A/N: Well, finally! *breathes a sigh of relief* it's been a pleasure, all of you. Thank you for helping me complete my first actually semi-lengthy fic. Maybe now I'll be able to stick with all of my future endeavors! Cookies to the most loyal reviewers, who reviewed every chapter. Like Shadowed Shinobi, Noir Lime Canuto, HarryPotterResidentEvilFanJnL,


Acrobat Ary: You suck. But I love you. See you tomorrow :D bowling?

BOSS Zefron Poster: I absolutely LOVE your pen name! So I'm guess you love AVPM too? Well, thank you for the compliment! It's much appreciated :) I hope you enjoy the epilogue as much as you enjoyed the rest of the story!

FrolicWithNicole: You'll be happy to know that I'm actually working on the Albus/Scorpius story that kind of corresponds to this- it'll only share one or two scenes, like the Whomping Willow scene and the Confession between James and Al (Chapter 3), but it won't be posted until I've finished it, and right now I've just started the first chapter :)

Bunni-Boo-695: thanks! Here ya go :)

Jetsir: I'm really glad you liked it, and thanks so much for the constructive criticism! I'm not sure if it's so much that I'm rushing through to get to the romance... more that I simply am crap at writing action stuff. I usually try to avoid it :P

Shadowed Shinobi: I know I wouldn't ;) but she handled it well, considering.

Noir Lime Canuto: I'm so glad you've enjoyed it! I could never leave Scorpius and Albus without each other! That would be mean!

Padfoot's Blondie: Your review about your children answering in quartets literally made me laugh out loud, so thank you. I think it's a brilliant idea.

Miss MP: Thanks!

HarryPotterResidentEvilFanJnL: I had to do SOMETHING to make Scorpius and Al get together!

Ellara: Thanks! *girlish fangirl squeal*

This is for people who enjoy a more final happy ending. I think it's rather sappy, but I'm good with sappy so...

As always, please review! You people delight me.

Disclaimer: for the last time, I don't own Harry Potter.

Epilogue - 3 years later

"Hurry up, James, or we'll be late," Teddy said, impatiently, attempting to straighten his tie.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry!" James nearly fell into the room, having tripped over his own shoelaces. His shirt was untucked, his tie was askew, and his hair was, as usual, untameably messy. But all of these things only made him seem more adorable to Teddy. He shook his head. There was clearly something wrong with him if he thought that the fact that James was twenty and couldn't dress himself was adorable.

Teddy tied James' tie and tucked in his shirt, then kissed him quickly. "Have you got the flowers?"

"Bugger," said James, hopping back into the bedroom of their flat. Teddy sighed and checked his watch, fingering the small metal object that had resided in his pocket for over a month. In another moment, James was out, with a large cardboard box clutched in his arms. "Shall we, then?"

They stepped together into the magically enlarged fireplace of green flames, spiraling away into nothing. In a moment, they landed in the Potter's kitchen fireplace with a thump. Teddy knew James well enough after a lifetime together to grab his elbow to steady him when they landed. Sure enough, James lurched forward and nearly dropped the box.

"We've got the flowers!" Teddy yelled when they stepped out of the fireplace, letting his hand slide from James' elbow to his hand, to entwine fingers with him.

Ginny Potter hurried around the corner. "Oh, thank heavens, Hermione is in a panic."

Teddy laughed. "What has she psyched herself out about this time?"

"She thinks you're not coming, James," Ginny said, rolling her eyes. "I swear she's more anxious than the bride."

James and Teddy laughed together. "I'm the best man," James snorted, "I can't exactly skip out on the wedding."

"It's her only daughter," Ginny said, "and she's getting married young. Like your Dad and I. You can't blame her for being like this. I'll be a wreck when Lily marries."

James grinned at his mum. "She's marrying Miles. Aunt Hermione couldn't ask for a better bloke. Beside Teddy, of course, but he's not an option."

Teddy choked a little beside him.

"Do you want to go see Rose?" Ginny asked. "Lily isn't making her feel any better."

