Disclaimer: This story is based on characters created and owned by Stephenie Meyer. No money is being made and no copyright infringement is intended. I do however own Armando,Mika,Catalina,Toshi, and Giovanni and any other character you do not recognize as a Twilight character.

A/N: Mama4dukes helped me crank it out. She was my muse, she didn't let me procrastinate which I do from time to time. You got to go show all of her stories some love. I guarantee that you read one and you will be hooked. flamingpen18 and a few other ladies whipped my butt into gear. I thank you ladies.

I'm so sorry it took me so long to update. Family members have been in and out of the hospital, there was a weddintg. And I had a hard time getting my brain to even focus on this story, but fear not this story will not be abandoned, just might be slow coming. Enough of my rambling onward my wonderful minions...um I mean readers.

Beta'd by: flamingpen18 put her stamp of approval on this chapter

Chapter 23: Do You Fear The Reaper?

Alice Pov

"Where are they, Alice?"

"I don't know, Mistress. I've been searching for weeks. I can't find them anywhere. It's as if they have disappeared."

I watched as Maria paced back and forth in front of a fire. It didn't matter if I was one of her favorites. I still eyed the iron poker that was resting in the fire.

Jacques was eyeing her as she edged closer to the poker. I knew he was upset in losing his brother, Pierre. We both were. He wanted his revenge on Peter, and I was trying my best to find him so he could make Peter pay for killing his little brother.

"I don't care how you do it, Alice, but you will find them, and just to make sure you try your best."

She moved so quickly that I couldn't even react. I stared at her in horror, knowing exactly what she was going to do. I told Jacques not to come, but he insisted, and now he was going to pay.

I watched her as she brought the burning hot poker down on my mate's back twice. The smell of his burning flesh brought venom tears to my eyes. He screamed out as his flesh burned away and the venom poured from the open wounds.

"Don't disappoint me again. Go and clean your mate up. If you can't find them through visions, then search the places you would think they would be." Her red eyes seem to glow in the light of the fire.

She threw the poker down in front of the fire. I waited until she walked out of the room before I walked over to Jacques. He was still letting out low whimpers and I let my hand hover over the open wounds.

"Shhh, Jacques. Come on. We have to find you some blood so that these ghastly wounds can heal over."

I was helping my mate up when I heard footsteps, again, outside the room.

"Oh, and Alice, if you can't find the Major, then you better bring back some more recruits. Fail to do so, and you'd be better off staying away. I don't have room for those who can't do a simple job. Next time, I might not be so nice to your mate."

I shuddered at her words. She truly was evil, but I knew that when she bit me. I didn't have anything to lose then, but now I had to think about Jacques. Perhaps, I could find some powerful vampires on my own and overthrow Maria. The only thing that was truly standing in my way was Marisha and Ilona. Where Maria was, they were never too far away.

Pulling Jacques along, I shook the suicidal thought from my mind. It's better to stay on the Bitch's good side. Ha! She doesn't have a fucking good side.

I guess it was time to call Carlisle again. I needed him to tell me where the family was. She wanted powerful vampires then I'll give her that. Starting with Edward first.

Toshi Pov

I couldn't believe I was here with my sister. It has been such a long time that I forgot how much of a temper she has. I watched her and her mate, Embry, argue about where they were going next for the last ten minutes.

"Embry, I say we go to Florida. It's suppose to be overcast for a few days."

"Well, Mika, I say we stay close and head to Baton Rouge, or, better yet, New Orleans."

"Enough Mika, Embry! We shall stay in Louisiana. Perhaps, I can call in the help of an old friend and her mate. She's in New Orleans."

Mika hissed at me and turned away. I looked at Embry and shook my head. I truly felt sorry for him, he was stuck with my sister. I knew how she was, even with her being with Maria for a while, my sister had always been a hot head.

"Why do we need more vampires?" Embry asked suddenly.

I suppressed the urge to laugh. "Look, even with the Major, Peter, Charlotte, and Mika being veterans of having to work for Maria, I know that it is not enough. Trust me, we are going to need my friend Rayne. She's a specialist when it comes to war. She has survived the vampire wars here in New Orleans, as well as the one in Texas. Her mate is just as deadly. He knows a lot of different fighting styles and specializes in weaponry. Don't worry, Mika. It's not anything like your swords. You, alone, hold that unique processing of metal and venom. He's more into explosive weapons."

Mika looked curious about Rayne and her mate, but she still held a grim expression. "How do we know if we can trust her?"

I couldn't believe she would think that I would put anyone in harm's way. I just looked at her. When did she stop trusting me? Her own brother and she didn't trust me. What the hell did Maria do to my sister?

"I trust you otootosan*. I just don't trust her or her mate. If you say she's okay, I will give her a chance. But, if she makes such as one false move, her or her mate, I'll kill them both."

