Authors Note:

Hi Serena122189 here,

This is a rewrite of my original (or at least I hope it is original) and first fan fiction, Haunted Hollows. Some things happened and I got off track so I am rewriting the whole thing and posting it here. I am hoping that many of my old fans will come back, and I gain new ones as well, I have several big ideas for this fan fiction. Please review, and don't be afraid to stay on me if you think I am taking too long to post.

Note: Mai has not found out about Gene yet because I wanted to do it in my own way.

Disclaimer: I do not own Ghost Hunt, for if I did there would be a season two. In addition, the history for the most part is genuine with my own touches. A.K.A the theme was there the names and story changed this way it will hopefully sound more real.

Case File One: A Samurai Dilemma Part 1

It was dark; I was looking out over a balcony of some sort. The railing was made of some type of grey stone; it was rough and cool to the touch. From the looks of it, it was a third story balcony and I could hear the waves crashing below me. 'Wait below me?' it was then I realized I realized I was dreaming.

'That means' I turn around to see Naru walking onto the balcony like clockwork.

'Right on time' I thought as he came me that soft smile he always does when he sees me. 'Why can't the real Naru smile at me like that' I idly thought.

"Naru?" I asked aloud wondering why he was visiting me now, when I wasn't on a case. He just lifted his arm and pointed to the left of me silently, beckoning me to look out over the water. It was then I realized there was another balcony about ten feet to the left of me, I hadn't noticed it before because I was staring out at the waves. Well that, and wondering what I was doing here in this dream world, I came to associate when I was working on a case. Working being the optimal word, because really, all I did most of the time was sleep oh and make tea. For a minute, the balcony was empty, but then a young girl walked out onto it. Her long black hair, unbound and flowing in the wind, she was of a thin build as far as I could tell maybe no older than twenty years of age. She was wearing an old-fashioned kimono. It was black, with some kind of gold design embroidering the edges that I couldn't make out from where I was standing. She seemed to be enjoying the quiet evening of the night, as I was doing.

For some reason I got the urge to push myself against the wall of the room behind me when another figure appeared on the balcony. I really didn't want to be noticed, something about that figure seemed menacing, his aura dark, I defiantly wouldn't want to meet him in a dark alley. Whoever he was, it spelled trouble with a capital T, I just knew something was going to happen. Naru being in the dream giving me a huge hint on that factor being a murder of some sort, or something like that. Usually associated with are current case. Except this time we weren't on a case, so…

'I hope I'm not interrupting anything' I thought as I crouched down lower to the ground. The two of them seemed to be arguing about something I couldn't make out what though the wind and the waves were two loud. The man seemed to get more and more violent throwing his hands up in the air clearly frustrated with the woman. The woman herself backed away from him clearly frightened her tone changing from arguing to pleading. The man had none of it though and advanced on her, striking out in his anger. The force of the blow sent the woman reeling, and she toppled backwards over the railing, plunging into the sea below, her screaming soon being drowned out by the waves. The man looked over the railing, before turning around and staring right at me.

The Woman's screams ended when she hit the water below, there was a sicking smack, as the next wave broke against the manner wall. Then all that was left were the sounds of the waves crashing into the base of the house, and the man's eyes glowing in the darkness. I swore he was looking straight at me, like he knew I was there.

Then taking off the balcony he disappeared back inside.

'Where did he go, he can't see me right' my mind babbled.

Then he was in front of me leering down angrily, "Your next," he barked out warningly while dragging me over to the railing, and forcing me over it, I fell screaming, the wind blaring in my ears.

Day 1:

I awoke screaming from the fall, it was, then I realized two things, one that I was alive and it was nothing but a dream, and two that it hadn't been the wind I heard but my alarm clock that I had heard. I reached over, to hit the off button and looked at the time.

"7:30!" I exclaimed, "I'm going to be late"

I threw the covers back and reached for the first clothes I could find. I pulled them on, as I rushed into the bathroom. Once there I grabbed my brush, and proceeded to put some kind of order to my messy hair, before pulling on a pair of shoes and running out the door.

