Who would be so stupid to love me?

Prologue: Life

My life is everything but cool, hip or exciting. More like really boring, bleak and dreary. Just like me.

My friends wouldn´t describe me as boring, but rather as crazy, bold and hyper. But that´s only the friends who actually don´t know me at all.

Other friends, those who have known me longer than two years describe me as silent, ice cold, scrupulous and bitchy. Now, who am I supposed to believe?

My name is Sakura Haruno, 18 years old and I will conquer the world!

Okay, that was a bad joke. I´m just a frustrated student who wants to leave High School behind as soon as possible.

I live with my stepfather, I´ll call him old man, and my sister, I´ll call her dumb ass, together in an apartment. My mother had enough of him, so she divorced him and left, leaving both me and my sister in his care. She rented a little flat, where three people, two if which do not like each other and another who fainted at the mere sight of dust just couldn´t live together, so we stayed with my dad.

My dad got himself a girlfriend. Now I realize what my mum meant when she said: "Men think with their dicks!" He never has time for us, he leaves for the weekend and when he comes back the only thing he does is complain and scream at us. Sometimes just because we are watching TV. He has totally forgotten about us. It´s obvious since he just goes shopping like once in a week. There was a time when I ate fast food with my friend every day because he had forgotten to buy food and we were practically starving at home. We are not his daughters anymore, especially not me, since I am just his stepdaughter. We are unwanted roommates, that he wants to get rid of as soon as possible.

If we count out my father and my sister, (the ones I dislike most) the only family I have left is my mother and my aunt. Tsunade is actually the principal of Konoha High School, the school I am attending. But no one is supposed to know that. Now here it gets a little complicated. She is actually a very successful doctor and owns the Konoha Hospital. Her husband, my uncle Jiraiya is the school´s principal. But he is also a writer and always looking for new inspiration, mostly in countries where the girls wear nothing at all. He calls it "looking for inspiration", I call it voyeurism, but oh well. He is not my husband. While he is away, Tsunade takes care of the school and the hospital, meaning she is a very busy woman.

I love my mother dearly. She is the most crazy person in my life, always good tempered and funny. I throw myself on the floor when she tells stories about my stepdad, because I laugh so hard. They were married for 12 years so she has a lot of stories to tell, some of them made my chin fall to the floor. Also she is the best cook in the world. She can cook anything and everything and if she happens to screw something up, she´ll always find a way to make it tasty again.

There isn´t much to tell about my sister though. She is five years younger, so everyone can guess that we don´t get along too well. A fight between us is like an earthquake and a tsunami both at the same time. When we fight, knifes are thrown, hair is pulled out from our heads, nasty blows and bites are dealt and one time there was crap on the floor. But hey, it was her fault not mine. I´m totally innocent.

We get along now. A little. It is just that I am far too mature to play with a brat now. I´ve got better things to do. Have I mentioned my sister´s name? Not really...She´s called Serena, like the moon goddess. I do not know why the hell my parents chose a name for her that clearly doesn´t suit her, but ok.

Surely you ask yourselves why my name is Japanese, while hers is not. Well, because I was born in Japan. My mother moved to the United States when she met my stepdad and took me with her. Perhaps she shouldn´t have done that. After my sister was born, I was redundant. She got all the attention, while I was being ignored. Another reason why I loathed her as a child. I was simply jealous. Anyway, she is the jealous one now, because I get to do whatever the fuck I want, while she still has to obey orders. Now one of her best qualities, yeah I am being sarcastic here, is her talent to be a pain in the ass, get on my parents nerves and then get herself punished and me too. Yeah, every time she does something to piss my father off, I am the one punished the most. She doesn´t give a damn about his punishments, their pathetic anyway. But let´s say that I want to go out with friends but then I get grounded along with her. Not so funny at all.

However, once in a while, I get to feel evil satisfaction over the fact, that my parents realized, they raised a monster. Spoiling a child always has the contrary effect of educating it harshly. Now I don´t approve of beating children, I was beaten often enough, but perhaps they should have considered beating my sister too. They never even raised a hand against her. Today I respect my mother. As I child I was mostly afraid of her. No child likes to be beaten around.

Since I didn´t get attention from my parents, they never noticed I was being bullied at school. I had to defend myself on several occasions, just because the children didn´t like my pink hair. The teachers told my parents I was a troublemaker. My parents, too absorbed in their herculean task of raising the younger child, send me to an orphanage. Okay, it wasn´t exactly an orphanage, more like a re-education home for children and teenagers with behavioural problems. And you know what, it was the best time of my life. I met children with the same or even worse problems than I had. I felt like a big sister for the first time in my life. They replaced my family so much, that I didn´t want to leave when my mother realized her mistake and wanted to get me out of there. I refused and stayed for five years.

