Disclaimer: I own nothing you recognize.

OK, I just really wanted to write a Ginny/Draco, even though I haven't finished my James/Lily, and Harry/Ginny. Ooh, subliminal messages. Read them, read them. I hope you like it!


'Honey, I'm home!' Harry Potter said as he entered the house. Ginny's broom was leaning against the wall in the entryway, but Harry couldn't see her anywhere.

'Ha ha,' Ginny Weasley's voice said mockingly from the direction of the kitchen. 'I'm in the kitchen.'

Harry entered a kitchen that looked as if it had been dragged to hell and back. The floor was awash in unknown substances and every available surface was covered in flour. His roommate was clean though, standing in the middle of the kitchen, eating a cookie.

'What the hell happened?' Harry asked, incredulously, shaking his messy black hair out of his emerald green eyes, hoping that the scene was just a figment of his imagination.

'I made cookies,' Ginny said calmly, her big blue eyes staring innocently back at him.

'It's called magic, Gin. Ever heard of it? Much less mess.'

'I know, but I wanted to try something the hard way. You know, actually make something, without well, without cheating.'

Harry looked at her skeptically. 'Doing magic isn't cheating.'

'You know what? There is no use arguing with you so never mind. So, how was work?' Ginny started to clean up the mess.

'Dull. No new demons, plus work is always uneventful when you're not there.'

Ginny laughed. 'Harry, if I didn't know better, I'd think you were flirting with me.'

Harry shook his head. 'No, I'm done with that. Our relationship was amazing while it lasted, but we agreed that we were better off to just be friends.'

'Oh, and what a friendship it is. Seriously though, what happened at work?'

'Nothing. I pretty much sat at my desk and did paperwork. God, there was so much paperwork! Even with magic it took me 5 hours to do.' Harry took a seat in a chair and relaxed.

Ginny and Harry worked in the newest part of the Ministry of Magic: Hunting and Controlling of Demons and Otherworldly Beings. The department did have a long title, but the ministers couldn't agree on anything shorter. Ginny and Harry worked to rid the magic (and non-magic) world of beings like vampires, werewolves, and other demons. (A/N: if you don't get the job, they are pretty much Buffy the Vampire Slayer but with magic.) It was pretty much an extension of their Defense Against the Dark Arts class into a job. They were regularly sent out on calls from panicked witches or wizards that eventually panned out into nothing, but from time to time, were confronted with real demons.

Harry looked up at Ginny who was industriously doing the dishes, totally oblivious to the smudge of flour on the end of her nose. Something about her made him want to go back the way things used to be, when they were together.

'Ginny,' he called over to her. 'You know that there will always be a piece of me that loves you, right?'

This surprised Ginny, as her head sprang up and she looked startled. But her face quickly lapsed into its normal understanding sweetness. 'I know.'

Now it was Harry's turn to look surprised. 'How do you know?'

'I know, because, deep down, there's a part of me that will love you forever. I mean, if you love someone as much as I loved you, that love isn't just going to die. It'll fade, but parts of it will linger with you forever.'

Harry walked slowly towards Ginny until his body was pressed up against hers. He looked deep into her piercing blue eyes and seductively wiped the smudge of flour off of her nose. Both he and Ginny leaned in and closed their eyes, but before their lips could meet, the buzzer on the stove went off. The two sprang apart like guilty lovers, which I guess, they were.

Ginny picked up a pan and started scrubbing at an invisible spot, while Harry paced the room. After a few minutes, the mood in the room was back to normal, unmarred friendliness.

'Gin, normally, I would never ask this of you, but I have a girl coming over tonight, and I don't think she'd impressed to see you here. So could you…?'

'Could I not be here when she gets here?' Ginny laughed, and put the last dish on the drying rack. 'Sure, no problem.'

Harry looked visibly relieved. 'Are you sure? I mean, I could take her somewhere else.'

'No, its no problem at all. I wanted to go out tonight anyway. Just one question: will you be entertaining her all night? I just want to know what time I can come home at. If she will be staying, I can just bunk down at my parents', or at Ron and Hermione's.'

'No, I don't think she'll be staying over. What time do you plan to come home?'

Ginny thought about this for a moment. 'I guess about 3?'

'Oh, she'll be gone by then.'

'All right. Well, I'm going to go have a bath so I'll be ready before your lady gets here.'

'Fine. I have to run a few errands but maybe I'll see you before you leave?'



Ginny lay back in the tub, luxuriating in the hot water. 'I wish I never have to move. I just want to stay like this forever,' she thought. The heat of the water made sweat break out on the back of her neck and the mirrors fog up, but it was nice, kind of like her own personal sauna.

