'Dear Tom, I Love You'

Today was the day, the 31st March: The day of the Spring Formal. It was a Saturday, so obviously, we didn't have any lessons. However, round about twelve, one o'clock, all the female population consisting at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry were priming themselves good and proper for the ball that started precisely at half seven that evening. Anna and I got dressed in halves. So, from one to four, I helped her get ready (except for the shower part, I was perfectly sure she was capable of doing that herself) and from four to seven, she helped me get ready.

We needed this much time because it was part of the plan for me to knock Tom Riddle off his feet when he saw me.

"Emmy you need to stay still. If you don't then I won't be able to get this stuff out of your hair," Anna sighed as she ran her wand through my hair. Earlier in the year I came up with a hair dying spell to keep adding bright purple highlights into my hair. But tonight, I was having my hair fully black, without a trace of purple anywhere. I also came up with a lengthening charm especially for hair, so instead of having my usual medium wavy hair, I was having hair that stopped beneath my boobs.

Different, right? Merlin, I hoped it was enough to be noticed.

"Seriously, Emmy, you need to stay still or the black dye is going to go all over your face." Anna snapped. The pressure of getting tonight perfect was getting to her. It was getting to all of us. "Sorry," I mumbled sheepishly. I couldn't help the fact that I fidgeted a lot, I try so hard not too, but it's a difficult task.

"No, I'm sorry for snapping. The hair dye's complete. What do you need done now?" Anna asked with an apologetic smile. I waved her apology off, "We're both stressed, and it's natural. Um, phase gazillion in the "doll-each-other-up" process would be… the back-combing of the hair," I answered, my hand raised to my face in thought.

I hardly ever back-combed my hair, only because I really never had the time to do it, "Em, honey, you need to relax, you're going to look stunning," Anna patted my head reassuringly, and it was there and then, for the first time in sixteen years (I'm yet to turn seventeen) I prayed to God, or Merlin, or whoever I'm supposed to pray too, that I did look good enough tonight. Good enough for Tommy boy to look at me in a new light.

"What're you doing now Anna? I thought you were finished?" I asked, exasperated at the fact that she was still applying make-up to my face. I just wanted to get into my dress and heels already. The last time I wore heels was for my Year Eleven Prom – it was the first and last time I ever wore heels. Now, I beg to differ. I'm going to wear them tonight, and probably break my ankle doing so.

"I'm almost done; Emmy quit biting my head off!" Anna growled, and I just rolled my eyes, which got me a stern look. "Stop. Moving. Around." My best friend hissed through gritted teeth and I immediately obliged. She was really scary.

"Okay, I'm done. Would it have killed you to stay still for a couple more seconds Em?" Anna smiled at me; obviously proud of her handiwork; whereas I was freaking terrified to look in the goddamn mirror.

"Can I just put my dress on now and get this over with?" I grumbled with a sigh. I still didn't think that Alphard's plan was going to work.

"Yeah, we'll both get our dresses on, we have roughly half an hour to finish getting ready – the Formal starts in about half an hour," Anna smiled; she was excited for tonight's events. Whereas I… well, let's just say that my stomach leaked out of my butt again and is littered on my floor.

It didn't take us long to change, we're girls, and when we're in a hurry, we get things done quickly like our lives depended on it. The heels… they took forever to get on, only because they're an alien like shoe that I didn't know how to put on properly. Anna had to help me. How ridiculous do I feel? (Very!)

"This is it Emmy," Anna breathed, grinning at me like a child, "Are you ready?"

I laughed, "Not in the slightest, let's get going,"

"Where's Black meeting you?" Anna asked. She still didn't bother calling him by his first name, kind of like she calls Tom 'Riddle'. I guess it's a habit she just can't break. That's a habit I just can't get into – I'm not even sorry for it.

"At the bottom of the grand staircase by the Great Hall," I answered my voice barely a whisper. I could feel the butterflies in my tummy flutter around, and I could feel my heart beat against my chest. I've never felt so nervous in my entire life.

