsuna when the brunet offered him very useful advice and support, and reassured him with smiles and happiness. His main interests linger around baseball and swords.

Gokudera Hayato was an Italian transfer student with silver hair and a delinquent type appearance and attitude, making girls swoon over him and guys loath him. Gokudera used violent methods and colourful profanities to whoever tried to talk or befriend him, causing nothing but trouble to the class and teacher. Tsuna didn't back down when Gokudera pushed him away, and continued to gain his friendship, eventually getting what he wanted in the end, when he used pretty words and rash methods to sort everything out. For some strange reason, Gokudera calls Tsuna 'Tenth' and has a interest in bombs, and Tsuna himself.

The three friends would walk and talk, eventually reaching the school gates, where they greeted their so-called 'friend', Hibari Kyouya.

Hibari Kyouya is the raven-haired leader of Namimori's Discipline Committee, or Prefects, whose members happen to be a group of delinquents loyal to him despite his lack of care for them. Hibari is feared by absolutely everyone, which includes the town residents, students of Nami-chuu and even teachers. Tsuna and his group of friends helped Hibari with an incident with the neighbouring school, Kokuyo middle school, and started greeting and talking to him ever since, even though Hibari mostly ignored them or didn't say much.

Tsuna was your everyday normal teenager. He had average grades, average abilities in the sporting area and a normal group of friends. Normal, right.

However, the brunet had something no-one else had. The charm, or charisma. Talking to Tsuna would cheer you up, no matter how depressed or angry you were. His smile was bright as he sun; even the coldest of hearts would melt and open up to the brunet who just never gave up once he set his mind on something. Of course, this inquired to everyone, including the most ignorant and sadistic prefect, Hibari Kyouya.

"Good morning, Hibari-san!" Tsuna waved and smiled cutely at the prefect who was standing at the gates, checking on the student's uniform and people who were late, which at this point referred to the three, who didn't realise they were a three minutes late.

Hibari glared back at the three for being late and noisy, pulling out his tonfa's from behind his back.

"You're late herbivores. Hurry up and go to class before I bite you to death." he threatened them, sighing in annoyance when they ran off laughing and waving, instead of cowering and running for their lives' like the majority of students would.

"Sawada Tsunayoshi..." Hibari let his small yellow bird, Hibird make itself comfy on his head before turning around to return to the reception room; his office.


When the bell signaling the end of class resonated throughout the hallways and classrooms, Tsuna and five other friends grabbed their bentos' and walked towards the rooftop to meet with one other person and eat their lunches. The rooftop was normally an area no-one dared to go near, because it was marked as Hibari's territory, but Tsuna and his friends were an exception since they didn't fear Hibari at all...Well, maybe just a bit.

Tsuna formed his group of friends around mid-year in his first stage of middle-school, and had grown unbelievably close to them in just a year. Besides himself, Gokudera and Yamamoto, there was Sasagawa Kyoko, Sasagawa Ryohei and Kurokawa Hana.

Kyoko and Ryohei are siblings, with a one-year age difference. It's hard to believe that the two were related at all. Kyoko had short orange hair, cute, kind, sweet and a bit too innocent, whereas Ryohei has short white hair and is extremely loud and out-going, but very athletic, is the captain of the boxing club and one year older than everyone else.

Kurokawa Hana is Kyoko's best friend ever since elementary school. She has long black, wavy hair and takes no interest in anyone in the group besides Tsuna, Kyoko and her very interesting older brother.

"Itadakimasu!" they said in unison, eating and sharing their lunch, whilst laughing and talking amongst each other.

Quite a while after they all finished their lunch, the six laid back and enjoyed the fresh air whilst talking about random things, which was quite common for them.

After a minute or two, Tsuna excused himself from the conversation and rushed down the flight of stairs from the rooftop and to the nearest male toilet. After finishing with his business, the brunet stepped out of the toilet doors' only to bump into an upperclassman, who had the word 'trouble' written all over his face.

"Oi, watch where you're going." the older teen sneered down at Tsuna, who was relatively short compared to boys' his age.

Tsuna muttered an apology, sensing that this upperclassman meant trouble.


However, Tsuna was absolutely correct.

"I don't accept half-ass apologies." the older teen glared at the brunet and viciously grabbed his collar with both hands, almost choking him.

"Sorry!" Tsuna managed to squeak out a bit louder than before, but the grip on his collar tightened even further.

Suddenly, the older teen dragged Tsuna sidewards and pinned him against the wall, slamming the back of his head in the process.

Tsuna winced in pain, but didn't dare say anything, hoping he would somehow get out of this safely...but it seemed like god wasn't on his side today.

"It's such a shame to hurt this cute face, but it can't be helped..."

And so, Tsuna waited for the inevitable fist to the face, which slammed against his left cheek quite hard. The older teen sneered again and started mocking the brunet who was almost in tears because of the pain and embarrassment, and how vulnerable he felt at the moment. It couldn't be helped though - It was a given fact, that Tsuna would always get hurt one way or another when he went on small trips like this, alone. He was just too defenseless. Tsuna squeezed his eyes and waited for more inevitable blows, but he felt nothing after a couple of seconds. He looked up, confused, but smiled like never before when he saw the one and only...

"Hibari-san!" Tsuna almost hugged his savior, but refrained himself from doing so.

"Pathetic herbivore." Hibari said with his calm and monotonous tone of voice, glaring at the victim, who was slightly twitching on the ground.

"Hibari-san, Th-" Tsuna wanted to thank the prefect, but unfortunately, Hibari was already gone.

What is this feeling...Inside my heart, something is very noisy.

"This sound in my chest...It won't stop. It's noisy." Hibari sighed and leaned further into his chair, staring up at the sky through the window in his office.

Hibari was confused with this new fluffy feeling that he developed recently.

For the past week, whenever he saw Sawada Tsunayoshi, his heart would beat faster and it would thump loudly, which annoyed him in one way or another. Just thinking about it was frustrating him more than usual, but it wasn't his nature to go and ask anyone about it. He did everything by himself, independently. But if he really needed help, he would go to kusakabe, the vice-president of the discipline committee whom was basically the only person he trusted.

"That herbivore...I'll bite him to death for aggravating me."

Doki - Doki


Hibari looked down at the baseball court, and saw a group of people he recognised almost instantly.

Tsuna and his friends were going loitering around the baseball court, talking casually with another group for a moment or two before walking off into the building.

However, when Hibari managed to work out someone's face, his cheeks flushed (unbeknown-st to him) and his heart thumped loudly against his chest, which he was clutching with his left hand, creating wrinkles in his white shirt.

He couldn't suppress this feeling, nor could he stop it. That's why it frustrated him; he hated this sensation, but he couldn't stop it or do anything about it.

"Damn it..." the prefect kicked his chair out of frustration, which smashed into the wall on the other side of the room. His voice dripped with anger and venom, scaring a certain vice-president who happened to be at the door at the wrong time.


A/N: That's the end for this chapter, pretty short though. Think of this chapter as a long prologue; the next chapter will be the actual story. Thanks for reading - a certain amount of reviews will be needed for me to update, but I won't tell. Jokes, I just need the support.

oh right, NOTES:

Bento - what they call boxed lunch or whatever in Japanese.

Itadakimasu - something Japanese people say before eating something, don't know what it literally means though.

Doki Doki - The sound effect for the heart beating in Japanese.