Surely there were times when you just wanted to kill them, not only the children but the guardians as well, but as time passed you learned how to deal with them accordingly. You knew who you could give the run-around, and you knew who you should just listen to, because they could make your day very bad. The punishments of my stepfather are a joke against what those guardians could dish out. Shortly before I moved away, back to my real family, I was allowed to do whatever I wanted. They thought I was so reliable and sensible. If they only knew...

School had always been a drag to me, especially because I was always hated and disregarded. While I was in that home, I loved school. I never had many friends, because I was the silent type, but I wasn´t bullied anymore. I had become sensible, boring, and perhaps a little too different from before.

Now of course, I wasn´t always the nice and sensible little girl. My friends and I didn´t hesitate to steal money, smoke and neglect our homework but there were always some things I simply refused to participate in. Alcohol, parties and boys. I just wasn´t the type to open my legs for every guy that came and asked. So I just stayed at home, listened to my music and read books. A lot of books. Now, that I have left that place, I catch myself thinking that I want to go back, which is simply impossible.

As usually I talk too much. I haven´t even told you about my looks. I´m too tall, too fat and my hair is pink, which I mentioned before. No, I did not dye it. I was born with it. Why did it have to be pink? I hate that color more than anything else. My eyes are perhaps the only pretty thing about me. They are green like an emerald. My real father´s eyes, my mother told me once.

Seriously, shouldn´t a Japanese girl like me, be small and petite? I´m 6 feet tall and my weight...I´m so not telling you. Let´s just say that I am not a model and that I would be happy with a little less weight. There are days when I look in the mirror and barf and there are days when I think I am quite pretty. Those feelings change daily.

I forced myself to start a new life after I left that home for bad children. I was always the silent type. Now I seem to have verbal diarrhoea every day. Once I start talking, I don´t stop. At least if the topic at hand has my full attention and interest. I still smoke, but I never touched alcohol. Come on, you can let me have that one little addiction.

I haven´t mentioned that, but there has never been a human lazier than me. One reason for my overweight could be that I detest sports. All kind of sports. Why run around in a park and sweat when I can sit comfortably on my couch and read a good book? Or sit in front of my laptop the whole day and watch videos on youtube.

I like my school. My friends are perhaps a little weird, but hey, I am weird too. My best friends, Sabaku no Gaara and Hinata Hyuuga, are the world to me. Gaara looks a little bit like a model. He is rather tall and good-looking. Those icy blue eyes give you goosebumbs and that red hair of his...Let´s just say, he could be very popular indeed, if he wouldn´t look like a sociopath most of the time. One glare from him and all our classmates run in terror. It´s his own fault that most people are afraid of him.

Considering the circumstances, no one would ever dare to get near him, but I wasn´t afraid of him at all. I´m not easily intimidated, so I started to get on his nerves, the best way to become best friends later on. Do not try this at home. It could go wrong and the person you wanted to befriend, could become your worst enemy.

Gaara was born in Japan too. His name essentially means "Gaara, from the desert" so I started calling him "desert prince". He didn´t like it and my classmates thought he would kill me, but on the contrary, he talked back and called me "pink nag" from that day on.

After some time we were seen together everywhere. I was the only person that could squeeze a smile out of him, and he was the only person that actually tolerated me enough to be with me. You know, my verbal diarrhoea. He is the only one that listens to me for hours and never tires of what I have to say. We didn´t even notice when we became friends, we just were. Our classmates and even people from other classes couldn´t help but wonder. Both of us were pretty crazy. Most of the time we hugged and cuddled each other and confessed our love. For fun of course. The others couldn´t stand us, but we didn´t give a shit. I almost fell in love with him, but he confessed just in time that he was gay. He didn´t want to tell me, because he was afraid of losing me as his friend. Well, now that I know, we are even closer friends than before. We are not ashamed to tell our deepest secrets. We even watch porn together and before you ask...yes I do like porn. Got a problem? No? Then let´s move on.

Oh yes, I am a naughty girl. I love to read erotic novels. Everywhere. That´s why I became somewhat jaded. I can read the most dirty book in a bus and no one would ever guess what the hell I am doing. But please don´t get the wrong idea. I am a virgin. All my friends lost their virginity with what...13,15,16...I was the only one that could not participate in the conversations. Ok, there was a time where I almost lost it, but I don´t wanna think or talk about that.