A strange noise broke through her reverie, and Ginny was quickly on full alert. She should be the only one in the house, as she didn't expect Harry back for at least another half hour, but the noise was definitely made by something with two feet. Ginny sighed inwardly. It wasn't the first time that the house had been broken into by demons trying to stop Harry and Ginny from ridding the world of their kind, but Harry had always been there to back her up. But he wasn't her now, and Ginny was left to fend for herself. Carefully, as to not make any noise by dripping water, she sat up and inched her fingers towards her wand that lay ready on the edge of the bathtub. Once Ginny had her hands on her wand, she sat poised and waiting, listening for the demon's approach.

Footsteps made their ways towards the bathroom door, where they stopped. 'Ginny?' A familiar voice called through the door.

'Harry! Don't do that! You scared the shit out of me for a second. I thought you were a demon! I was ready to hex you!' Although she was a little angry with Harry, Ginny was relieved that he wasn't a demon, and her whole body visibly relaxed.

'Well, sorry for scaring you, and disturbing your relaxation. I'll let you go back to your bath.' Footsteps walked away from the door, but quickly walked back. 'Ginny?'


'Oh never mind.'

Inside the bathroom, Ginny laughed. Outside the bathroom, Harry hesitated, wondering whether he should act upon his recent feelings. Making a decision, Harry pushed upon the door and walked in.

'Harry!' Ginny shrieked, but before she could say anymore, his strong arms were around her, and his warm soft lips were pressed on hers. Ginny lost herself in the kiss, and wrapped her arms around Harry's neck, disregarding that she was very wet and very naked. After a few minutes, the pair pulled apart. The kiss was just the way Ginny remembered, but she didn't feel the way she used to during them.

Ginny's blue eyes lifted to meet the brilliance of Harry's emerald ones. 'Nothing,' they said at the same time, and both broke into laughter.

After they had calmed down, Ginny said, 'Its sad…'

'What is?' Harry asked, looking perplexed.

'Its sad when you realize that something you loved with your entire heart and soul, you just don't love it like that anymore,' Ginny answered, her eyes downcast.

'I know what you mean, and I know what you're getting. Makes you feel kinda hollow.'

'Exactly,' Ginny exclaimed, and the two lapsed into an uneasy silence that Harry quickly broke.

'I forgot you kissed so well,' he said, and Ginny's already heat-flushed cheeks got a bit pinker.

Her total nakedness seemed to appear to Harry as his eyes slowly traveled downwards. 'I'd also forgotten how good you looked naked.'

Ginny gasped, looked down, and quickly looked back up. Grabbing her last few shreds of dignity and wrapping them around her like a blanket, Ginny pointed to the door, and with an austere expression on her face, growled, 'Out!'

Harry left, laughing.


Ginny spent the rest of her bath in contentment and total relaxation. It wasn't until she heard the ring of the doorbell that she realized exactly how long she had been soaking. Hearing a female voice mingling with Harry's a conversation, she thought, 'Oh, shit, Harry's date is here. I better hurry.'

Pulling the plug out of the drain, Ginny quickly wrapped a thick towel around her thin frame, left the bathroom, hoping to quickly and silently get up the stairs to her room before the other girl came back and saw her. No such luck. As soon as Ginny stepped through the doorframe, Harry and the girl turned from the kitchen to see what was causing the noise.

Obvious surprise was stamped on the girl's features as she turned to Harry and asked, 'who is the strange half-naked girl leaving your bathroom?'

Ginny decided, even if it wasn't fair, to play a little trick on Harry's date. 'I'm his girlfriend. Who are you?'

Shock replaced the surprise masking the girl's features. 'Also his girlfriend. Harry, I could use a bit of an explanation.'

Over the girl's shoulder, Ginny could see Harry, with looks of humour and horror fighting for supremacy on his face.

Ginny thought that the girls had had enough, and decided to end the torture. 'Just kidding. I'm Ginny Weasley, Harry's platonic friend, partner, and roommate.' She leaned forward and shook the girl's hand.

The girl shook herself out of her daze, and replied, 'I'm Stacey Winters.' The two girls exchanged pleasantries, while Ginny became exceedingly aware of her scantily clad self.

'Umm, if you'll excuse me, I have somewhere to be going to, and I know you two have plans, so I'll be off,' Ginny said, and turned to run up the stairs. As she passed Harry, she caught the humourously murderous expression on his face, and knew she was in for it later.