Chapter 6

A/N: So a lot of this chapter is going to focus on Alli and Clare talking about why Alli has been acting the way she has. This chapter and the reveal of why she is being so snippy to Clare is why I had them make up sooner in the story. But don't worry there will be more Eclare in this chapter. Oh and I am officially switching over to more original storylines.

Trying not to show the panic on her face Clare reached out for Alli's hand even as it was holding her coffee cup and asked, " I am sure whatever it is, it isn't that bad. Tell me, maybe I can help."

"It's not just me Clare…. It's Johnny."

" Johnny? What does Johnny have to do with you acting weird? He isn't even around he is at University, isn't he?" There was fear in Clare's voice. She knew all the stuff Alli had been put through when she had been involved with the older bad boy. Even after they broke up he had caused issues. She just couldn't stand it if the guy hurt her anymore.

"Yes… and no." Alli's answer was even more cryptic than the last and she wasn't looking at Clare anymore.

"Alli, you are really scaring me now." Clare's voice was small as she tried to sound calm not wanting to freak Alli out. She knew if she did scare her friend she would never hear the full story.

"Sorry… ok I'll start from the beginning. It all started this past summer…"


It was only the beginning of summer and Alli was already bored. She had gone to the pool, Above the Dot, The Dot, the movie theater and the mall (mostly with Clare) and now she felt like there wasn't anything left to do. Clare had gone away for awhile to visit her grandma with her parents, leaving Alli to her own devices. Needing an escape Alli decided to go to her favorite bookstore.

She had been scanning through the fantasy fiction section, looking for anything new involving sexy vampires, when she heard a familiar voice a few rows down. Curiosity got the best of her and before she knew it her feet were carrying her towards the sound. Hiding behind the closest book shelf her chocolate eyes locked onto the blond man the voice belonged too.

It was Johnny alright. He was leaning against a book shelf talking to one of the employees. A pretty brunette girl who was twirling her hair with one hand and skimming her fingers over his arm with the other. Scowling she felt the green eyed monster rear it's ugly head in her. But she wasn't sure who she was more mad at him for doing this to her still or the fact that she reacted at all.

It didn't change the fact that suddenly she wanted his attention again, and she wanted to prove she could still get it. After all she hadn't really dated since him. Lately it felt like guys didn't find her attractive. This was the chance she could prove them wrong. So she quickly composed herself and walked down the row the two were in. Letting her hips sway she pretended she didn't see Johnny as she "looked over" the books on the shelves.

Alli had only taken two steps past Johnny before he spoke up, "Alli is that you?"

Turning around Alli made sure she let just the right amount of surprise fill her voice, "Oh Johnny, hi." As much as she wanted to launch herself into his arms she didn't. She was still a little hurt by the past and also didn't want to seem desperate.

"What are you doing here?" Johnny asked as he took a few step towards her a smile on his face.

Taking a quick glance at the girl who had been flirting with him Alli saw a scowl on her face as her eyes shot daggers at Alli. The monster roared with happiness inside her, she still had it. "Just looking for something new to read. What about you?" The small talk was killing Alli but she knew it was needed.

"Oh I am getting text book." He faked a frown, and suddenly Alli couldn't help the laugh that feel from her lips.

And just like that the two began talking with such an ease Alli wondered how she had gone so long without it. Even with all the stuff they had been through when they were like this she could almost forget about it. Almost.

Hours later he was walking with her back to her house. They had spent a little longer at the book store then had picked up dinner at The Dot. All the while conversation had flowed effortlessly between them.

Standing in front of her house Alli was suddenly very nervous. As the day had gone on the distance the two had kept between each other had gotten smaller and smaller. Looking into his eyes now she saw what she could only describe as attraction and what had to be hope. "Well I had fun today, thanks." Her voice was quiet as she looked at him through her lashes.

The next thing she knew his strong hands were cupping her chin and pulling her lips towards his. When their lips connected his movements were slow and hesitant. Alli lips stayed still out of pure shock, which he took as a bad sign. Pulling away he was about to apologize when she pulled him back in. Her kiss was harder filled with need, a need that he returned without another thought. After a breathtaking mini make out the two teens pulled back smiles on their faces.

"Wow… that was… wow." His voice was husky and made her knees weak.

"Yea, wow." Once again Alli couldn't seem to look the blond man in the eye.

"Can I see you again? I'm sorry but I miss you. I like having you around." Alli's head flew up at the question. His voice was nervous and slightly shaking.

"Umm yea I guess. My parents are still pretty strict though. Are you sure you want back into that craziness. Cause once they see you they aren't going to be ok with a more relaxed situation between us." Alli tried to make it sound like their…. Well whatever it was, didn't need to be serious. She didn't want to scare him after all.

"All I know is I want to see you more. If that involves sneaking in and out of your room again, then ok." Smirking he added, " It's not like I didn't master the skill when we were together the first time."

