Auothers Note: So... It's been a while... -.- sry...

Haruhi had been out of the hospital for a week and things were, going smoothly. Nobody had asked her about the baby and Haruhi hadn't cried, that much.

"Haruhi whats my darling daughter into now." the loving blonde boy asked while peering at the aggravated brown eyed girl. 'Tamaki please get out of my personal bubble your starting to really piss me off!' Haruhi thought to herself. She let out a huff before answering her 'father'. "I'm just texting my dad to see when he'll be home." After leaving the hospital Ranka wasn't home as much and he didn't talk to her and fawn over her like he used to. She wasn't absolutely sure why he seemed to be more distant from her.

"Haruhi, club hours are over are you coming?" Hikaru was eye level with her, he saw the sadness in her eyes. "Are you okay?" a worried expression spread across his face. She looked him directly in the eyes seeing all the worry in them. "Yea, I-I'm fine."She tried to reassure him.

Haruhi stood up from her chair and pulled her slightly hiked up shirt down, shed been having quite a couple incidents with that skirt of hers she still wasn't used to being in the uniform skirt. It was then when she realized her lime green lace panties were in full view for all her customers to look at. Scarlet red was all over her face and her hands formed into fists thinking of her as eye candy to those guys. Her pissed off concentration broke when Koaru started yelling.

"Hikaru what did you do? I told you guys not to leave these two alone." Koaru said in a humorous tone. The over dramatic prince came dashing from around the corner. "WHAT! WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY PRECIOUS DAUGHTER!" Tamiki swiped Haruhi up and squeezed her tightly to him. "Tamaki you idiot I didn't do anything!" Hikaru yelled. His argument with Tamaki turned into background noise to Haruhi. She could feel all of her blood rushing to her brain. "Tono I-I can't b-breath." Tamaki quickly released his tight death grip on her. Haruhi fell to the ground. "HARUHI! Are you okay my little princes?" Haruhi took in a deep breath, thinking about how much Tamaki over reacts, and how much of a blubbering idiot he can be. "Im fine Sempi." Haruhi stood up and cleaned her skirt of any dirt off the floor, as if there would be any.

Tamaki went on a rant and Hikaru took Haruhis bag and lead her stealthily out the music room door and into his limo. Tamaki found himself in the music room by himself, he looked out the window to made sure Haruhi made it to the limo safe. Even though it seemed like forever ago Tamaki still felt responsible for all of Haruhis troubles. She may have forgiven him but he still felt unworthy to be by her side. Just so unworthy.


Koaru was playing games on his iPad, and Hikaru and Haruhi were holding hands. The car ride was pretty quiet. Hikaru could tell something is wrong with Haruhi, she just didn't seem, herself.



"Is everything okay?"

"Yes, why do you ask?"

"You just seem pretty distant."

"Well actually I've just been a little worried about my dad."

"Is he alright?"

"I think so, its just that, well he hasn't been returning my calls or texts and he hasn't been home. He's done this before but not for this long, it's just weird."

"Well do you want me to spend the night so you'll have company?"


"Well if you need me I can, in a heart beat."

The limo came to a prompt stop, and the driver opened the door for Haruhi to get out. Haruhi slid out holding her skirt down and Hikaru joined her. He walked Haruhi to her door like a gentlemen, he leaned down and kissed Haruhi on her forehead. "Just call me if you need me, I don't want you to feel afraid or alone. I love you Haru-chan." He pressed his lips to hers in a polite manner. A light shade of pink was on her cheeks. "I will Hikaru and I love you too." Haruhi really didn't like public displays of affection.

Haruhi shut the door behind her and locked it she peeked out the window and watched Hikaru and Koa drive off. Haruhi had nothing to do she had already bought plenty of groceries, the house was perfectly tidy, and she had already done all her studies. So she changed her clothes and sat on the couch and read. But she wasn't really reading she began to think not even about the worry of her dad or the loss of her baby, her thoughts were all of Hikaru.

******************************************************************************Okay I know it's been a long Long LONG time but I'm sorry. I'm trying to get my stuff in order and I don't wanna be that author who just gives up. Like so many others I know... But anyways I really do feel bad for not updating. I promise I will not just disappear like I did. Thank you for still hangin in there for me. Oh and a Lemon is being cooked up, so all you perverts get ready! ^-^