Oh My Gaga

Glee Fan fiction


Will Schuester happily entered the infamous Glee Rehearsal room to see all his glee club members talking and laughing loudly as they awaited to hear their new week long assignment. Upon entering Rachel Berry greeted him with a smile and began to quiet the fellow members around her, when everyone was quiet Rachel turned back with a smile thrilled to think that she had some control over the rambunctious group.

"Alright guys and gals new assignment and I am pretty sure you are going to love it." Will Schuester said proudly as he stood in front of the anxious teenagers. "I've decided that this week we will all pick one artist that we feel reflects our emotions through their songs. But there are some catches not only will you perform some songs from this artist but you must also become the artist."

Before he could finish the room was a buzz, Mercedes was already talking to an intrigued Kurt about her Beyonce inspired outfit while Puck started to ask Quinn if he could pull off a "mean Elvis". Meanwhile the rest of the club talked among themselves about who they think they could be.

"Guys...hey I know your excited but with every assignment there are challenges. You must embody the artist not only at home but at school and second you must be able to prepare at least 3 artist inspired performances throughout the week. Now for some this maybe tough, but an easy way is to think about certain songs that have impacted you and then go back and find the artist. It might surprise you that an artist you could never dream of maybe closer to you than you realize. Now good luck."

Will Schuester was shocked by how excited each member was as they began to talk amongst themselves about different artists and different songs but as he looked around he noticed a surprisingly quiet and noticeably confused Rachel Berry, he watched as she tried to smile at the happy group of teenagers as they went on and on about their choice. Soon the bell rang and the glee clubbers quickly left the room saying their goodbyes as they left to catch their buses home. Rachel Berry was the last to leave trying to balance books in one arm whilst trying to throw her backpack over her other arm.

"Here let me get that." Will said as he grabbed the heavy books from her small arms.

Rachel smiled as she passed her books over, carefully pulling the strap of her backpack over her shoulder, "Thanks , usually I have hardly any homework but had to sub for today and decided that a lot more homework would be better for our souls."

Will could only shake his head at the venom that was Sue Sylvester and felt bad for the already stressed out girl next to him. "Well just finish what you can I'm sure would understand. But Rachel is everything OK, I mean at school or home?"

Rachel shook her head confused by the question, "Yeah every things normal,why do you ask?"

"Well it's just that today when I gave out the assignment everyone looked pretty happy and you seemed a bit confused." Will replied as he and Rachel walked through the now less than busy school hallway.

Rachel hung her head biting her lip as she forced herself to not look her teacher in the eye. "It's just that the person I picked is not the person I had expected. It's really stupid..."

"Rachel that was the point of the assignment, to find out something new about yourself. To imagine yourself in an artists shoes that you could never expect, I'm sure your choice wasn't that bad." Will replied as he stopped in the hallway in front of the still head hung low Rachel Berry.

"Well I mean it's not that bad of a choice but It's the most shocking revelation I had ever had. See at first I was thinking Barbara or Celine or maybe even Liza but then a song I had heard not to long ago hit me and just thinking about the artist made me realize that her lyrics and songs express me the best way." Rachel replied as she began to talk fast her eyes this time looking straight into her teachers.

"Well who is she?" Will asked intrigued that her revelation could make her this intense.

Rachel looked around the hall, scooting closer to her teacher she whispered, "Lady Gaga."

Will looked in shocked as she told him her choice, Rachel could see the shock written upon his face and began to freak more.

"See I told you It was shocking...I don't know what to do...why would that choice pop into my head I thought for sure Barbara...and...and."

Will just put down Rachel's books on a nearby windowsill and grabbed her shoulders to stop her pacing and her nervous blabbering.

"Rachel I think this is god for you as an artist. While she is more different in song style and presence than you, she is also more like you when it comes to confidence on stage. Just give it a try Rach, I'm sure it will work out fine."

Rachel Looked up and smiled an unsure smile, "Thanks I'll Try."

Will just smiled and grabbed Rachel's books continuing to walk her outside to her car. As he watched Rachel pull away from the parking lot all he could do was smile, knowing that tomorrow would be more interesting than he had originally planned and for some reason he couldn't help but wonder what Rachel would do for her Gaga inspired outfit.

"If memory serves correctly she didn't look too bad in her last Gaga attire. " Will thought but quickly shook the thought and image from his head "So inappropriate." Will mumbled to himself as he blew out a deep breathe and ran his fingers through his hair.