Not even when I had the chance to meet the beautiful Ralph Fiennes, and I was visibly shaking then.

I guess real life situations are a lot scarier than meeting your idols, that I can assure you of.

"You're going with Gina Dorricott's brother aren't you? Isn't his name Mike or something?" I asked, desperate to change the topic and slow down my heart rate. Anna laughed at me, and I guess it was because I got her dates name wrong.

"His name's Seamus, Emmy. Seamus Dorricott."

Well… I was pretty far off. Next time, I'll remember her dates name properly. That's if there is a next time.

I think Anna could tell I was as nervous as a dog on steroids, (not that I know what a dog on steroids looks like…) because she slung one arm over my shoulders in a soothing way and shot a smile in my direction. "Everything is going to go to plan, you'll knock Tom Riddle off his feet, and he'll regret even doubting you all this time,"

Yeah, because that made me feel so much better.

"Not that he's doubted you or anything…" Anna quickly corrected herself, and I giggled lightly. Anna let out a sigh of relief; I think she was afraid I'd gotten the wrong impression about what she said. Which I did, she just didn't need to know that.

"Ready to meet your Prince Charming Em?" Anna asked, poking me in the shoulder lightly. I grimaced, "Which one are you referring too? Riddle or Black?" I asked and Anna just laughed at me.

I never got an answer.

We reached the bottom of the staircase at half past seven. As promised, Alphard was waiting for me at the bottom like a true gentleman. His mouth hung open slightly as Anna and I came into view, and I wasn't sure if that was directed at me or Anna, or whether it was directed at the both of us. I didn't care though, for I was fighting back the sickening feeling bubbling up in my gut.

"Sweet Merlin, Em… you look… wow," Alphard spluttered as I reached the bottom. The most lady-like thing I could do was blush and mutter a quick thanks. He could tell I was nervous, hell, I think we all were. Tonight really was going to be a night to remember.

"I told you so," Anna whispered to me smugly, "Do excuse me; Seamus is waiting for me over there. Have fun," she smiled, and she walked over to meet her date. Alphard and I were alone together, shifting around nervously.

He outstretched his arm, and I took it. We had to look like a couple, even if it was only for a couple of minutes or whatever. Our façade had to look as real as possible. I'd forgotten my reasons, because the moment we entered the Great Hall, a blare of music hit my ears and strange flashing lights hurt my eyes.

"Shall we dance?" Alphard asked me, leaning in to whisper into my ear, "Em, the sooner we have a couple of dances together, the sooner you'll get to dance with Riddle. That I can promise you,"

I just nodded.

I didn't understand how he was able to be so sure about this.

Tom Riddle

This blasted thing was the last thing I wanted to attend too; however, Dippet had made it compulsory. How fun.

Black had asked Emily White to be his 'date' several weeks prior, he publicised this series of affairs in front of the entire Hogwarts faculty – Students and teachers. He should have gotten a detention for that. Instead, he got a round of applause and several cheers.

He made me sick, right to the very core.

Emily White's reaction was enough to make my blood boil, her response made anger vibes course through my system like I was an adrenalin junkie.

Of course, I didn't attend this ball alone – I attended this dance, Formal thing with a fellow Slytherin: Angelia Bullstrode. Did you think I was going to go on my own?

I sat at a table with Miss Bullstrode, waiting for this blasted event to be over and done with, when Black and Emily White entered the hall. She was… a radiant beauty; she looked so… so different. Her hair was longer and darker, it suited her complexion. So many different adjectives ran through my mind I suddenly began to worry that I was going to become a love-sick fool like many people before me.

I couldn't – wouldn't – let that happen to me.

I, Tom Marvolo Riddle, will not become a love-sick foolish male.

Emily White

I felt so different, dancing in the midst of my peers and teachers, and this kind of reminded me of the Yule Ball – I've always dreamed of attending that, it sounded so beautiful.

