Matthew plopped down at the table next to Feliciano and groaned. Feliciano turned to him and asked, "Ve~, Mattie, what's wrong?"

Matthew set his brown bag lunch on the table, " thought I was Alfred again today."

Feliciano frowned, "Ve~ that's too bad. Ne, Ne, I know! We can go out for gelato after school today. That always makes me feel better."

Lovino, who was sitting on the other side of Feliciano, snorted, "That's 'cause you're an idiot. Gelato and pasta don't solve all of life's fucking problems alright. Grow the fuck up."

Tears began to pool in Feliciano's eyes, "Fratello…"

Lovino sighed and, "Don't cry damn it! You know I didn't mean any of it."

Feliciano sniffed. Just then, Ludwig approached them, carrying his tray, and asked, "Are you alright, Feliciano?"

Feliciano pouted, "Lovi's being mean to me."

Ludwig facepalmed with the hand that wasn't holding his tray, "More than usual?"

Lovino growled, "Hey, what the hell is that supposed to mean!"

Feliciano turned to Lovino and said, "Hey, can you move over so Ludwig can sit next to me?"

Lovnio grabbed his brother by the collar, "There is no way in hell that I'm moving for that potato bastard."

Ludwig sighed, "Uh, Feliciano, I can just sit on the other side of you."

He moved to sit down, but frowned when he saw the lunch on the table, "Whose Lunch is that?"

Matthew glared up at him, "I'm Matthew. I'm right here. I'm sick and tired of people not seeing me and mistaking me for Alfred."

Ludwig rubbed the back of his head, "Er..ja. I didn't think you were Alfred."

"Ludwig…" Matthew started.

Ludwig cut him off, "And I would have seen you, if I hadn't been distracted with these two."

"Hey," Lovino snapped.

Matthew smiled slightly, "It's alright. I'm sorry I snapped at you."

Ludwig shuffled his feet awkwardly, "Listen, I know it's a little awkward to ask, but could you…"

Matthew nodded, "Sure," and pushed his lunch over before moving one seat down.

Ludwig muttered "Danke," and slipped in between Matthew and Feliciano.

Francis came and took the seat on the other side of Matthew kissing him on the cheek, " Bonjour mon ami."

Matthew turned bright red and stammered, "Wh..why do you always do that?"

Gilbert, who had just arrived, snorted, "That's just the way Frenchie is. I'd've thought you'd be used to it by now."

Gilbert, who was standing right behind his brother, ruffled Ludwig's hair before walking past him and Matthew to take the seat next to Francis.

Ludwig's hand almost automatically flew up to re-slick back his hair. He frowned, "Bruder, why did you do that?"

Gilbert laughed, "It was just brotherly affection. Besides, it looks better down."

Ludwig scowled and took a comb out of his pocket to fix the sideburns. Feliciano giggled, "Luddy, you shouldn't worry so much about it. You look really good either way."

Lovino scowled, "How come you always compliment the potato bastard, but you never say I look good."

Feliciano bit his lip and was about to open his mouth to say something, when Antonio put his tray down and plopped into the seat next to Lovino's, leaving an empty place between himself and Francis, and pulled Lovino into a hug, saying, "I think you're absolutely adorable.

Lovino let himself enjoy the hug for ten seconds, before he began struggling to get free, blushing profusely, and practically yelled, "Nobody asked you, now get the hell off me, tomato bastard."

Francis laughed, "Hon, hon, hon, l'amore is in the air."

Antonio took no notice of this and nuzzled Lovino's cheek before letting him go saying, "You look just like a little tomato. Oh that reminds me." He reached into his chest pocket and pulled out a small red tomato, "The first cherry tomato's from our new garden."

Lovino blushed even redder as he snatched the tomato out of Antonio's hand and mumbled, "Grazie, bastard."

Antonio positively beamed. Suddenly, Antonio noticed something and grabbed Francis' arm and forcibly pulled him over one seat to sit next to him. Francis frowned, "Antoine, mon ami, I know you love me, but…" he trailed off.

Arthur came up to the table and sat down smirking between Francis and Gilbert, pushing Francis' abandoned tray over as he did so. Francis leaned forward and kissed his cheek, "Bonjour, mon cheri."

Arthur back handed Francis and he fell back, clutching his nose. Anotnio pulled out an handkerchief and began to fuss with Francis' nose muttering rapidly in Spanish. Arthur snorted, "He'll be fine."

Gilbert chuckled dryly, "Hey Artie."

Arthur nodded, "Gil."

Matthew suddenly piped up, "You're here today."

Arthur shrugged, "Just for the first part of the day. I'm leaving after lunch."

Matthew frowned, "B…but why are you leaving?"

Arthur scowled, "I'm supposed to have math, then art then physical education. We don't have a quiz in math, so I see no reason to go, and art and physical education are hardly worth counting."

Matthew looked down, "But won't you fall behind if you don't go to class?"

Arthur shurugged, "I know everything their learning."

Gilbert smirked, "Give it up Birdie, you're not going to change his mind."

Feliciano frowned, "How can you stand to miss art class? It's my favorite class of the day."

Lovino scowled and muttered, "Yeah, cause you were always the best at art."

Ludwig suddenly reached forward holding a napkin and rubbed at Feliciano's face, saying, "You have a bit of sauce on your face."

Feliciano giggled, "Ve~ Grazie Luddy."

Lovino snapped, "Oi. Stop fucking manhandling my little brother."

Francis grinned, "Ah, young love."

Ludwig blushed bright red, and didn't move his hand.

Gilbert grinned, "Ah, Luddy, you look so cute when you blush."

Matthew facepalmed.

Lovino yelled, "Hey, potato bastard," and Ludwig removed his hand.

Kids at the surruning tables were staring at them, having heard Lovino yelling, but they didn't worry too much about it; They were used to it.

A/N-Yeah, I'm not dead. I've been busy with school work, thus haven't updated in a while, but I just started school vacation week, so I should update somewhat frequently, at least for a short while. I just got another review asking for more in this AU, and it seemed like a good place to start. I also have about a hundred ideas for new fics, but I won't post any of those until school gets out for the summer; I'll focus on my current fics. I don't think I'll be continuing this anymore though.