My first story in a while. I'm not sure what the response will be. I couldn't think of a better name than Lumentor especially since it has 'Lumen' in it, which means light.

Animagus - Lumentor

Chapter 1

Harry stared at his reflection in the mirror. With Hermione's help, he had managed to brew the Purging Potion necessary to begin the Animagus process. The potion removed any outside influences on the body, spirit, or magic. His power flooded through him as a multitude of blocks on his magic were released. His body strengthened as his magic set to work fixing his years of abuse and neglect.

"What the hell just happened?" Hermione demanded. As he'd drunk the potion, she'd been thrown onto her ass by the release of power. Luckily, they'd chosen Moaning Myrtle's bathroom as a private place to brew, so no one else was affected.

"I'd guess that it fixed my years of abuse. I feel a lot stronger now."

"Harry, the only way that could happen is if you had magical blocks on you. How could they get onto you?"

"I'm not sure. Now, what about that other potion?"

"Um… are you sure you want to take it right after that one? I mean, it doesn't seem like a good idea, after…"

"Yes. After getting forced into this fucking tournament I need any advantage I can get. It's not like I have the skill to get through this thing alive."

Hermione sighed and moved to the extremely small cauldron nearby. There was barely enough for one sip inside. The Animagus Potion was extremely difficult to brew, not to mention ridiculously expensive. The fact that Harry was the one to brew it, with only a bit of assistance from her, proved the fact that his previous statement was absolutely untrue. She would be willing to bet that, if Snape wasn't the teacher, he would be one of the top three brewers of their year.

"I still can't believe that my dad and Siri- Snuffles managed to brew three doses of this here! I'm sorry that we could only do one." He'd had to damn near empty his Trust Vault for the year to afford the ingredients. Apparantly, it got refilled on his birthday. He'd asked the goblins about getting more, but they'd been surprised that he even needed more. They were now looking into something for him. He wasn't sure what.

"True, but remember. They were at the end of their fifth year. We're not even two months into our fourth! That's got to count for something!"

Harry just chuckled. "Of course we're done faster. They didn't have the smartest witch of her generation helping them!"

Hermione blushed. She emptied the potion into a cup and handed it to Harry. "Remember, the potion will cause you to feel a single emotion or feeling stronger than all the others, for the five minutes you change. You've got to grab onto it and remember it. Otherwise, you might never be able to return to your form."

Harry took the cup and was about to drink it, when he realized something. "Hey, Hermione. What if my form is something really big? I might hurt you!"

"You're right! Why didn't I think of that? Where could we possibly go that would still be secret?"

Secret. The word rang through Harry's mind. "Hermione, stand back." He walked over to the sink and hissed the word 'open' in parseltongue.

Hermione gasped as the sinks moved to reveal the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets.

"Remember to hide the stuff, Hermione!" Harry said with a chuckle, referring to the potions equipment.

They put the equipment into one of the stalls that Myrtle didn't use, then jumped down. As they did, Hermione suddenly let out an expletive.

When they reached the bottom, Hermione ran to Harry. "Harry! The potion!"

"Don't worry." Harry showed her the unaffected potion.

"Wha- But how?"

"I realized what you were thinking and just thought of keeping it stable."

"I didn't hear you cast! Harry, did you cast a Stasis Charm silently and wandlessly?"

"I guess so."

Hermione was stunned. Every Wizarding child did wandless magic at some point. It was referred to as accidental magic. However, their direct connection to their magic shrank, allowing more control, but lessening their power. Only the most powerful wizards could cast without a focus after their first magical maturity at eleven years old. Her thinking was cut off when Harry grabbed her hand.

"Come on, Hermione! Let's go try the potion!" Harry led her through a hole in the wall of rubble and to another door. With another hiss of 'open', the door slid open. It wasn't long before they entered the room that Harry had battled the basilisk in. Harry, acting as his usual humble self, did not mention the room's significance. Instead, he merely stopped walking.

"I think this room is big enough. I'm going to try it now."

After having known him for over three years, Hermione knew that Harry was hiding something. However, she decided not to press him. She'd have about an hour after he finished his transformation before he could move again. The transformation took a lot of energy the first time.

Harry took a deep breath and drank the whole potion in a single gulp. He closed his eyes and breathed deeply. Moments later, he began to shudder.

"Harry!" Hermione shouted, worried that she'd done something wrong.

"Stay back!" Harry shouted, even as he began to feel a strange sensation. It was both a burning heat and a soothing warmth; a freezing blizzard and a nice breeze. The feeling encompassed his entire body.

Hermione could only watch as Harry's skin began to crack all over his body. Golden light shone through the cracks. Moments later, his hardened skin exploded outward, revealing the form beneath. Hermione gasped and shivered, though not from the chill of the room.

Harry's form looked much like his human appearance, save that he looked to be made of white light. He had angelic wings that seemed to form into a cloak around him. Hermione was reminded of something, but she couldn't place what. She was currently distracted by the pleasure rushing through her body. She could feel Harry radiating positive energy. She bucked slightly as her fingers subconsciously moved downward to her skirt.

Harry paid no attention to her plight, focusing instead on examining his form. "What the hell am I?" he asked aloud.