Alphard twirled and swirled me around like I was a little girl, and I felt like one too – it wasn't a bad feeling. Actually, I enjoyed feeling like this, I felt free, free of all my worries. I wanted to cling onto this feeling.

I could feel a pair of eye bearing into my back, "Alphard, is he… is he staring at me?" I whispered quickly as he spun me round. He just nodded. I breathed in and out deeply, and I kept doing this every so often.

"Do you need to sit down?" Alphard asked me, concerned about me probably.

"No, no I'm fine." I replied, smiling a little bit. Of course I was lying to him – what did you want me to do, tell him that I was shitting bricks about this plan? That I was worried Tom didn't like me?

Yeah… not going to happen.

After several more dances, my feet began to ache because of these blasted shoes. Why the hell did I decide I was going to wear them? Oh yeah, the aim was to look different. Pah!

"Em it's time, when I nod my head, go a casually stand over there," Alphard said, nodding to my right. "Anna will know what to do after that,"

I nodded, "Okay," I breathed.

This was it, the final part of the plan. I could feel my knees knocking together slightly due to my nerves suddenly coming back.

"Everything will be fine, are you ready?" Alphard asked quickly, I chuckled lightly and replied with "No." He smiled at me, looked over my shoulder and nodded.

We broke apart and I went to go and stand in the corner like I was told. I felt like a naughty kid who was getting told off for something I did wrong. Though, I was standing by a table. My legs hurt so I thought it was a good idea to sit down. So I did.

Alphard was right, in a way. None of the girls wanted to dance with Tom, even if he asked. I would have asked him how he managed to pull of such a task, but I had my own little mission: get Tommy boy to dance with me.

I didn't have to wait much longer, because a reluctant Tom Riddle appeared in front of me, "Would you… care to dance?" He asked me, and my tummy did little flips.

"Ur, sure," I answered. He took my hand and led me to the dance floor, and it was here where we started to spin around like children. We didn't say much, not really, because what was I supposed to say? I'm sorry for being an improper ass?


"No, Tom, please," I breathed, cutting across him, "Let me explain… about that time in Hogsmeade. It wasn't intentional I swear. It just sort of… happened. I didn't want it too; I wasn't planning on kissing Alphard. And when you walked off, it hurt me like a thousand knives were cutting right through my soul. It hurt so much.

"I tried so very hard over the last few months to get you to forgive me, but you wouldn't talk to me, and I was afraid that you wouldn't have taken me seriously," At this point, my eye swelled with tears, and I began to cry.

Me! I was crying in front of Tom freaking Riddle! How much more embarrassing can you get?

"Shh," Tom murmured, hugging me to his chest, "I apologise, I should have spoken to you, but I guess I was… jealous? Yes, I believe I was jealous." I could feel my heart speed up, slow down, stop and start again. Tom Riddle was jealous… of me and Alphard Black? Wow.

"I'm so sorry for treating you like that Tom," I whispered, ruining his clothes with my tears. He patted my hair in what I thought was a tender manner.

"It doesn't matter now I know the truth," He whispered.

"Tom I…I…Love you," I said, loud enough for him to hear me. We stopped dancing and I looked up to meet his gaze. I panicked about what was going to happen, I was scared that he was going to walk off and leave me.

I didn't expect his next action.

Tom lent down, and his lips met mine. I responded rather enthusiastically, our kiss getting more heated every second.

"You're mine," He stated as we parted, slightly gasping for air.

"Always," I replied, a smiled tugging at my lips.

Tonight was the best night of my life.

Oh my gosh, it's the last chapter. I cried whilst writing this - I'm not afraid to admit it! I've been working on this for the past seven months, and it's finally complete. I've loved writing this, I really have. I also love all my readers, I don't care how sappy that sounds, I'm generally a sappy person :)

I hope this chapter was as beautiful as I intended it to be. I hoped it did the rest of the story justice, and I hoped that you guys loved reading it as much as I loved writing it.


Read and Review, my lovely readers!

imafeckingstarr xxxx