Hi, I'm Taniyama, Mai. I am an assistant at Shibuya Psychic Research SPR for short. I have been working there a little over a year now.

I dashed down the sidewalk to the train station, bouncing up and down on my the balls of my feet impatiently as I waited for the next train to arrive.

"Naru's going to kill me" I said exasperated as the train pulled up I had ten minutes to get there, and the ride itself took about fifteen.

As soon as the doors opened, I was in the train waiting impatiently for it to start back up again. When I reached the station, I was off the train in record time, and took off running down the sidewalk. Around the corner was the office, I could see the door from where I was currently. I yanked the door open, and all but fell into the office in my haste to get into the building.

"Your ten minutes late Mai" came the sarcastic, indifferent voice that I had grown used to hearing this past year. That was Naru my boss. His real name is Shibuya Kazuya. To most around the office though, he is known by Naru. I gave him that name when I first met him, Naru, short for Narcissist.

"I know, I know, I'm sorry, I didn't hear the alarm clock go off." I explained.

"That doesn't surprise me" the dark haired youth replied, "Do you need you hearing as well as your brain checked, don't let it happen again" he ordered and walked back into his office.

'Why that pig headed, slave-driving, narcissist!' I thought to myself, but before I could come up with anymore.

"Mai Tea" the familiar morning order was issued from the office.

Sighing I made mad my way into the small kitchenette and put the kettle on the stove. Some battles just won't worth fighting. While waiting for the water to to boil, I began to gather Naru's teacup and morning tea. He had to be the biggest tea drinker I had ever met. I'm not joking either, I have never seen him drink anything else. I often wondered if he would fall over and die if he ever drank anything else. What I did know though is I never wanted to be around him if he missed his morning cup. When the whistle went off signaling it was ready, I poured the steaming water into the small teapot, and let is seep. Just then, the shrill sound of the telephone rang through the office.

"Mai Phone" came the expected order.

"Mai Phone, Mai Tea, Mai your late can you say anything else. Something longer than a sentence with more than three syllables" I huffed under my breath as I went to get the phone.

"Shibuya Psychic Research, this is Taniyama Mai speaking how may I help you?" I asked when I got to the phone.

"Yes, my name is Hokkaido, Akemi and I need some help" the scared feminine voice on the other end of the line.

"Hello, Ms. Hokkaido, what seems to be the problem?" I asked patiently while I walked back to the kitchenette to pour Naru his tea.

"Well every night for the past few night's I have been having… some problems and I am afraid I am going a bit crazy. I called you hoping you could help" the voice on the other line said.

"Well I am afraid I am going to need more information than that Ms. Hokkaido, we are used to unusual stories here so don't be afraid to talk about it," I paused by her desk as she walked back into the main area, and looked down at the calendar.

"If you are uncomfortable talking about it on the phone you could always come into our office." I offered, apon hearing a relived sigh on the other end of the line I rattled off the date and time opening I found.

"How about you come to the office today around 2:30 we have an opening and you could tell us more the whole story then."

The person on the other end paused unsure, and then sighed, "Okay I can do that," she said before hanging up the phone.

Shrugging I put down the phone before heading into Naru's office.

"Here you go," I said placing the tea on his desk, smiling as usual. Of course it was all for nothing since he wasn't paying attention to me at all. He was studying whatever was in that black book of his. He merely reached for the glass and took a sip then went back to his reading.

"A thank-you would be nice you know," I scolded him.

"After all I did make it for you it is the least you can do" I huffed.

He merely looked up at me "What was the phone call about?" he asked.

I sighed, and refrained myself from rolling my eyes in his presence, just barely, some things never changed."There was a woman by the name of Hokkaido, Akemi poor thing sounded scared to death; she wouldn't talk to me on the phone though so I told her to come in at 2:30 today."

"In the future consult with me before you make such appointments again" he said coldly.

