It had been one month since L had returned to Japan. He had returned and immediately become a part of Light's life again. Light spent most of his days at the investigation quarters, all homework and studying being done at L's side. There was only one month of classes remaining- Light had to be certain he was fully ready for finals.

He looked up from his textbook at the sound of L's fork hitting an empty plate. Wordlessly, Light pushed his chair back and stood. He closed the distance between himself and L, leaning around the detective to grab ahold of the plate. L glanced up from the computer, small smile flitting across his face. Light stood straight and headed directly for the kitchen.

Light pulled the cake from the cupboard and carefully opened the box. He gripped a knife in one hand, other holding onto the cake's cardboard platter. The knife slid in easily, fluffy cake parting in its path. Light dropped the knife to the side and slid a fork beneath the piece, lifting it up and out of the box and over onto the plate.

He relocated the knife to the sink and carefully put away the cake. He carried the plate into the other room and set it down beside L's left hand. Mission complete, Light sat in his seat and continued to read.

On average, he did that fourteen times a day on weekends, eight on days he had class. So far that day, the count was up to a mere three. It was not yet lunchtime on a Saturday.

Light had many more pieces to slice that day.

He scanned his textbook, quickly becoming bored with the monotonous material. He already knew all of it. Why bother reading it again and again?

He looked over at L to see the detective taking a delicate bite of his new piece of cake. "Thank you, Light."

Light smiled an honest smile. "Any time."

And he meant it.

L set the plate to the side and turned his head towards Light. "Are you still studying?"

Light nodded. "Final exams are in a month- you know that."

"Light, you already are familiar will all of that material." L stated.

"I have to keep studying." Light insisted. "I can't risk anything."

L sighed. "If you studied not at all, you would still ace your exams."

"I am not going to risk it." Light chuckled.

L looked back to his computer. Light had a whole fifteen minutes of reading before L looked over again.


Light looked over with curiousity. L was staring at him almost hungrily. Light chuckled under his breath and stood. He pushed in his chair, the perfect schoolboy, before making his way to L. The detective spun around his chair with a slight push on the desk, toes curling around the end of his chair. One hand sat on the chair beside his feet, the other properly poised so that his thumb could rest against his lips.

Light leaned down to give L a chaste kiss. "Do you want something else?"

L glanced back to his cake before looking innocently at Light. "It is not sweet enough, Light."

Light still had a small shiver of thrill when L said his said without any honorifics. "Should I add sugar?"

L leaned up, hand moving to hold the back of Light's head as he stole another kiss. Light's hands went to the arms of L's chair to steady himself. L refused to release him, tongue begging entrance to Light's warmth mouth. Light granted him entrance and L took the invitation greedily.

Light pulled back for breath. He stared at obsidian eyes, smile curving red lips. L drew Light onto his lap, the teen's legs on either side of L's. He blushed at the somewhat suggestive position. L merely kissed his again, hands running down Light's back.

"Thank you, Light." L whispered. "That is much sweeter."

With that, L pulled back and Light clambered out of L's lap. His lips were still moist when he sat in his own seat to continue reading.

Light trudged through three chapters before L's plate was once again empty. This time it called for lunchtime. Light closed his book gratefully and walked back to the kitchen. He pulled open the cupboard, planning on making L's favorite cookies for lunch.

He had become a much better chef since practically living with L. All he had yet to do was bring over his possessions. He could not help but wonder if L would ever ask him to move in. A small part of him hoped for it.

Light quickly mixed the ingredients together, not wanting to make L wait any longer than necessary. Soon he had small balls of dough neatly lined up on a tray to slide into the now-warm oven. He looked forward to winter when no school would hinder him from simply baking sweets for L all day.

As the cookies baked, their aroma spread through the rooms. Light could tell exactly when the scent reached the investigation room as precisely twenty seconds later, L was sitting at the table ready for them to come out of the oven.

For himself, Light prepared a small sandwich. He set it in front of the seat across from L before slipping on an oven mitt and opening the oven door. A wave of heat hit his face as he leaned down. His hand clenched the tray and he pulled out the perfectly cooked batch of cookies. He set it on the stove, quickly grabbing a fork and moving each cookie delicately onto a large plate. He dropped more dough balls onto the tray before slipping it back into the oven.

With that done, he threw off the mitt and placed the cookies in front of L. "Careful."

L always waited two minutes and forty seconds before biting into his first cookie. In this time, Light fetched him a cup of sugar-filled coffee. He then sat across from L and began to eat his sandwich as he waited for the cookies to bake.

Two minutes and forty seconds later, L let out a noise of appreciation. Light smiled as L's teeth sank in for a second bite. Each cookie took two bites to consume. Light had quickly perfected the size so that this was always true.

Eight minutes after that, Light had another batch of cookies in front of L and another tray in the oven. L ate three cookies from his plate, shifting the others so that new cookies would have plenty of room. These he would bring to his computer and eat while he worked.

Light asked. "Do you have another case?"

L nodded. "It won't take more than an hour, if you wanted to do something."

"...Do you?"

L thought for a moment. Another cookie absently made its way into his mouth and he smiled. He chewed the cookie, swallowed, and said. "I will have Watari drive you to the bookstore."

Light looked at him with great curiousity. He knew L once again hid his face from the public, and therefore it made sense only Light would be going, but he wondered why the bookstore of all places.

"You can pick up a copy of a lovely book I found online." L continued. "The entire book is full of cookie recipes that look positively delicious."

Light chuckled. "Okay, L."

L spoke again. "You can choose some new books, if you like."

Light smiled. He replaced the mitt on his hand and removed the final tray from the oven. Cookies moved to L's plate, Light began to wach the dishes. He was taken aback as L stood beside him and moved him out of the way.

"Watari is waiting." L looked at him. "Go to the bookstore."

L was not taking no for an answer. Light kissed L's forehead before going off to meet Watari. As soon as he was gone, L looked to the water. He lifted a dish between two fingers, a washcloth in his other hand, carefully held between thumb and forefinger. He concentrated as he moved the cloth to touch the plate.

This is not working.

L was still trying to wipe the dish when Light returned. Light walked into the kitchen, trying to figure out why L was still standing there. A chuckle ascaped as he realized L would not grip either object enough to manage to wipe the dish clean. Light walked up behind him and slid his arms around L to take the cloth and dish from him. L stood still as Light washed the dishes in cold water.

Light drew back, a smile on his face. He moved to L's side to dry the dishes. He did not speak, merely did the dishes beside L.

He placed each dish in its proper place and removed the plug from the sink. "There." he smiled.

L chewed delicately on his thumb. "Did you find the book? I told Watari to direct you to it."

"I did." Light motioned into the hallway. "It's on the desk by your computer. I figured you would want to find something."

"I trust your judgement." L said dismissively. "Did you find anything for yourself?"

Light nodded. "Of course."


They relocated to the investigation room. Light sat on the couch, flipping through the cookbook. He marked a few recipes, deciding on one of them for L's dinner that evening.

Light looked up at L's back. The detective was typing away. Light thought about how accustomed he had become to that sound and wondered what he would do without it.

Half an hour later, Light was running to the kitchen for another plate of cake.


So here is the first chapter of the sequel to "Sic Transit Gloria!" I have an outline done for quite a few chapters... I guarantee this will be at least fifteen chapters. That's all planned out, but more are on their way.

I missed you guys!