Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Titans, but I DO own my awesome computer which allows me to write about them.

This little one shot was inspired by 'In My Head' by Jason Derulo. I had actually written the second paragraph about a month and a half ago, and looked at it today and said, "Hey, this would be an excellent RobStar fic." Enjoy!


In My Head

I hate dances of any kind, I really do. Unless my arms are around you of course, but I could never tell you that. It would destroy everything I've worked so hard for. Like this. We're only here because the city wanted to throw a thank you ball for us. But the fact that we've kept them safe for so long... I've worked hard to make sure that's been the case.

I watch you accept a dance from yet another man. It burns my insides to think that his arms are around you, that he gets to look into your eyes, that he gets to smell your intoxicating scent. I watch as he twirls your around, as a smile lights up your graceful features as you feel the rush of the air around you. I wish it were me that was giving you that joyous expression. I wish it were me that had their arms around your waist. In my head, that's the way it is. In my head, you have eyes for only me. In my head, my fantasy comes true.

But it's only in my head. I can't tell you how I feel; I can't tell you how much I love you. We have a job to do, a city to keep safe, and we would only serve as distractions for each other.

I turn away from you and your dance partner and walk out the door. I've spent more than enough time in the public eye for tonight, I need to get back to catching the criminals. Because that's what really matters, not this stupid ball. But while I can escape the flashes of cameras and the suits and dresses, I can never escape you. You're always in my head.

So? I can't decide if I want to make another chapter, it being this in Starfire's prospective. Yes? No? Let me know!