"Hey the woman was scared out of her mind; don't get all mad at me because she wouldn't talk like you wanted her to." I snapped, and stormed out the office to do some paperwork. Mostly just cataloging our recent cases and filing them away. I didn't do much at the office, but I enjoyed the work, most of the time anyways.

I looked up when I heard the door opening and a disheveled women with messy brown hair thrown back over her shoulders. She was wearing a thin light blue blouse and a pair of jeans. I glanced at the clock 2:30 exactly man she was nothing but prompt. She must be a stickler for being on time like Naru.

"Hi, welcome to Shibuya Psychic Research my name is Taniyama, Mai how can I be of service today?" I greeted her.

"Yes I spoke to you earlier on the phone my name is Hokkaido, Akemi and I have an appointment at 2:30" she said.

"Ah yes we are expecting you Ms. Hokkaido please take a seat and my boss will be with you in a minute." I said motioning to the couch and excusing myself.

"Kazuya" I called knocking on his door, using his first name to alert him of a client "Ms. Hokkaido is here to see you now"

He opened his office door, and headed out into the living room. I then proceeded to Lin's office.

"Lin-san" I said softly knocking on his door as well.

"Naru has a client in the waiting room." Once the tall Chinese man acknowledged me, I then left to go make some more tea before I was ordered too.

"Mai Tea" came Naru's voice from the front room, like I said, he drinks too much tea.

By the time, I made it back into the living room were Naru and Lin were with the client and served tea for everyone and sat down. The woman had already started her story.

"You see lately all the staff has been complaining of hearing loud voices of two people arguing. Even I myself have heard it on occasion. However, when we go to look for the ones arguing we cannot seem to find them, then we hear a high-pitched scream and everything falls eerily silent. For about ten minutes, you here nothing it is like a blanket of calm settles over the whole house. At the end of the ten minute time frame, another scream is heard," she paused and drew in a shaky breath.

'That's horrible' I thought.

"This is followed by a male voice and several children crying then all is silent for the rest of the night. Only to repeat the following night in the exact same order."

She paused "Only lately it's gotten much worse. Some of the staff members have been waking up with bruises on their arms and legs in the shape of fingerprints. All of them awoke on their balcony's dangling precariously over. Two people have already fallen to their deaths, one of them a young child, and I am afraid it will get worse. Please you have got to help me," she begged.

Naru regarded the woman in front of him coolly for a minute sipping on his tea. He glanced over at the notes he had taken reviewing everything that was said, after debating for a minute, he asked, "How soon can you have us?"

I sighed in relief Naru was going to take the case before another innocent died. After a few more minutes of conversation, mostly Naru questioning the woman on the occurrences, and when the deaths were, he closed the meeting.

"We will come Friday evening then, please have three rooms available for our use and two for our staff."

The woman bowed ecstatic then hurried and left the office to prepare for their arrival.

Once Ms. Hokkaido was gone, Naru walked back to his office.

"Mai Phone the others, and inform them of our plans," Naru ordered, walking back into his office. Lin-san had already left probably to do some research on the past owners. That man was a computer whiz, how he was able to find everything he did on the histories of the places we went to was beyond me, but somehow he managed it.

Authors Note Continued….

Update in progress, I will try to have an update every Saturday (This Saturday excluded of course, since it is Sat), but it all depends on schoolwork as well that comes primarily first but I will do my best I mean it this time since I am now back on track and promise to finish this off as far as it will go. Please Read and Review all comments and advice is welcomed. And Yes we will still do the bonus question. The Point system will be started over however. For those of you who may not know what I am talking about. I will ask a question at the end of the chapter. The first person who answers it correctly gets ten points, the second five the third three, and all else one. At the end of the case the winner, can help come up with the idea, or ideas for the next case, or something they want to see happening. The contest will extended however until the end of the second case, since I have already written that far. The Winner Declared Then.

Question: What is the name of the original fan fiction I wrote before deciding to rewrite it?

Bonus Point: How many chapters was the original fan fiction, before the last AN?