Alli couldn't help the same that broke put on her face, "You want to get back together?"

"… Yea."

Squealing Alli flung herself in Johnny's arms and kissed him with as much power as she could. After they pulled apart Alli gave Johnny one more smile before running into her house.


"YOU HAD A SUMMER FLING WITH JOHNNY!" Clare slightly freaked out before taking a deep breath and continuing, "Well it was just a summer thing, right. So why is it bugging you now?"

"It wasn't a summer fling." Alli's voice was small.

"What was it then?" Clare tried not to sound upset as the story unfolded.

"It isn't just a fling." Her voice was still weak but Clare heard her well enough.

Taking a few deep breaths Clare got up and started to pace instead. "Isn't as in present tense. As in you are still seeing him?"

"It's not that simple Clare." Alli tried to defeat herself.

"Not that simple. Not that simple! Alli what are you doing with him? … And what about Drew!"

Jumping off the couch Alli's voice began to raise as well, " I am with Johnny ok. No one knows not even my parents. I only get to see him like twice a week when he can sneak into my room or I can get away for a few hours."

"Ok fine you're with Johnny. I don't get it, I probably never will. And honestly I don't like it. But what about Drew?"

"Drew is sweet but he is just not…" Alli let the sentence hang which pissed Clare off a bit.

"He isn't what Alli. I am trying to understand here but you gotta give me something to go by."

"Johnny is sweet, caring, and actually wants to be with me. Not dating me and whoever else. He has grown up. He's a man who knows who he wants and isn't afraid to go after what he wants. I am not afraid he is going to hurt me again. He isn't going to cheat or leave me." Alli's rant surprised Clare but confused her even more.

"And Drew isn't like that? Did he cheat on you or something?"

Sitting down Alli stared at her lap, "No, he is some of those things. I mean he is sweet, charming and fun but... but he doesn't want a relationship- relationship. He wants to keep it open, you know non committed. I know that is him wanting to keep his options open. I can't do that." Alli looked up to see Clare giving her a look that said 'but you are'.

"… Ok so I am keeping it open with him by dating Johnny but I can't leave Johnny. Not when I love him, and not after everything that has happened."

"So break up with Drew, Alli, you already have your mind made up. If you really can't break it off with Johnny. I don't know why you would stay with him. There was a lot of bad stuff that happened with Johnny. The fact that you two have a history shouldn't be one of the reasons to stay" Clare was getting tired of hearing Alli's semi shallow problems.

"Not all the times were bad with Johnny. Can I tell you something but you have to promise not to freak out." Alli asked almost pleading, like she needed to tell whatever it was or she wouldn't be able to think straight.

"Go ahead."

" I need to keep both of them. Drew has met my parents and while they are not letting us "date" per say he spends time at my house and is actually making a positive dent in their worry about me dating. He plays the perfect "suitor" at my house. I like him but the more time I spend with him the more he drives me crazy. He isn't really that smart and whenever I try and talk about books or anything like that he tunes out. It makes me realize how great Johnny is. He is so smart, and he really gets me. We can talk for hours about everything or anything."

Looking confused and slightly more pissed off Clare had to ask, " It doesn't explain why you need to keep them both."

"Drew is playing the perfect candidate right now. By him doing that I can sneak off to see Johnny easier. If I keep doing this my parents stay happy and so do I. Then I can go off to college and be with Johnny. I am just trying to play the game."

Clare was almost seeing red, "How could you be so selfish!" Clare almost yelled. "Did you ever think that what both Drew AND Johnny feel for you is real. And by doing this you are hurting them both. Drew doesn't know I thing, I am sure of that. And he would probably be crushed if he did. He is actually putting in effort, especially since he has faced your parents. And Johnny how can you think that if he really does care for you he is happy or ok with you being all over Drew. I have seen you guys at school, and heard Adam talk about what you do when you two are at his house."

Alli had never seen Clare more angry then in that moment but she wasn't the only one. "God Clare you just don't understand do you. You have no idea what is like to want to be with a guy your parents would hate."

"Alli my boyfriend drives a hearse, wears dark colors mostly black, got me to skip school and is an ATHEIST! Yea I know what it is like. But this isn't a contest." Taking a deep breath Clare walked over to her door saying, "We just got over a fight, I really don't want to have another. I just think what you are doing is not fair to them. But it's your life. Why don't we just calm down and we can talk tomorrow ok."

Alli huffed as she walked over to the now open door. "Fine, I don't want to fight either. I'll call you tomorrow." She gave Clare a hug, which her best friend returned, before leaving.

Clare was pacing in her bedroom a few hours later. She was so tired of arguing with Alli. She missed the way they used to be before high school. Before things got complicated with guys, dating and parental expectations.

