Author's Note: This story is written under the assumption that Cloud and Tifa are not together after Advent Children... Now this was a random "splat" that ended up in my notepad at work. Just one of those little stories that you should share though, you know? So it's short but sweet (I hope). Big thanks go to chibipinkbunny for beta reading this. I hope you can see some improvement. :)

Chapter 1: Spiral

Pulling up to the local postal station in the West suburbs of Edge, Cloud gave a quick nod of greeting to the shop owner who gestured at him to have a seat before rushing into the storeroom. Cloud sat patiently, upright, enjoying the cool, clean breeze and morning sunshine coming through the little shop's doors and windows. A small smile tugged at his lips as he felt golden light warm his shoulders.

Cloud refocused his eyes on the humble goods of the shop, and wondered if he should buy some lunch before setting off. He hadn't been home the night before so Tifa hadn't made him lunch. Or the day before that even. Or the day before that...

The local postal stations had actually been Tifa's idea. All the villages, towns, and small cities spread throughout Gaia had their postal stations from before Meteor. They were unused, most of them converted into general shops and small travelers' cafes. She suggested he used them for making multiple collections from one place more efficient. Cloud had been thinking it over when Tifa had interjected with a soft feminine smile the amount he could save on fuel, the cost he could save on maintenance of Fenrir and the time he'd save, all allowing him to have more time to spend at home.

His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a loud crash. A heaving grunt and an exasperated sigh penetrated through the walls of the shop all the way from the back room.

"Are you okay?" Cloud asked, concerned in the doorway.

"I don't know what the hell is in this package but it's damn heavy," the shopkeeper huffed, bent over a small rectangular parcel wrapped in brown paper and a string.

Cloud lifted it easily with his mako-enhanced biceps and turned it over in his hands. It was only the size of a book. Turning it over again, he noticed his name scrawled over the white label in elegant, feminine handwriting. There was no address, just his name.

"You going to take the rest of the packages or what?" The shopkeeper was watching him impatiently.

Thanking the shopkeeper, Cloud scoped up the small bag of packages and letters and walked out to his bike, placing them carefully into the storage compartment at the back, all but one.

Dear Cloud,

I hope this reaches you. This is the part for Fenrir that you ordered from the mechanic. He brought it round the other day and since you haven't been home for a while, and my calls don't seem to be getting through to you, I thought I'd send it to you. Pretty handy since you're the delivery boy, right?

I hope you're well.


Kalm was the quiet, pretty, little town in the North, situated close to the mountains where a cool and fresh air constantly floated through the streets. Cloud was starving as he pulled up shortly after daybreak. He wasn't a fan of all-nighters, especially when it was as windy as it had been. He squeezed his shoulder blades together as he sat down on one of the soft, wooden stools of the inn, rubbing the side of his head in irritation. A jabbing headache, the type that causes pain right behind the eyes, was leaving neither him nor his sense of pain alone.

"Usual fry-up?" The barkeeper smiled warmly.

"Yeah," Cloud muttered as he planted his elbow onto the bar surface for support. He hung his head as he rubbed the back of his neck with his rough fingers when the smell of wood polish hit his nose. Rich, earthy and mixed with chemicals. Lifting his head, suddenly he was reminded of home, Seventh Heaven, the kids, and the beautiful barmaid that always managed a smile for him. He felt a sinking feeling in his gut and turned his head to the side as he stared out of the window, ignoring the impulse to pull out his phone and make a call. Then he remembered the small, cutely decorated envelope lodged into his back pocket. He fingered at the seal of its back absentmindedly as he waited for his food and then tore it open.

Hi Cloud! :)

We know you're busy so Tifa told us to send a letter. You are too busy to answer the phone! Denzel says he wants to beat you at sprinting again. He says he's faster now (I don't think so!). Daddy is visiting soon I'm real excited. Make sure to send us something if you go somewhere nice. You going to Kalm or the chocobo farm? :D

Lots of love from me and Denzel. (And especially Tifa but don't tell her I said that.)

Marlene xxxx

Dear Cloud,

Thank you for sending the kids those miniature chocobo sculptures. They're really well made and all different colors. Where did you get them? I think getting a gift from you made their day. It's the first time you've contacted them in a while.

Don't forget you can always call the bar. It'd be nice to know how you've been. We all miss you.

~ Tifa

Dear Cloud,

It's been three weeks. Is everything okay? I have no idea where you are and you haven't rung the bar; I know that from the missed calls list. I would have thought these letters weren't getting to you if it wasn't for the present you sent the children a couple weeks ago, and you must have delivered it to the back door yourself.

Please call.

~ Tifa

Hey Cloud :)

Tifa's becoming worried about you. We are too. I thought you were going to pay more attention to us from now on... I don't like seeing Tifa sad, or Denzel. Please don't run away again.

Lots of love,

Marlene xxXxXxX

Cloud, I'm writing this under Marlene's letter so it gets to you at the same time. I'd also like you to come home. It's not as fun when you're not here. I'm the only guy in the house and Marlene bothers me more. Maybe you're just chickening out from our race? :P Don't worry, I'm sure you can beat me, it'd just be cool to have you around again.


Hey, jackass. Get your scrawny hide back to Seventh Heaven or I'll ram my arm down your damn throat. Marlene tells me you've been gone for weeks. Who the hell do you think you are? Saviour of the Planet my ass. I hope Tifa gives you a damn slap.



You're an asshole.


Hi, Cloud, it's Cid.

Heard you've disappeared or something. If you ever come through Rocket Town me and Shera are around.

Ah *** it! No offense, but that's some ****ing **** you're pulling on your family. I mean ****. Get it together, man.

Shera wanted me to tell you that you're welcome to come over any time.


Dear Cloud,

Nanaki here. News of your absence has reached me. I can't begin to think about what might have happened, but I'm always in Cosmo Canyon if you want to stop by. I've noticed people are still sending and receiving letters here too which I told Tifa. I really think you should try and talk to her just to let her know you're okay.

I've notified Vincent, also. He's on the lookout for you.

Kind regards,


Dear Cloud,

News has filtered down the grapevine and it sounds as if you've been getting an awful lot of letters lately. Just to add mine to the pile, I hope everything is well and your absence is not due to any hugely serious reasons. As the head of the WRO, be rest assured I will do whatever I can if the latter is indeed the case. My schedule will always be cleared to make room for you.

If time permits think you should call your family. They love you very much.

Kind regards,


To be continued...