Hello. Here is chapter 3.

As Peter walked into the building a million thoughts were swarming through his head. He was trying to balance his thoughts while admiring the building around him. The teen was so caught up in his thoughts that he almost kept walking when everyone else stopped. They climbed into an elevator. Ezekiel punched in a code. The only sound that came from the elevator was the sound of the machinery lifting them from the ground. The elevator opened to the top floor and dinged. Everyone stepped out into a beautifully furnished penthouse. The young teen was snapped back into reality when he heard Ezekiel speak to him.

"Peter, the bathroom is down the hall, second door on the left. Everything you need should be in the bathroom. We'll be out here if you need anything." Ezekiel gestured towards the living room and went to sit down.

Peter walked down the carpeted hallway and into the bathroom. He shut the door behind him and turned on the water to the shower. Once the temperature was to his liking he began to remove his spider suit. It was shredded and covered in his dried blood and dirt. His stomach became slightly uneasy. He could feel this throat begin to tighten up. For a while he'd forgotten about the past few hours; it was as if that epic beat down had never happened. But all good things must come to an end.

The memory of the incident came back full force. Peter suddenly had felt as though a thousand knives were stabbing his body. He saw the scars from fights past. But it was a cuts and bruises from only an hour ago, well an hour to him that really got to him. His stomach couldn't take the sight and the boy rushed over to the toilet. His bruised ribs ached as his stomach ridded itself of stomach acid. The brunette sat there for a few minutes shaking. He flushed the toilet and stood up shakily. Peter walked across the bathroom and got some water in the tap to rid the disgusting taste from his mouth.

He climbed into the shower to get rid of the blood and dirt. The water had an ugly crimson hue to it. The sight of it made Peter's stomach churn. He nearly scrubbed himself raw trying to get the blood off of him. After the color of the water had returned to a clear color, Peter's mind began to drift off. In an instant the once soothing water became a sudden reminder of the blood that came gushing out not too long ago. What may have been days to the world was less than an hour ago to him. He desperately tried to shake the flashbacks. He succeeded, but the emotional impact was still crushing him.

He turned the water off and dried himself off. Peter shakily put on the new clothes. The brunet stepped out of the bathroom and into the hallway. He noticed that the trio was having a conversation. He didn't want it to seem like he was eavesdropping so het let out a small cough.

"Um, I'm not sure what you want me to do with my uh clothes from earlier." Peter said quietly.

Ezekiel looked up at Peter and responded, "Don't worry about Peter. I'll have it taken care of. Just come over and sit down."

Peter walked over to the living room and sat down in a chair. He sighed pushing back the thoughts from earlier.

Ezekiel pulled Peter back to reality by saying, "Peter, would you like something to eat?"

Peter's empty stomach growled as a response.

"I'll take that as a yes." The older man chuckled.

How long had he been…. gone? How many hours, days had passed since he was killed? How did he get in the coffin? Who put him in it in the first place? Was it really his grave that he had woken up in? These questions nagged at the young boy's mind. The brunette opened his mouth, unsure how to ask these nagging questions.

"So how long was I …dead? I know you said Mourlen had to act quickly, but how long was I out?" Peter asked.

Ezekiel opened his mouth to reply, "Well, put this gently, you died around 8 last night. We had obtained information that Mourlen was moving into the area. In order to keep you safe from him, we were tracking your ware bouts. We had to wait until after the villains left before we could help you. Unfortunately we were too late. Mourlen would have been able to sense that you had died and we needed to make sure that he couldn't get to you easily. We buried you in a temporary grave; it's surprising what a little money can do. After that we waited until Mourlen came by. It wasn't even nine o'clock when I found you topside. So all in all, the world doesn't even know that Spider-Man is dead, let alone Peter Parker. "

"So I could easily sneak back home with some made up story about how I got beat up." Peter responded.

The older man sighed, "While that is true, I wouldn't suggest it." Peter attempted to retort but Ezekiel continued, "Mourlen is still after you. I don't think he came into physical contact with you, so he can't actually pinpoint your location. He just has a basic idea where you might be. I have a section of this place devoted to an anti-Mourlen shelter. In it he can't sense anyone with powers derived from nature. You'll be safe."

Peter thought for a second. This was quite a bit to consider.