Embry's phone rang, and he gave us a sheepish grin as he fished it out of his pocket.


'Hey, Embry. Tell Toshi to get his friend, and see if he can locate an old friend of mine. The name is Damien St. Cree.'

My eyes widened at the name. Was Peter fucking crazy? That man was a danger. They didn't call him Reaper for nothing.

"No." I said, knowing Peter would hear me.

'What did you say?'

"I said no. Find someone else who doesn't value their life. There is no way I'm endangering myself or my sister and her mate's lives. That man is death waiting. If I was suicidal, then I wouldn't mind paying the ancient a visit. Honestly, I'm surprised that you have survived an encounter with him, let alone become a friend."

"Who said you were going alone. The Major, myself, and our mates will be accompanying you tomorrow."

A low growl rumbled in the back of my throat as I tried to fight off the sense of fear that was clouding my mind. I wonder if Peter had even asked the Major yet? I mean, Bella was still a newborn, and she had major emotional problems that would likely get us all killed.


I looked up at the sound of my sister's voice. Her eyes slightly darker as she worried her bottom lip.

"Are you alright Toshi?" she asked as she took a small step forward.

"I'm fine ane*. Just signing my immortal life over tomorrow."

'Oh, don't be such a drama queen.'

I let out another growl. "I'm not a drama queen. I'm a man, damn it, a man."

"Sure you are, little brother, but don't worry. I won't allow them to emasculate you by teasing you for being a queen of drama."

I let out a low growl before realising it. I didn't need to stand here and take this. Turning away from them, I started to walk away. I'll come back once they have gotten over their childish ways.

"No otootosan, you're not a drama queen at all. Look at you, pouting and storming off. Just like a dorama ooja*," Mika called out after me.

I stopped and turned to face her. "Do you even have an idea who Damien St. Cree is my dear, sweet sister?"

Her face scrunched up for a moment. I could feel the smug grin tugging at my lips as she slowly shook her head.

"He is a friend of Peter's and the Major's. Is he not?" She glanced back at the phone Embry was still holding.

'Well, he's a friend of mine...and well, the Major not so much. They do, however, share a mutual respect for one another.'

"Why don't you ask Peter what others call his friend, and then ask the reason behind the name. Then, we shall see if I'm being a drama queen as you tried to point out."

She held her hand out to Embry for the phone, which he handed over with no hesitation.

"Peter, who is this Damien St. Cree?"

I heard a growl on the other end. 'We don't have time for this.'

"You will make time for this, especially if this Damien guy is someone who can threaten the very life of my little brother. Either tell me who he is, and why he is feared, or you can find someone else to track him down. Because, I refuse to allow my brother go searching for some maniac."

'Fine, Mika. He goes by the name Reaper. He is the only other one, other than Jasper and Maria in these parts, whose name brings shudders of fear whenever mentioned. He is known for showing no mercy to those who cross his path. But, what your brother has failed to realize is that Damien is not the same bastard as he was, none of us are. We all have something to lose nowadays. You shall see what I mean when you come face to face with Damien tomorrow.'

"We shall see, Peter."

With her final words, Mika hung up and looked up at Embry. A small yet weary smile flitted across her face for a moment.

"I guess we will be staying in Louisiana."

I let out a sigh as the thought of what tomorrow will bring. Suddenly, Florida didn't seem like such a bad idea.

Jasper's POV

I looked over to my beautiful mate as she sat in the small clearing, practicing moving small things while I threw different emotions at her.

I was taking in consideration what Catalina had said. She was right. So far, I had not been there for my mate. I didn't need to feel her emotions to know that she was scared. Her actions spoke in more volume than any emotion she could throw out.

"Alright, Bella. Let's see you try to work through fear."

I watched her as the fear consumed her and she all but curled in on herself. That was until I felt her shutting me out. The trees surrounding us started to creak under the pressure.

"Stop shielding me, Bella. How else are you going to learn how to control yourself?"

"I'm trying damn it!" she yelled at me, her red eyes filled with frustration.

"You're not trying. You are retreating within yourself, and it's not healthy. You're not even fighting to control your emotions let alone your ability. You're giving up. How do you expect anyone to respect you if you cower within yourself, hiding behind a shield, lashing out with that uncontrollable power of yours, just because you have it and rather not fight? What will happen if you come across someone who has a power similar to yours, or, better yet, immune? I can't be there for you, watching you like a shadow, Bella. That can end up getting us both killed."

She let out a scream as she rushed me. I moved to the side as I watch her spin on her heel and faced me again.

"Are you angry, Bella? Plan on throwing a tantrum because this is not going your way? Hating me just a little bit because I'm pushing you? Good! Use that hate. Use that anger. Because, if you can't master this, then what's the point of anyone not seeing you as a weak girl instead of powerful vampire that you wish they would?"

"Shut up, shut up!" She screamed at me.

