Epilogue –

Lucy's surroundings became white, garishly white that made her screw up her face. She would have covered her face with her hands if she had the energy to lift them.

She felt like a dead weight – and as she began to regain her consciousness Lucy felt dizzy and slightly sick.

She was no longer lying upon rocks and weeds, feeling the grains of filth beneath her body. She was lying on a comfortable, spongy bed, which made her feel relax and that the garish white was the colour of the sheets and the walls around the bed.

Lucy's eyes were encrusted with sleep and she felt like she hadn't moved in a long time, she felt stiff and definitely hungry. She yawned and opened her eyes fully, seeing a room full of red-headed Weasley relatives and two blonde that blended in with the white.

As Lucy took in her surroundings she did not speak for a moment, she just let the realisation take over of where she was and who was with her.

"Hey," She heard a familiar voice next to her; she turned her head slightly to see her Uncle Ron spreading his hand gently over her forehead, "How're you feeling?" He asked.

"Good," Lucy smiled weakly, licking her lips and looking around the room. There smiling back at her was Hermione, Hugo, Rose, Harry, Ginny, James, Al, Lily, George, Angelina, Fred Jnr, Roxanne, Bill, Victorie, Dominique and Louis.

A single tear slid from her eye as she realised that finally she felt complete, her immediate family may not be present but she had a whole lot of relatives to make up for it.

Ron wiped away the tear that had settled on her cheek and kissed her forehead, "Would you like me to explain everything that happened?"

"Yes please," Lucy croaked turning her head towards her Uncle, eager to hear how she had ended up where she was, "Where am I?" she asked.

"You're in hospital," Hermione held her hand and whispered, "You're in St. Mungo's,"

"Mae-Jack used a Muggle method of explosion called a grenade which blew up the Sanctuary, lucky Charlie had paid the attendant to take Roberta and Harry further than the stables so they missed the explosion. No one was hurt except you and due to Charlie's quick thinking most of us got out unscathed, the edge of the explosion just clipped you which meant you were injured pretty badly. You came round but I think the stench of rotting flesh knocked you back out again – Mae-Jack had blown themselves up and all of their associates 'cause they knew they couldn't fight back against us, especially since you cast Sectumsempra against them,"

"Malfoy has been dismissed from his job at Hogwarts, Ron and Charlie both vouched when you returned back to England as witness of you casting the spell and they Ministry carried out an investigation because Lysander came forward and said he had been taught it by Malfoy as well, he got fired because it's a Death Eater spell," Hermione explained, as Lucy tried to take all this information in.

"The attendant returned Roberta and Harry and we all flew back to Hagrid's sanctuary where everyone met us and we took you down to St. Mungo's in London via apparating and they used a Muggle method to induce you into a coma so they could fix your broken bones," Ron continued, "All of the Mae-Jack associates from Romania are dead, but the ones in the UK are still being investigated, all new employees and visitors will be questioned and investigated until we filter out any more associates and put them in Azkaban.

"Where's Charlie?" Lucy asked.

"He is back in Romania, clearing up the wreckage of the Sanctuary and rebuilding it," Luna explained.

"Mum's going over to see him next week and I'm going to stay with Dad and Lorcan," Lysander explained, as the tip of Luna's cheeks tinged a pinkish colour.

"Have my parents been here?" Lucy asked, wanting to know if they had even cared that she was severely hurt.

"Percy stopped by on his way home from work last night to check you were alright but we haven't heard from him since," Ron replied.

"Lucy, I know it's a bit soon to be talking about it, and I know you're a little doped from the drugs still," Ginny chuckled taking her hand, "But do you want to come and live with me and Harry for a while, just until things get sorted with your Mum and Dad and until Molly starts learning to be mature,"

Lucy nodded stiffly, "Yes please,"

"Okay, treasure," Ginny nodded, "I think we should all move out, don't you guys? Lucy's got a lot to think about and a lot more rest to be had," She winked at Lucy, rising from her seat signalling the other's to go.

"Bye," she waved to everyone, sleepily, and was kissed on the head again by Ron.

"I promise you I will be back here tomorrow, I don't need to be at the Ministry while the investigations are going on but I am on call, but I promise you I will be here tomorrow morning,"

"Okay," Lucy smiled, and everyone vacated until Lysander was left standing before her looking bewildered and astonished at her state.

"Are you alright?" Lysander asked, "I'm sorry, but it's all I can think to say,"

"M'fine," Lucy smiled, patting the side of her mattress for him to sit on, "How are you?"

"Shaken," he replied honestly, "I didn't want to leave you, well, I didn't, Ron couldn't hold you on the flight home so I did," he picked up her hand and kissed it sweetly, squeezing it between his own, "I didn't leave you until we got here and I carried you all the way,"

"You're so sweet," Lucy grinned.

"I won't leave you, not if you don't want me to?" Lysander asked.

"I'll only be sleeping," Lucy replied honestly, "You may as well go and get some sleep yourself,"

Lysander smiled to himself, "Okay, love," he patted to his chest where his heart was, "Always here,"

"Always here," Lucy replicated the motion and still holding Lysander's hand; she let her eyelids fall gracefully into a deep and well deserved sleep.

The End.