Hermione let out a gasp as pleasure continued to overload her mind. "Ha- Harry!" She cried out in pleasure. "P-please! Stop this!" Each word was punctuated by a moan.

Harry finally noticed Hermione's strange behavior. "Hermione! What's wrong?" He demanded, rushing to her.

As Harry moved closer, Hermione's hands began to move faster. Her moans were now a single constant cry of pleasure. He was about to touch her when she let out a scream.

He was so panicked, he automatically switched back to his normal form. He didn't notice the new golden highlights in his hair, nor the fact that his pupils now had rings of gold in them. They were now about half gold half black.

Hermione began to come down from her high as Harry slumped to the ground next to her. "Dear god." She whispered, wiping her wet fingers onto her cloak.

"What's wrong? Are you okay? Where does it hurt?" Harry asked, despite his crippled appearance. He was totally drained, just as Hermione had told him he would be.

"Harry, I wasn't in pain." Hermione said slowly. "I was having a series of… well… a-"


"A near-constant orgasm, Harry." Hermione said, her cheeks brighter than a Weasley's hair. "Your Animagus form was causing me an immense amount of pleasure."

"I'm… sorry?" He almost asked.

Hermione gave him a smirk. "Don't be. I'm not." About half an hour later, she shakily got to her feet. "Now, while you're incapacitated, I'm going to go see what has got you so freaked out." She shot him another smirk before walking down the passageway.

Harry sighed. "I wasn't scared. I was trying to stop you from having to face… it." He heard Hermione's scream. "I guess she found the basilisk." Harry thought aloud.

Hermione ran to him. "Harry! Why in the hell didn't you tell me?" She demanded.

"Tell you what? I told you I found the chamber and the big snake and killed it."

"Harry, that was maybe twice the length that Basilisks are supposed to have, even with its age. It must have been Salazar Slytherin's personal familiar! How in the hell did you kill it with a sword?"

Harry sighed. "I guess even Slytherin couldn't save his pet snake from a blade through the brain?"

"What?" Hermione was stunned. The armor of the basilisk would reflect or disperse just about any spell and not even Gryffindor's sword could pierce it. "Did you stab it in the eye or something?"

"No, that was Fawkes. It bit my arm, and while it was doing so, I stabbed it through the roof of its mouth." Harry muttered. He didn't like bragging.

Hermione was flabbergasted. "Harry, why didn't you tell anyone? Any twelve year old who can do that deserves at least an award." This was what the Boy-Who-Continually-Spouts-His-Lack-Of-Ability did on a yearly basis.

Hermione shook her head. "I don't know why you keep saying that you don't have any skills. I think this proves that to be utter bullshit."

Harry just shook his head as Hermione continued. "I wonder if you could get the goblins to tell you how much a basilisk like this would be worth?"


"Harry, a basilisk like this is worth ten times more than a dragon of the same age! Dragon hide has a peak strength, and doesn't grow anymore. A basilisk never stops growing stronger!"

Harry was shocked at her statement. "Okay, lets get a team here."

Hermione shook her head. "The school is usually closed to visitors. When is the first Triwizard event." She paused. "They should really call it the Quadwizard now."

"I think they said that there would be a 'Wand Weighing' ceremony soon."

"Why don't you get the goblins to come then?"

"I'll see what I can do."

Hermione nodded, apparently satisfied. Then, she grabbed onto Harry and started dragging him back to the entrance. "Now, we're going to go look up that delightful Animagus form of yours."

Harry learned three things in the next few hours. First, that the Chamber of Secrets could provide a staircase if asked. Second that Hermione knew where absolutely everything was in the library and that everyone, even Madam Pince, knew to stay the hell out of her way. And third, that his form was called a Lumentor and was a kind of Anti-Dementor.

Apparently, Dementors fed on negative emotions, rather than positive ones, which actually made more sense. A Lumentor was their natural enemy, kind of like a living patronus, except for the fact that it affected people and was extremely dangerous when provoked. Lumentors fed on the positive energy emanated from people with positive emotions. Apparently, they didn't drain it, but merely absorbed nutrients from it or something. Hermione wasn't really sure what, since no one had seen a Lumentor in a few centuries, if not millennia.

According to a history book on dementors, the ministry had gotten the dementors to guard Azkaban in exchange for eliminating their natural enemies. The Veil in the Department of Mysteries was designed for that purpose. It was the cloak of the First Dementor or something. Again, it wasn't really clear.

Harry immediately sent a letter informing Sirius and Lupin that he'd 'beaten them by a year and then some'. The response back from Lupin had been congratulatory, while Sirius had been rather grumpy about it. They were both looking forward to seeing it, and set a meeting place during the next Hogsmeade weekend, which happened to be that weekend. Sirius had stated that his form was probably something lame. Harry grinned when he'd read that. The next thing he did was look at Hermione and morph his eyes, causing her to let out a yelp. She glared at him, then smiled. She'd agreed to begin to start a relationship with him almost immediately after the Chamber incident. For the moment, Harry Potter's life was good.

Opinions? Suggestions? Critiques? Complaints? Let me know.

Please Review. I want to know if I've gotten rusty. If no one likes this story, I'll likely get rid of it...