"Sure. Ted, could you go pass out the flowers to the bridal party?" James said, squeezing his lover's hand.

"Sure," Teddy said, placing a quick, chaste kiss on James' cheek. "Ginny?"

Ginny was smiling fondly at the two of them as she took Teddy's arm. "Help me calm Hermione down, please, Ted. You're better at it than I am."
As they walked away, Teddy took one last look over his shoulder and winked at James. It may have been three years since they'd finally sorted out their feelings for each other, but even little things like a wink still sent shivers down James' spine.

"Knock, knock," James called through Rose's door, the first to the right at the top of the staircase.

"Jamie, thank Merlin you're here," Rose called back. "Could you please take the champagne away from Lily? I don't want her drunk before the wedding even starts."

"Are you both decent?"

He heard Lily's slightly tipsy laugh.

"Oh, no," he murmured. Lily was his baby sister and he was supposed to keep her out of trouble. But she always somehow managed to find it.
He opened the door, and took the bottle of champagne out of his sister's hands. "That's enough for you, Lily," he said, corking it. "You're the maid of honor. Don't screw it up."

Rose turned away from the window and James enveloped her in a hug. "You look beautiful, Ro," he said, holding her at arm's length. She did look lovely. Her hair tumbled in a cascade of red curls down her back, and her white dress had been her mother's- simple, but elegant.

"Your tie is crooked," she said in response, reaching over to straighten the strip of red silk. "Have you talked to Miles?"

"I did yesterday- we had tea." James snorted at the memory. "He was scared out of his wits that you might change your mind."

Rose grinned, clearly relieved. "No cold feet for me."

"None for him, either," James reassured her. "Don't worry."

Rose kissed his cheek. "Thanks, Jamie. Now go find Miles- he probably needs you more than I do. And oh," she added, as an after-thought, "could you maybe get Lily a hangover potion? I think there's some in a cupboard downstairs- Mum keeps it for Dad and our Uncles at New Year's."

James laughed. "Coming right up."

After watching Lily down the potion, he headed a few doors down to Miles' room. He'd only been with him for what seemed like a few minutes when Lily poked her head in. "Ready to go?" she asked.

They stood at the altar together- James as the best man, Fred, Lysander, and Lorcan as groomsmen- and looked out at the seated guests. James could practically hear Miles' heart beating from where he stood. "Cool it," he whispered. "She loves you. She's coming."

Albus, sitting in the front row beside Scorpius, grinned at him. Neither of them were technically a part of the ceremony, but they were so close to Rose that she had reserved spots for them at the bridal table.

As the music started up, each guest rose from their seat.

Dominique was the first down the aisle- glowing with a grace that could only be inherited from her mother. Lucy was next, followed by Roxanne… then Lily. She seemed remarkably composed, her steps not wavering at all, and only wincing once- when the music let out a particularly high trill at the arrival of the bride.

The crowd sighed as one when they caught sight of Rose. She was stunning- even more radiant than Dominique- floating down the aisle. Miles' eyes locked on her and never let go. As the Chief Warlock presiding over the ceremony turned to begin his speech, James' searching eyes caught Teddy's.

Teddy, sitting in the audience, felt the usual thrill, the hum of electricity through his veins, as those hazel eyes smiled at him.

"Will you, Miles Dawson…"

He felt in his pocket, and closed his fingers around the small circle of metal that had been in his pocket for over a month now. Perhaps it was finally time…? He pulled the ring out of his pocket, and held it just so that the light streaming through the windows of the muggle church caught on it and reflected onto James' face.

A bright light flashed into James' eyes. He blinked hard, and saw Teddy. He was holding a small piece of reflective silver in his hand and had an uncharacteristically serious look on his face.

Suddenly, James understood, and his throat closed up.

"Will you?" Teddy mouthed.

James nodded. "I will," he whispered, just as Rose said aloud the same statement. And as Rose and Miles kissed, James held Teddy's gaze, and Harry and Ginny Potter, having watched the exchange from a few seats over, smiled.

A/N: the end.

It's been a wonderful journey with all of you! *mwah!* (the sound of kisses being blown)