Okay this is my first story! So please be easy at first! I'll try to have the second chapter up soon! :)

Disclaimer: I do not own Fullmetal Alchemist.

Royai: Kidnapped

Roy groaned as they walked down the street. He was stuck with another assignment. He and his five subordinates had to go door to door to find any information in the region. Out of habit he studied his lieutenant. Riza Hawkeye. Her beauty mesmerized him. How he wanted to grasp her and just . . .

He snapped back to reality when Havoc pounded on the next door. It opened and there stood a man. He had sharp teeth, and Roy decided right then and there- he didn't like him. Riza was the first to speak.

"We're here to gather information that may be compatible for military intelligence." she explained. He nodded solemnly.

"Come in, I'm Gr- . . . uhh . . . Greg." He motioned them in the door. Feury then had a sneezing fit, in which Greg got him a tissue. It wasn't long until they heard a click, in which they saw Hawkeye calmly clutching a gun. She deliberately aimed it at Greg!

"That's a nice ouroboros tattoo." she sneered. He only laughed.

"Damn, so you found me out, eh? The Elrics must have forgot to tell you about me. I'm the homunculus Greed." he snickered. "But I'm short on time, so we need to get down to business."

"Then what is it you're after?" Roy questioned. He gave another laugh, throwing down a smokescreen. It wasn't long until their vision was blinded. They heard an explosion as the left wall crumbled. As the smoke cleared it was easy to see that Greed had a hold of . . . Riza? She squirmed in his his grasp. It was useless to use guns against a homunculus. Greed laughed loudly, as he ran off.

Roy gave chase, that is, until Breda and Havoc knocked him down. He strained against the two men.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" he shouted. "He's got Hawkeye!"

"Sir, you can't chase after them. It's suicide."

"I don't give a damn!" he yelled, then turned his attention to the fleeting pair. "Hawkeye!"

"So what do you want from me?" she asked. He had taken her to an abandoned building out in the country. It looked as though no one had been there for decades.

"You're a firs-rate bodygaurd for the Flame Colonel, right? Well I could use your protection, and a few other things, babe." He took out a pill the same size as a golf ball. "You see this, when it's ingested it releases a low dose of hormones. It makes the mind submissive, kinda like hypnosis. You'll be my wife if you want to or not."

"You don't seem to be the tied-down type."

"Maybe not, but I'm willing to take a shot." He laughed, edging it towards her mouth. "Now swallow this, don't bite it or you're in for a nasty surprise."

Your insane if you think I'll swallow that. she thought as he pressed it towards her lips.

Thanks please review! I know it's horrible, but it's my first one. I'll get better. Now if you think it sucks please tell me why. I need HELP WITH THIS!

Thanks, Hawkeye-Fan-101