I watched as the trees became still. I was a little shocked for a moment that she was having some control. That was until I got a face full of reality, or more like rock dust. She had moved the rock too quickly for even my eyes to catch until it was too late. I growled as I shook my head, ridding myself of the dust.

I looked up and smirked at her. "Is that the best you can do, My Little Mate?"

I raised my brow and beckoned her forward. She gave me a twisted little smile before running toward me. Just like a typical newborn running straight into danger. But, at the last moment, she shifted her direction, and the two boulders that she was floating behind her came crashing into me, as I whirled around to follow her new direction she was taking. She still thought she had the upper hand, but I knew where she was even before she lunged at me.

I stepped to the side, and caught her in my arms. She looked up at me her red eyes full of humor. "You should have seen your face, Jasper, when the boulders collided with you. I am sorry for that, but I couldn't help it. You were expecting me to run straight on, weren't you?"

I smiled at her. I was a little shocked that she had gained control over some of her emotions so quickly. I was about to answer her, but my phone rang. I was going to kick Peter's ass. He changed my ringtones again. A couple of those damn Yoda quotes.

'Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering...Always follow you if you seek it, darkness will...Wise you should listen to him, your brother Peter is.'

Those fucking last two quotes weren't even real Yoda quotes. I pressed answer before it could ring again and repeat the quotes again. He had to have had Emmett's help.

"What fucker?"

'Did you like the new ringtone?'

"No, and when I see you and Emmett... Make you feel pain, I will when I see you two."

'Hmmm that was a nice play on Yoda talk, Jasper. But mislead you brother, your angry will.'

"Shut up, Peter. What the hell do you want?"

'You're no fun anymore, Major. I bet the missus has your balls in a Hello Kitty purse.'

"I hate to disappoint you, but my balls are still attached to me, but yours won't be attached to you if you don't tell me why the hell you called. We are suppose to be taking a break for a few days fucker, remember?"

'Yeah I remember, and don't threaten my balls. Char likes them to be attached to my person when she puts them in her mouth.'

"Char's not around to hear you say that, is she?"

'No, and you will not repeat that shit. I don't feel like missing sex for a couple of days, or worse, being castrated. Anyway fucker, I need you and the little hellcat to come with me and melons. We'll meet up with Mika, Embry and Toshi. Then, we'll have to, somehow, convince Damien to help us, before, Maria threatens the little human descendant that he has in his care to get him to bend to her will.'

"Why don't you just fucking warn him? We don't necessarily need him, do we?"

'Yes, we do need him. I wish you would let go of the little grudge you have against the fact that he beat you in that last sparring you two had.'

"I do not have a grudge against him. Besides, the bastard cheated."

'Sure he cheated, Major. Face it, he caught you off guard and you still don't appreciate being reminded about that. Anyway, we need you, Major, and Bella.'

"You don't need us. I need to teach Bella not to rely on her abilities as much. As well as, teach her some control."

'Don't let Bella fool you. She has more control than you think. She's just been having her little tantrums because we allowed it. Don't get me wrong, her emotions still run a bit haywire like most newborns do, but she has a way at getting her emotions under control.'

I looked over at Bella and she gave me a sheepish smile before glaring at the phone.

"Is that right, and did that little demented voice in your head tell you this?"

'Of course not. I watched her practice on her own by the swamp when she thinks no one is watching her.'

"I see. I'll see you tomorrow, Peter."

I heard Bella hiss out that she was going to make Peter pay before I ended the call. I turned toward Bella, and watched her back up a bit, a sliver of fear emitting from her.

"So, My Mate, you've been lying to me. The question is, how did it go unnoticed? What else have you not told the truth about?"

"Nothing, I swear."

"Nothing what, My Mate?"

"Nothing, Jasper."

I stalked forward, watching as she moved until her back was pressed against a tree. I smirked before I placed my hands on the tree beside her bowed head. I could smell her fear, and it made me growl with pleasure.

"Guess again, Mate."

Her head snapped up and her red eyes widened. A flicker of fear and desire entered her eyes before she bowed her head once more.

"Hello, Major."

Her voice was nothing more than a whisper. She moved to press her hands against me but I let out a warning growl.

"No, My Sweet Mate, you don't get to touch until I say so."

She nodded her head, and let her hands drop to her sides once more. I didn't give her any time to react before I ripped her shirt from her body. She gasped, but made no move to cover herself.

"Raise your arms, Mate, and hold onto the tree."

There were no objections falling from her lips. A small tremor went through her body, as I watched her raise her arms above her head and grabbed a hold of the tree, not once raising her head so she could look at me.

"Such a perfect obedient mate, you are."

I was hit with a rock again as her anger soared at the word obedient. I chuckled, and brushed the rock dust off my shoulder. I took a couple steps back.

