It was one of those nights they say the worst could happen. Heavy raining, thunder, lightning, the wind howling sad weeps. Somewhere far from Titans Tower, from Jump City, on the other side of the ocean stood a lonely mountain which held the ruins of an old castle. In these ruins, something happened, something involving the Doom Patrol and more precise, their youngest member. Beneath these ruins laid a underground hideout, now abandoned for so many years. Spiderwebs hanging on the security lasers, broken down henchbots, and a great layer of dust on a terrifying looking machine, one so dangerous that all villains would think twice before using it. One didn't and almost destroyed his hideout, the Doom patrol and world.

Outside, the storm continued and got worse. Suddenly, the lightning struck the ruins, broke through the floor, and hit the machine. Light from control panels began to flash and began roaring. The machine began making sounds and started shaking. It stopped as abruptly as it started. Silence. Suddenly the machine roared again, started shaking as crazy and a portal appeared. Large bolts of energy erupted from it, destroying the walls from the lair, making the roof and the castle collapse. After the dust had blown away, only the machine or what was left of it remained. One thing had changed. In front of the machine laid a man silent on the floor, he didn't move. Suddenly the eyes of the man opened and he gasped for breath. Uneasy, he stood up and looked around. A smile came on his face.

"I'm alive" He whispered to himself. "How?" he turned around and looked first at the machine and then to the lighting. "My machine. The impact must have given enough power to the transistors, that gave the signal to the controls and restarted the portal sequence. But that still doesn't explain my...resurrection. Ouch, my head. I need to sit," Like had had given an order some rocks began to move to his direction and quickly formed a chair, almost a throne. The man was astonished. "How? Wait, I couldn't..." He looked at the now destroyed machine. "I did it! I have achieved my goal!" he laughed. An evil smile came on his face. "Now to destroy the one who caused my demise. The one from the Doom Patrol, whose powers I couldn't copy. Beast Boy!" He threw his head back and roared to the storm.

Far from that, in Titans Tower, Beast Boy woke up, panting and in sweat, with the feeling that someone just yelled his name. Outside, the storm still dominated the night.