Naturally, there are people who are not as naughty as I am. My friend Hinata is so damn virtuous that she can be considered a nun. She´s a total prude. Gaara and I are still debating whether she is frigid or not. And she is very shy. Gaara and me talking about sex is her ultimate nightmare. Now how she and Gaara and me became friends is actually a funny story. I caught her with a book I had already read once. I sat down in front of her and started to talk to her about the book, asking her opinion so far and if she had read the other ones of the series. She was quite surprised that I talked to her, but she eventually told me that the book was really boring the hell out of her. I loved that story, so I took it as a direct insult. I wanted her to love the book with the same passion as I did, so I blabbered the whole story and even from the other books. Hinata listened quietly but always paying attention to me. I was so absorbed with telling the story and she was so absorbed with listening that we skipped classes. Gaara found us at the library after classes for that day had already ended. After he stopped me from telling the end of the story, we all just started laughing. We kept laughing our asses off for about 5 minutes, until Gaara invited Hinata to come along with us. We had planned to go shopping in the city and then eat at the best asian restaurant and to our surprise, she accepted the offer. The rest is history, so to speak.

That´s everything about us but there were other people at Konoha High School to wonder about. People like him. Imagine a lot of girls screaming and sighing and moaning in pure pleasure. The boy I´m talking about is...Sasuke Uchiha. A dream come true on two very long legs. The guy was taller than I was.

Every girl wanted to have him, longed for him...except for me. I didn´t see an idol when he walked with his haughty, stoic and aloof expression through the school corridors. I saw a good looking asshole and nothing else. Yes, he was handsome, cool, had the best grades, a killer body and, if you could trust the rumors, a good lay, not to forget that he was rich. He was always surrounded by friends, girls and his current girlfriend. But trust me, he didn´t keep them too long. I could even swear that he kissed a different girl every day.

I can´t describe how I hate those foolish, stupid, mindless, dumb and gullible girls. The only thing they cared about was boys, clothes, boys, make-up, boys, sex, boys. I did mention boys, didn´t I? The only thing that mattered to them was that they could boast about having slept with Sasuke Uchiha. They didn´t even care about his character or that he was a really bad womanizer. Well, I did. I kept my distance from him, because I refused to be his toy and then be thrown away. But thinking about it, he would never even lay his eyes on me, because I clearly wasn´t his type. He was into skinny and silly girls. I was neither.

His best friend Naruto Uzumaki and him couldn´t be more different from each other. Everything about Sasuke was dark, from his raven locks to his onix eyes and even his car. Naruto was a bright and funny character with blonde hair and eyes as blue and deep as the ocean, sometimes a little slow but a pleasent person nonetheless. They had one thing in common though: Their saving accounts.

I´m neither jealous nor envious. But you can´t help to feel somewhat uncomfortable when those people pass you by. You had the urge to lower your head and wait till they passed because they had something majestic and untouchable about them.

As a matter of fact, there was a huge difference between the rich and the normal kids. We lived in totally different worlds. I knew, even if I liked Sasuke, which I really don´t, he would always remain out of my reach. So why long for something you can never have? Thanks but no. The best would be if we kept ignoring each other, never talking, never noticing, never seeing each other. I liked my life. With Sasuke Uchiha in it, it would surely become a catastrophe.

Hi guys, this is the other story. It´s heavy SasuXSaku. There will be smut. So be warned!

DISCLAIMER: If I owned Naruto, I wouldn´t spend my time writing Fanfctions about it and if I had ever owned Naruto, Sakura would have gone with Sasuke. Naruto would be making out with Hinata, because she confessed to him. Shikamaru and Temari would be fighting but together nonetheless. Neji and Tenten would have some hot time together. Gaara would have a girlfriend that loved the poor little boy, Jiraiya wouldn´t have died and him and Tsunade would be playing chess in a retirement home. (or doing each other...) Kabuto would be Orochimarus bitch (ok, he always was, so duh...) Minato and Kushina would still be alive and making brothers and sisters for Naruto. Kakashi would not be reading porn, but producing some with Rin. Ino and Sai would have plenty of time to teach him how to become "social". Itachi would not be dead, but alive and well, living his life with his girlfriend (whoever she was, lucky bitch)

There would be little SasuSaku babies, NaruHina babies, ShikaTema babies, SaiIno babies, Pairing babies everywhere.

And there would be smut.

Damn, we are so lucky that I never owned Naruto O_O

Love, LauryUchiha