A/N: Don't worry, I haven't forgotten. Usually I've been updating Indivisible because any new ideas with DGMxHP I try to integrate into that one, but some of them don't quite fit...

Anyways, this one is when Harry is at the Order the first time without Ron or Hermione, which starts around chapter 20/21 or so. They were probably there for a while, so I don't have an exact time, but it's safe to say Harry has been there a little while. It is something of a mix – slightly Karina001's idea(It's not the first time...), a tiny bit of something for The Hungry Hybrid(It's not first person, so is it still considered his POV?), and a little something for myself also ^^; Kanda IS my favorite XD My original idea included Lupin bonding after the end of TAFD... and then I remembered when I sat down to write it that Lupin's dead then, which made me rather sad. So I had to modify the idea, sadly.

It's short. It's probably not OVERLY amusing. It did vaguely amuse me at first though.

Most people don't know about Kanda's 'condition'. He knows that they avoid him because they're intimidated by his normal presence and not because they somehow, inexplicably, know about his newest curse. Komui knows. The beansprout and the annoying Bookman junior knows. Even the pipsqueak wizard knows. He's not sure if Lenalee does, she has this funny thing of somehow always finding out things she shouldn't, but enough people know and he'd be even happier if nobody knew.

It's kind of hard to hide a werewolf though.

His second transformation goes easier than the first and fortunately there is no akuma around for him to worry about. Unfortunately, there's no akuma to focus on. That means that when he finds himself in the wild forest around the Order, he's assaulted by smells and sounds and instincts that he can't really suppress in his attempt to live.

He tries to keep the entire thing quiet. Nobody had seemed to realize the full moon had been sneaking up, and even he wouldn't have noticed if he hadn't felt it in his very bones. It made him more irritable than normal but most of the Finders and people he didn't get along with generally couldn't tell the difference. Slowly, the walls begin to feel like they're closing in on him and he develops an itch between his shoulder blades that just won't go away. The noise seems louder than usual, and the smell from the science section has become rather offensive. When finally he can't take it anymore, he goes outside to wait for the moon to rise.

It starts with a feeling that he's being squeezed into a tiny ball, which surprises him. Then he feels like he's suddenly claustrophobic, like there's not enough room for him. He's itchy, he's restless, he's impatient.

The fur feels terrible for a few moments and the sensation of having his bones broken and healed in a few short minutes with little to no pain is completely new. He hates feeling his mind slip away the most. Something rises up – something that is usually little more than a whisper or a growl in the back of his mind – and it takes a hold with a vice grip. Then there's this cool feeling from somewhere even deeper inside, and slowly his mind starts to piece itself back together. The next thing he knows, he's on the ground of the forest floor as a big black wolf.

That bit of something that almost pushes his mind away angers him. He hates it. He's sure it's his 'core' that keeps him sane. It's symbol hovers over his chest just as it had the first time. He doesn't know how it keeps him sane, doesn't even know what it is, but he's in no position to ask.

He does entertain the idea of waltzing up to Komui and trying to ask, though, if only for the look on his face.

Then again, Komui probably wouldn't know. If anyone, he'd ask that idiot Bak Chan – he's the one with the most free access to the necessary files.

He's pretty sure, several hours later, that nobody has either noticed, or cared, that he was gone. That suited him just fine. People didn't generally seek him out anyway.

Unfortunately, there happens to be one person in the Order who makes Kanda's business his own, and he also tends to seek out his company if for no other reason than to annoy him.

"Hey, Yu~!" Lavi calls out into the trees, "I know you're out there somewhere. I think. Where else would you be? So come out here. Don't make me go looking for you!"

Kanda snorts and stays where he is; lounging amongst the underbrush around the edge of the training circle that doesn't get often used.

"I'm serious," Lavi pouts, "Come on, Reever said he saw you on the golem camera's not that long ago!"

That gave Kanda pause. The scientist wouldn't know Kanda if he saw him.

"The scientists are semi-freaked. Johnny's running around yelling about a big black wolf and some guy swears you're as big as a bear. That got everyone claiming that you're some kind of ghost or demon, or something horrible like that, and Komui's not happy that we didn't tell him about your... you know... 'time of the month.'"

He snarls from his spot before he's able to stop himself. Then decides 'what the hell?' and lunges at the redhead, who gives an impressive squeak just before he falls.

Lavi stares at the large fangs in his face and gulps, "Oh come on. You wouldn't bite me, would you? I'm, like, your best friend..."

Kanda growls. It's a pretty obvious 'The hell you are' kind of growl, and Junior gets the gist of it well enough.

"Look," He starts, "Komui wants to know if you're... um... sane? Or uh... aware?... In other words, are you going to bite off peoples heads if they venture outside?"

Kanda stares down at the other. He'd have a very exasperated face if only a wolves face was expressive enough.

"I guess if I still have my head, probably everyone's safe, right?" Lavi rolls his eyes, "Except maybe the beansprout. I'll tell him to stay indoors during the full-moon from now on, how's that?"