As she stared out her window she didn't notice Eli walk into her room or him making himself at home laying on her bed.

"You really shouldn't leave your door unlocked when you're the only one home." His deep voice jolted her out of her thoughts.

"Oh my, Eli you scared me to death." Clare shrieked, hand over her heart.

He chuckled as he shifted around on her bed. He had his ankles crossed and one hand behind his head.

"So how did girls day go? Did you and Alli gossip and have pillow fights?" The right corner of Eli's mouth tip up in a smirk at the thought.

"Eli!" No we actually almost got into another fight." Clare huffed looking back out the window.

"Clare I'm sorry." Eli's voice was soft, "Hey Clare." His voice made her turn to see his arms out spread inviting her to come lay with him.

Without thinking Clare made her way across the bedroom, onto the bed and into his embrace. It only took a few seconds for the strength of his arms and the warmth on his body to make her feel safe. Letting her head fall onto his shoulder she couldn't help the smile that spread across her face. It was the same feeling she had had waking up that morning in his arms.

"So what happened?" His voice muffled as he buried his face in her short tawny hair.

"It's nothing really. I am just realizing maybe Alli and I are too different. But can we not talk about it, it's been on my mind all day just driving me crazy."

"Yea sure. What do you want to do?" She could tell he would go along with whatever she wanted to do, if it meant making her happy. Lifting her head up she couldn't help the cliché line that escaped her lips, "This." Before she leaned down to connect their lips. The shock Eli felt disappeared fast as he eagerly returned the kiss. Letting go Clare just let her body tell her what to do. That was how she ended up straddling her boyfriends hips as the rest of her upper body molded to his. Letting her hands weave into his hair she felt his travel down her back and settle on her hips. His fingers gripped her a little tighter as her body pushed more into him as his tongue began to explore her mouth.

Normally Clare wouldn't be ok with this kind of physical interaction but it wasn't going farther then just heavy making out. Besides what they were experiencing wasn't just teenage hormones it was a need for closeness. For a level of intimacy that was just as deep with their clothes on.

Breaking the kiss Eli looked up at his girlfriend for a quick moment before shifting his body causing the two to switch positions. The unexpected change made Clare giggle. Eli's mouth left his girlfriends lips and instead focused on her neck.


Pulling apart Clare saw Eli pout as she reached for the phone. It was her mom telling her that her parents would be coming home early, they would get home a little after dinner tomorrow. It took all her control to focus on what her mother was saying though because Eli had slipped up behind her and was nuzzling her neck.

After playfully slapping him on the chest once she was off the phone the rest of the night went by smoothly. Neither really left the bed as they watched TV, laid on the bed just enjoying being together or made out.

The next few weeks went by in a blur. Between school, homework and hanging with Eli and Adam Clare was barely ever home. Which was a good thing because her parents were still fighting. The trip obviously hadn't helped them and what was worse was now they were fighting right in front of her without even trying to cover it up. She had talked to Alli and they had decided that they were never going to be able to agree on the topic so they were just going to drop it. It wasn't worth the bickering when it was clear neither would budge and they wanted to stay friends.

But the friendship had shifted since that night. Their conversations now were all superficial in nature. They were about school, homework, or TV. Never about their personal lives. At school Clare never saw Drew and Alli together anymore. She knew thanks to Adam, that they were still together but Alli was always alone when they talked. Clare never talked about her parents issues with Alli either or anyone else for that matter. Every person connected to either her romantic life (Eli), someone wanting her back and doing it wrong (K.C) or connected to Alli's romantic life (Drew, his brother Adam, or Johnny).

Not to mention that Clare saw that Alli was hanging out with Jenna now. That was something Clare couldn't figure out. Alli had always been on her side whenever Jenna had hurt her, so what was the reason Alli was hanging out with her now. Was it because Alli wanted popularity or was it because Clare hadn't been around as much.

She knew she was partially to blame after all even if their friendship hadn't changed lately Clare was still not around as much. Mostly of the time she found herself hanging with Eli and Adam. It was just nice to expand her circle of friends again, especially those two boys. Getting away from the drama that seemed to have followed her the last year or so was nice.

Hopefully the drama would stay away, at least at school.

Sadly Clare's hopes weren't going to happen if K.C. had anything to do with it.

K.C's P.O.V

Getting beat up by Eli was so humiliating. But what was worse was Clare coming to Eli's rescue. But she still loved him and K.C. knew that. Why else would she have made Eli stop before he hit him again. He just had to get her away from everyone else. Her parents, Alli, Adam and especially Eli. They were they problem. They were the ones that told her that he was bad for her. Told her to stay away from him. But she loved him. He knew she loved him! She just couldn't be with him, they wouldn't let it.

So he would just have to remove the problem. If he could take her away they could be together. Once they didn't have to deal with anyone else trying to pull them apart they could be together. They would be in love and happy.