By ApocalypticDisaster

Vampire Knight © Matsuri Hino

Paring: RidoXKaname
Warnings: Mature themes, Yaoi, AU.
A/N: This is dedicated to the awesome Koimatsu-Chan for being, well, awesome. Haha...fail on my behalf for coming up with a legit reason. This is going to be a two-shot, and the mature themes will be showing in the next chapter. AU.

The loud clamor of students chatting echoed through the courtyard as the boy glanced around, pushing the large glass doors that led to the block his locker was located in, and welcoming the warmth that radiated through the spacious room as the cold wind was shut out thanks to the door banging shut behind him. The brunette allowed himself to loosen the tight grip on his expensive and now wrinkled coat, relaxing his knuckles and allowing the fabric to fall apart slightly, exposing parts of a alabaster neck that was otherwise covered by a deep black scarf that was tied around it. His pale cheeks hosted a slight tinge of pink as a product from the icy wind that previously assaulted him before his entrance to the hall and his hands shook slightly, despite the thick fabric that covered them.

The talking of students easily drowned out the sounds of his plain black shoes hitting the linoleum floor as he walked past the crowds covering the walls of lockers, silently nodding his acknowledgment to the few classmates that greeted him as he passed them.

He sighed in relief when the tips of his long fingers hit the cool metal of his locker, almost happy for the symbolism that the school day was almost over. His digits mechanically twisted the lock of the metal door, being sure each twist was accurate so he wouldn't have to re-enter them. He was congratulated by the lock clicking out of place, making it possible for him to open the door and grab the bag he had stashed there that morning. He poured his school books in the dull- colored backpack and, after giving his locker a quick once-over glance to assure himself he hadn't forgotten anything essential for the up-coming weekend, carelessly slung one of the dark straps over his shoulder, whilst letting the other hang carelessly down his back.

He shut the door with a muted bang, repositioned the lock and turned away, walking back the way he previously came.

"Hey, Kaname. We're going to hang out 'round Shiki's for a while. His parents are out of town, so it's an unmissable chance to have some fun, you coming?"

And he was forced to stop his wishful-escape from the annoying cluster of people by the voice of his best friend, dark eyes meeting light ones full of laughter. The other members of his close-knit group was standing behind him, bringing plenty of attention to the small portion of the room because of the 'overload of beauty' as one excited girl squealed coming from the ten of them and he answered in his famously known, monotone voice,

"No, thank you, Takuma. I have to speak to Sensei about the homework that's due Monday. I've yet to start it and I need to clarify a few points with him,"

"But, Kaname, you're always studying! You need to have some fu-,"The blonde was cut off by a sharp pain shooting through his foot as a tiny brunette stamped on it, wrapping her hand round the males arm and pulling him back before offering a knowing smile to her equally beautiful brother who was edging unconsciously towards the exit.

"That's ok, Kaname Onii-Sama. Go see Sensei and you can catch up with us later,"

"Bye, Yuki," He gave her a appreciative smile for intervening, as he continued walking, raising his hand up to give his friends a backwards wave, "See you later then,"

The teenager found it excruciatingly difficult to keep a calm face whilst he waited, perched up against the wall, silently begging for the hallways to hurry up and clear. He thought he finally had a chance when the last remaining of the first years left, only to mentally curse when another two girls exited the bathroom at the top of the corridor, profoundly blushing at the sight of him and giggling as they stumbled past him whilst trying to grab his eye. Unnerved by the clearly annoyed expression beginning to paint itself on his handsome features, his fingers tapping at the smooth surface he leaned across in an attempt to keep a motionless posture.

He gave it another five minutes after the two childish students had finally gave up and left, making sure no-one else would spot him as he made his way to the door, stopping at the site that greeted him and left a hitch in his breathing. He could see, through the glass plane of the door he stood in front off, a most scrumptious sight. His dark eyes instantly traveled to the few open buttons of a shirt, exposing a scarce -but extremely enticing- section of skin that made Kaname's fingers tingle with the desire to touch, to press up against, to kiss and to see a lot more of.

The male in the room had his legs kicked peacefully up on a mahogany desk whilst he lay, fully reclined, in the inviting, black leather chair that seemed to bring out the paleness of his skin. Which only made to highlight the dark brown locks that was spread out on the headrest of said chair.

Kaname opened the door without bothering to knock, ignoring the sudden, slight tightness in his trousers and focused on keeping his tone innocent.

"Sensei? I need your help,"

A/N: Are you awesome? If you're awesome, then review and let everyone know about your awesome-ness! :D

Ahem, so the next chapter will probably be up either tomorrow or sometime over the weekend. I hope. Please do review and let me know what you think, plot bunnies need inspiration, too. Thank you!

Lots of love, ~Disaster