"I appreciate all that you've done, don't get me wrong, but, I don't think I could live that way."

Ava let out a sigh as she smiled, "Still that same stubborn god that Owaya fell in love with. We all had a feeling you'd turn the offer down. It's just who you are Anansi. I felt as Owaya's representative, I felt as though I owed her. I came here to warn you and give you help. My brother came with my only to protect me and tell you about your past. We accomplished what we came here to do. I owe Owaya nothing more. It had been a pleasure meeting you. But we need to go."

The girl stood up and shook Peter's hand. Her brother followed suit and said, "It truly has been a pleasure meeting you. I hope we see each other again under better circumstances."

Peter and Ezekiel watched as the siblings walked over to the elevator and left. Silence lingered in the air between the two males. A lot had happened to Peter in the matter of a few hours, and he had no idea how to handle it.

The grey haired man turned to the shorter male as he spoke, "I know this is a lot to take in. but you need to watch out for Mourlen. That monster is a force to be reckoned with. He is merely lays a finger on you, you are a dead man. He can track you to the ends of the earth. Good luck Peter." As he shook Peter's hand he continued, "I mean it Peter. I can give you a good alibi for your aunt. After that I'm afraid you'll have to face Mourlen on you own."

It was around eleven when a car pulled up in front of Peter's house. Ezekiel was the first one to step out of the rental car. The brunette followed him to his door. The older man stepped up to the front door and knocked on it. Peter's Aunt opened to door and immediately pulled her nephew into a tight hug.

"Oh Peter! I'm so glad that you're okay!" the older woman exclaimed.

Ezekiel let out a small cough, and Aunt May turned over to the older man.

"Oh, pardon me. I'm Peter's Aunt May. Come in." Aunt may said blushing in embarrassment.

Once everyone was inside Ezekiel introduced himself, "Hello Mrs. Parker. I'm Ezekiel." he held out his hand for Aunt May to shake, "I met your nephew this evening. He saw a young woman being robbed and he stepped in. The attacker turned on him, along with several of his buddies. He held them off long enough for help to arrive. You have a brave man. I saw how he defended the girl and I offered to give him a ride home. I'm just sorry I couldn't get him home early enough."

Aunt May looked back and forth from Peter to Ezekiel. A wave of relief washed over her. She let out a content sigh before asking, "Is there anything I can get you Mr. Ezekiel?"

Ezekiel shook his head before replying, "No thank you Mrs. Parker. I need to be leaving now. I just came here to drop Peter off and make sure he got home alright. Thank you for your time. And Peter," he said turning to the teen, "be careful."

He shook both Peter and Aunt May's hands once more before leaving.

The alarm clock went off far too early for the exhausted teenager. He rolled over and got ready for school. The brunette scoured his room for his costume. He grew frustrated and impatient as the time wore on. He brushed his hair back in his hands in an attempt to calm down and figure out where the heck his costume was. He searched through his thoughts as he tried to remember where the last place his costume was.

Right it was at Ezekiel's house. Again, last night hit him full force. His breathing began to hitch, and his throat began to tighten. No. Not again. He had to calm down before his aunt would notice. The brunette shook his head trying to clear it. He just needed to think. What was he doing before he freaked out. He was getting dressed. If he could just distract himself, maybe the memories would go away.

Peter walked down stairs and began to put on a stage face. He'd have to act like nothing happened. He couldn't let his aunt worry. She worried too much, and he wasn't going to add another reason for her to worry. He smiled and acted like his usual self. He could do this. He'd been doing this for nearly a year. He could do this.

Without his costume or webshooters, he'd have to take the bus to school. He begrudgingly climbed onto the yellow deathtrap known as the school bus. As he climbed onto the bus he noticed that Liz was on. He walked over to his girlfriend smiling and tapped her on the shoulder.

"Is this seat taken?" He asked playfully.

She looked up from her script smiling and moved her bag over so he could sit down.

"Petey. What are you doing on the bus- not that I don't want you here or anything." Liz asked.

Peter shrugged, "I just felt like riding the bus this morning. Did you study for the science test today?"

His girlfriend nodded, "Yep, and I know I'll pass thanks to my favorite tutor."

