HI~! This is my first fanfic so im sorry if it sucks... anyway, enjoy!

An Ouran High School Host Club Fanfic.

Chapter 1

Their first meeting, the start of a beautiful friendship

The pleasant soprano of birds chirping could be heard as they returned to their nests in a nearby tree. The sky was now a beautiful shade of midnight blue, streaked with layers of muted purple, flamboyant orange, dull burgundy, vivid pink, intense red and lurid yellow. Gingerly, the sun disappeared beneath the clouds, only to be seen the next day.

A figure sat on the swing that was found in the nearby park. She wore a black blouse and a grey skirt. Tiny crystal tears flowed from her eyes, dropping onto her tiny hands. She had long hazel brown hair which reached until the middle of her back. A cute little button nose sniffled as one of her hands rose and rubbed her big hazel eyes.

The sound of footsteps on the pavement could be heard in the deafening silence of the park. The girl lifted her head to see a hand holding a dark blue handkerchief in front of her. Her gaze followed up the arm and she met a pair of shining dark blue eyes of a brown haired boy who looked her age.

"Here." His soft, calming voice spoke. The girl hesitantly took the handkerchief from his hand and dabbed it in her eyes.

"Why are you crying?" he asked as he took a seat on the swing next to hers. The girl didn't reply, she just sat there staring at the ground.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but it will make you feel better if you do." He continued.

"-ommy…" she said almost inaudibly. The boy leaned in closer to listen.

"Mommy… mo-mommy's not here anymore…" her voice cracked at the last word as more tears fell from her eyes.

"Oh…" the boy said quietly, not knowing what to say.

"I'm sorry." he finally said after a few seconds.

The girl shook her head and replied, "It's alright. I'm sorry for dirtying your handkerchief."

"Wont your daddy get worried? I saw you come and sit here at 4, and it's already 6 plus." The boy asked worriedly. She shook her head again.

"Daddy let me come here. He knew that I didn't want him to see me cry." She said softly.

"Oh." The boy said again. Then, there was a silence. Neither spoke as they stared at the ground.

"What about you? Why are you here?" she asked, looking at him.

"I came here to get away from my house. My daddy and mommy are always busy. They don't come home often so I get really lonely. The security guards won't let me go out of the house so I don't have any friends. All the maids in the house won't talk to me because they are busy all the time. So I sneak out sometimes to play with everyone here at the park." He grinned, showing her a peace sign.

"Really?" she asked and he nodded.

"Daddy and mommy are really rich but I wish that they could spend more time with me." he sighed.

"But you're rich, you should be happy." she reasoned. He shook his head.

"If being rich is like this, then I would rather be like a normal person with a family who loves me." he said sadly as he looked over to a woman and a man at the other side of the park holding the hands of a young boy of their age. The girl nodded.

"I can't imagine life without daddy and mommy." she agreed softly.

"It's getting late, the both of us have to go back home, or your daddy would get really worried and security guards will be out trying to find me. you can keep the handkerchief." the boy smiled as he sat up and stretched. He turned and offered the girl his hand. She smiled a small smile before taking his hand and standing up. "You said that you've never had a friend before right?" she asked. He nodded.

"Well then, I'll be your first friend." She flashed a thousand watt smile at him. The boy looked shocked for a second, and then he nodded and blushed at his newly found friend.

"Let's meet again here at this same spot next week at the same time okay?" she asked excitedly as she squeezed his hand lightly. He nodded vigorously.

"Pinkie swear?" the girl took her hand from his and extended her pinkie.

"Pinkie swear." He chuckled.

"Alright then, if you lie, a BLUNT needle will poke you in the eye!" she giggled cutely.

"Why a blunt needle and not a sharp one?" he asked curiously as he tilted his head.

"Because, if you poke your eye with a sharp needle, then the needle will pierce through easily. But if you poke it with a blunt needle, you have to keep on poking for a long time until the needle can finally pierce through. So the blunt needle will hurt more." She grinned and the boy gulped.

"You're scary." He laughed nervously.

"But I'm still your friend." She giggled. He couldn't help but laugh along with her.

"Okay, we have to go, it's getting dark." He said sadly once the laughter died down. She nodded and sighed.

"Okay. Bye…" she said softly as they both waved and walked in opposite directions, looking forward to their next meeting.

"Hey wait!" the girl stopped and turned, staring at the boy who was running towards her. He finally reached her and placed his hand on his knees panting.

"What is it?" she asked amusedly.

"Your... name… what's… what's your name?" he breathed between pants as he looked up at her. She smiled back down at him.

"Haruhi. Fujioka Haruhi." She grinned.

"You?" she added.

The boy finally caught his breath and stood up straight. Taking a deep breath and letting it out.

"Kaito. Takahiro Kaito."

Well this is the prolouge of the story. I know that it's stupid and all. Sorry. My friends thought that I should post it so i tried posting one of the few i write. Sorry once again if it was weird!