Kanda snorts again and sits up. He then sits directly on Lavi's chest; he's completely aware how heavy he probably is, and watching the other wheeze a little is rather amusing. His tail wraps around himself and he glances into the forest before looking at the entrance back into the castle.

"Are you planning on staying out here all night?" The other asks. One look is all he needs to communicate the answer to that. "Alrighty then. Point taken. I'll tell Harry you said hands off the merchandise, since it is the first time he gets that room to himself... lucky kid."

He glares and flares his nose, his tail thumping down to partly whack the other in the face.

"Hey," Lavi holds his hands up in surrender, "I'm just sayin' that a lot of people wonder what the heck is in your room, okay? There were even bets about whether Harry would live through his first night in there."

Kanda rolls his eyes.

"You know, I think I actually like this," Lavi grinned, "I mean, with you unable to talk, there's no threats on my life, no insults... you don't even have hands to hold Mugan with!"

Kanda flashes his fangs again to remind the idiot that he's not weaponless, and his claws dig into the others shoulders.

"It's almost like it really is your time of the month, except more pleasant."

Lavi flinches away from the teeth that snap at his face. He decides that taunting a wolf who's literally on top of him is not one of his smartest plans.

Harry glances up when he hears a soft murmur that quickly grows louder. A group passes him, all breaking out into laughter just as they pass. While Allen wonders aloud what's going on, Lenalee glances into the cafeteria and spots them, her eyes lighting up.

"Lenalee!" Allen greets enthusiastically, "The science section seems pretty lively tonight."

"Oh yes," Lenalee giggles slightly behind her hand, "I'm just on my way to help out someone who got themselves into a bit of a bind."

"What happened?" Harry asked with a raised eyebrow, glancing again at the scientists.

"Want to come with me and find out?" She smiles a little devilishly – an expression he's never seen on her face before and judging by the slightly disturbed one on Allen, it's one the other hasn't seen either. It definitely looks a little strange.

"I'm suddenly very wary," Allen's eyebrows drew in and he slowly leaned back. "It's something stupid isn't it?"

"You could say that," Lenalee giggles again, turning away and starting towards the exit. Harry shares a look with Allen; then, they both shrug and follow.

They actually go outside, surprising both of them. What could the scientists have been laughing about from inside? But as they drew closer, a golem fluttered up before them and jerked around somewhat wildly. Harry realized it was a sort of camera when Lenalee admonished it and he heard Reever's voice come from it.

"Sorry. By the time I found out, quite a few people already saw," The head scientist replied slightly sheepishly, "At the very least, there's no more panic about a 'monster lurking in the forest.'"

"... It's a full moon tonight," Harry realized when he looked up. His eyes widened and he felt suddenly very concerned. He hadn't even realized...

"Yes, Komui reminded me as much earlier," Allen confided, "I had forgotten also. I'm not sure why he was particularly annoyed though. What's this about a monster?"

Reever explained it to them; about the fast moving rumor of the giant wolf that had been spotted lurking around and the superstitions a lot of people had.

"I have this horrible feeling this is, indeed, very stupid," Allen sighed.

They reached the seldom-used training circle within minutes. And when they did, Harry had to laugh. Lenalee giggled and although Allen sighed and tried to look very put-upon, he had to hide his smirk behind his hand.

For, tied to the training pole that stuck straight into the air quite a ways, was Lavi. In nothing but his underwear. Upside down. With mud splattered over his chest.

And at the base of the pole sat a very satisfied looking wolf, tail covered in mud.

"How very childish," Allen shook his head and rolled his eyes, "It's not even funny."

A wad of mud missed the exorcist by inches.

"How did you do that?" Harry wondered in confusion, "Is that... even possible?"

"I don't even know," Lavi grumbled.

"How can you not know?" Allen's mouth twitched towards a grin before settling down, "I know you only have one eye, Lavi, but surely you'd know how this happened."

"You would think so," Lavi whined, "Will you just get me down from here? It was totally uncalled for!"

"What did you even do?" Lenalee asked as her Innocence came to life and she rose to his height.

"I was just teasing him about his 'time of the month,'" Lavi pouted, "I mean, seriously."

For a moment, Lenalee looked as if she were going to hesitate untieing him, and Harry is sure that if she pays a little less attention towards his landing it's no surprise.

"That's only funny the first time," Allen chuckled, "Let me guess – you kept it up?"

Lavi grumbled and wondered where his clothes were.

After that, it wasn't strange to hear the tale of the Big Black Wolf that tied up Bookman Junior, stripped him, and covered him in mud. As much as it amused Kanda – especially since most people didn't know he is the Big Black Wolf – he was more satisfied by the fact that Lavi learned not to tease him when he's a wolf. Suddenly threats were much more welcoming than public humiliation.

That, and nobody made fun of him for his Time Of The Month ever again.