The rest of the bus ride consisted of small talk. Liz told him the latest dating information. Peter didn't really care, but he pretended to be interested. He was avoiding bringing up Spider-Man at all cost. God knew that he didn't want to have another anxiety attack, let along in front of anyone he knew. The bus came to a stop in front of the school and the school kids climbed off the metal contraption.

As soon as he was through the doors, Peter was off to his science class with his girlfriend. He was praying to whatever god was listening that Flash wouldn't bring up Spider-Man at all today. As soon as he walked into the class room he noticed that Flash was busy reading something. Hopefully that should distract the football jock long enough to forget about Spider-Man for the week.

Peter sat down beside his best friends and exchanged hellos. Harry turned to Peter.

"Hey Pete. My dad was wondering if you could get ahold of Spider-Man. He wants him to test out this new Oscorp vault at the prison. Do you think you could ask Spider-Man if he would be able to do that?" Harry inquired.

Peter felt as though an entire building had collapsed on top of him. He tried not to let it show, but Harry noticed it.

"Pete? Is something wrong?" Harry asked concerned.

Peter took a deep breath before saying, "He won't be able to Harry." Harry raised an eyebrow as Peter continued, "Last night I was trying to get some pics of Spidey when a bunch of his villains ambushed me. They used me as bait to try to get Spidey. It worked. Spidey came and…"

Flash looked up from whatever he was reading. "Spidey's dead?"

Pete nodded, "Yeah, and there was nothing I could do about."

The whole class erupted in loud gossip. It felt weird for Peter, talking about his own death like that. His classmates' reaction also struck a strange cord in the young teen. The bell rang and everyone grew silent. Peter just hoped that he wouldn't have to put up with this for the rest of the day, but he knew that wasn't going to happen.

The young brunette grabbed his Spanish books and headed to his last class of the day. The bell rang and Peter looked up at the front of the room and noticed that their teacher wasn't there.

Peter turned to Gwen and asked, "Gwen, where's Mr. Fahl? I thought we had a test today."

Harry shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know. Maybe we have a substitute today."

As if by magic, a man walked through the door. He was tall and had long raven black hair. He looked like someone you would not want to make made. As soon as the man walked near him, his spider sense went off blaring. It had never been that strong, even when he was being beaten senseless. The man walked to the front of the class and wrote his name on the whiteboard.

"Good after noon class. I am you're substitute. My name is Mr. Nelroum. That's pronounced Nel- rom. You have a test today. You have five minutes to do any last minute cramming. After that, clear your desks and I will pass out the test."

Time seemed to drag on. He knew the stuff like the back of his hand, but that didn't make the class go any faster.

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Peter sighed. He knew this stuff. But there was something nagging at his mind. It was like it saying he should be noticing something really obvious. What were the other forms again? Ello was acueste, like the yo form. Uh vosotros was acostais with an accent. Alright, all done.

Peter looked up at the substitute. He had begun walking around to room and collecting the finished tests. Peter had caught the sub's attention and handed him the paper. The brunette sat back and waited for the bell to ring.

It seemed as though class would never end. To distract himself Peter tried to figure out what was bothering him so much. With each passing second it felt like he was missing something important. He knew it was something obvious and that he was really going to be upset when he figured it out because it was that obvious. Just as he thought he had it figured out, the bell rung.

He collected his things and began stuffing them inside his book bag. By the time he had gotten ready to leave he was the last one in the classroom. As he went to leave he felt a tap on his shoulder.

"Mr. Parker, I have this note for you." Mourlen said as he handed him a note.

Peter eyed the not, trying to hide his suspicion, "Okay, thanks."

The teenager stepped out into the hall. By now most of the school had cleared out. He knew that he probably wouldn't make the bus. Besides, he could use the exercise; it would help him clear his head. He sighed as he walked to his locker. After putting his books in his locker he looked at the note.

The envelope was beige and rough. His name was handwritten in a loopy but readable scrawl. He flipped it back over and saw a red seal over it. That really struck Peter as odd. The seal appeared to have some animal on it, but what it was, he couldn't tell. He opened the envelope and pulled out the letter. Peter instantly went pale. God, was he an idiot; he'd just figured out what was off earlier, and it was far too late to do anything about it.

Dun dun dun. Cliff hanger maybe? You guys are smart though, I bet you had it figured out early on. So writing that shower scene was really awkward at first. So I decided to make it angsty. Stay tuned for chapter 4.