"Tsk tsk, Mate, you already deserve a punishment for your lying about your control. And to think, I was going to let that slide, but, perhaps, I shouldn't after all."

"I didn't lie, Major. You never asked. None of you asked. You just assumed that I couldn't control myself. I admit that, sometimes, I can't, but most of the time, I'm able to get ahold of my emotions. You all treated me like a newborn, even when I showed you that I wasn't just another newborn. But, none of you saw that. All you saw was a few slips of control, and then, all of a sudden, I was emotionally like all the other newborns. So, I gave you what you wanted."

I chuckled, My Devious Little Mate. Teaching us elders a lesson. I guess we should have never just assumed that she wasn't in control. It doesn't matter. She made everyone think that I didn't do for her, when she was the one who kept secrets. It didn't work that way. When you have a mate, you don't hide anything from one another.

It was disrespectful to the bond that was supposed to be shared. She had to learn to let me in, or it will be the weakness that destroys us. She had to trust me, so that we could be an united front, a team, equals. And, the first thing she needs to learn is when to submit.

"Strip, Bella."

She looked up at me confusion clear in her eyes. She didn't make a move to remove her clothes, and that I didn't like.

"Strip now, Bella, or I shall do it for you. And, if I have to do it, then I will make sure there will be not a stitch of clothing you will be able to salvage to wear home. Now, strip."

She nodded her head and quickly removed her jeans. She hesitated for a moment with her bra and panties, but I let out a growl.

"All of it, Bella."

She removed the last articles of clothing and stood with her head bowed and her hands clasp together in front of her.

"Now turn around and place your hands on the tree. Spread your legs apart."

Her eyes widen as she looked up at me. "Wha-."

"Do it, Bella."

She turned around as the last rays of sunlight broke through the trees causing her body to sparkle. I could smell her arousal mix with fear as I step forward. Running my hand down her back before letting it rest on the swell of her ass. She exhaled with a whimper as I removed my hand. A plea was just falling from her lips when I let my hand deliver a swift and harsh smack against her ass.

She let out a sob and began to push away from the tree, causing it to groan under her strength. I pressed my other hand against her back while bringing my hand down against her ass again.

She cried out and moved her head to the side.

"Major, please...please don't...don't do this."

"Shhh, Bella, trust me. Give in to me. I promise that you will find pleasure within the pain."

She shook her head back and forth as I let my hand collide with her ass a couple of more times before she could speak again.

"No, it hurts. I thought a mate could never hurt another mate?"

"I'm not hurting you, Bella. You are perfectly fine. There will be no everlasting marks on you, and I know you are enjoying this." I leaned in close to her ear. "I can smell you, my Mate, and you smell delicious. Tell me, what is truly bothering you? Is it the fact that you are giving someone else control," *slap* "or is it that you are losing the control of your own self?" *slap* That, maybe, you are enjoying this more than you thought you would."

She was gasping and struggling to keep her emotions in check, but I was not going to allow her to shield herself away from me. I reached around with the hand I had laying against her back, and pinched her nipple. She hissed and arched her body up, thrusting her breast into my hand.

"Let go, Bella. For once, let yourself lose control."

She moaned as I moved my other hand down between her legs. Sliding my fingers through her slick folds. She groaned and threw her head back just as parted her folds and slid two fingers into her tight little core.

"Mmmm so wet for me, Bella."

She pushed down onto my hand, trying to get me to go faster. But, I was in control, not her. I pinched her clit while, at the same time, my other hand pinched her nipple. She understood and stopped moving, as I sped up my ministrations. I moved my hand from her breast so that I could undo my pressure off my dick was welcomed as I let my pants drop down around my ankles. I was happy that I decided to go commando for the day. Pinching Bella's clit, I watched as she came, her body shuddering against mine. I removed my fingers and spun her around, pressing her against the tree while lifting her up. I thrust in one swift motion, embedding myself deep within her. She cried out as I pulled back until the tip of my dick was barely within her walls. Slamming back in her, the tree buckled and fell behind her. I continued to thrust in and out with hard long strokes as we fell with the tree, shattering it upon our impact, and sending the splinters up around us.

She writhed beneath me, her nails leaving shallow trails down my back. She arched her body up against me, saying my name over and over like a lost prayer.

"Please Jasper, Major...more...please."

I sped up, knowing that if any human came by at that moment, they would see nothing but a blur. She moaned, as I bit down on her nipple. I smiled as I watched my beautiful mate let go. I bit down harder right above her nipple. Her venom flowed into my mouth. She let out a scream that ended in a hiss as she came again. But, I wasn't finished. I pulled my clothes off and flipped her over onto all fours. Before she could blink, I was buried deep into her dripping core. I smacked her ass, and let out a growl as she mewled and pushed back into me.

Enjoying the sounds and feel of my mate, is the reason that I didn't smell or hear them until it was too late.