Making Out

Sakura POV

I´m dead meat. Let me tell you why. I had spent the night at Sasuke´s place and if his fan girls ever find out about it, they will kill me for sure. Like already mentioned, I am sooo dead meat. And my "master" would let me die.

Saturday morning, I woke up in a humongous bed and I tried to remember how the hell I had gotten there. Then I recalled and I asked myself another thing. Shouldn´t I be like...totally excited and happy when I wake up next to a super hot guy? I was feeling more like throwing up or screaming: "Yiiiiiieeeeksss, a pervert!"

I was lying on that bed, spooned to Sasuke´s front side. He had his arms around me, holding me like I was his favourite teddy bear. Nothing particularly wrong with that, but one of his hands was cupping my left breast. Instead of suing him for sexual harassment, though, I started thrashing and wiggling and trying to escape his grip. It proved to be a herculean task. I wasn´t able to free myself. After all the fidgeting and wiggling, he growled and tightened his unwelcome hug.

"Is there a way of lying peacefully in bed with you, or do I have to tie you up?", he asked crossly.

"Take your paws off me and my breasts and crawl away about 5 miles and then I will be able to lay still..."

He fondled my breasts, a little too firmly. A little gasp escaped my lips.

"I feel rather cozy right now..."

I responded currishly: "Any guy would be, fondling some chick..."

Sasuke chuckled and let go of my boobs, but he didn´t take his hands away from me. He drove them over my body, down to my hips and my groin.

"Funny hearing that complaint from you. As far as I recall, you were the one putting her paws into the pants of very innocent boys."

His hands moved down further until he stopped them, dangerously close to my most intimate part, as if emphasizing his words.

He hadn´t just been implying that I had groped him at night, had he?


"You groped me last night. And perhaps I should also add that you were moaning some else´s name in your sleep."

I had no funny or cunning remark for that, as I was at fault. Whose name had I moaned? Oh no! It hadn´t been...

"So, who is Sai?"

Dang it! I knew it. Why the hell were those memories still hunting me after 2 years? I had wanted to forget that asshole so badly.

"None of your business...", I said petulantly.

"You know, I can demand an answer from you. I am your master. I´m sure you wouldn´t want me to force you..."

I giggled.

"You don´t believe me?"

I rubbed against him. Not with my hands, but with my ass. He was laying so conveniently behind me, his groin pressed into my back. I just couldn´t help myself. Sasuke Uchiha hissed. I rubbed some more and he moaned. That must have been a nasty morning wood he was packing.

"Nope, I don´t believe you. I don´t have to tell you anything about my private life. That´s not in my contract and now just let me go! I wanna go home!"

Much to my surprise, he actually let me go but not without giving my breast another squeeze and kissing my neck. Without even wanting it, I moaned, a little louder than I should have. It had been a very long time, since someone had touched me like that.

"From now on, it is in your contract."

I jumped out of the bed and ran into the bathroom. He went in after me and I couldn´t help but notice that he took longer than he should have. In the kitchen, when he gave me a cup of coffee, I looked at his hands and tried to find out which one he had used. What he left or right handed?

He extended his right arm to me and I immediately said: "I want the cup in your left hand!" He shrugged and gave me my cup of coffee. After a nice breakfast, full of silence and heavy glares from my side, I asked: "Do you plan on taking me home anytime soon?"

"I´ve got another little thing for you to do before I take you anywhere..."

Sighing, I took another bun from the basket. What perfidious things would he make me do?

"Let me guess. Do I have to wipe dust in your whole castle? Give you a blowjob? Or perhaps you would have me walking around in a domina costume, talking dirty and whipping you?"

Sasuke exclaimed, without even looking at me: "Wow! Nice ideas. I´ll use them later."

Shit, I should just shut my trap.

After we had finished breakfast, he threw something into my arms. I caught it, looked at it and snarled: "Hotpants and a bikini bra? What the hell...!"

"My car needs to be cleaned and you still have to tell me who that Sai guy is. If you finish cleaning and you still haven´t told me, you will spend another night here."

I´m going to wring the neck of this little, stuck-up prick!

Sasuke POV

I know, I am an ass, but a genius nonetheless and my car really needed to be cleaned. So why shouldn´t my nasty slave do it? She refused to answer the most simple questions and needed to be punished for it. And by the way, I am enjoying the sight of her with nothing but a bikini bra and hotpants. I really don´t understand the issues women carry around with their weight. Ino always ate an apple and nothing more when she was on a diet. Her figure can be described simply as this: A brick. She was in bed too, a brick on which I got nasty purple markings every time I hit myself on her bony arms and v-line. Sakura could be described as this: She definitely would like some pounds less, but really…I don´t see any faults at all. She had nice breasts, was slender of waist and her hips were gracefully swung. Actually she had an hourglass figure. And those long milky legs of hers. I would love to feel that body up under me, to fondle those nice curves but she was off limits for now.

I got myself a chair and told her where she could find water, sponge and the other items she needed to clean my car. Of course I couldn't resist teasing her. She showed me the finger after I told her she had a nice ass when bending over.

Hmm, am I imagining things or is that smoke coming out of her head? I could see she was really considering just telling me what I wanted to hear and then get the hell outta here.

After five minutes, she had already begun to clean my car, I noticed that work without music wasn´t any fun, so I got my IPod and the stereosystem for it. Just seconds after the first song was played, she turned around and gave me a really nasty glare.

„These shoes are made for walking? Are you fucking kidding me? I´m am no bimbo Jessica Simpson!"

"If I were you, I would start fulfilling my masters fantasies. I´m sure you know the music video so, dance…"

Sakura POV

I swear, should I ever get the chance to get back at him, he would spend the rest of his days in a hospital, pissing through a plastic tube and eating only fluids.

He didn´t expect me to only clean his damn car, he wanted me to do a peepshow a la Jessica Simpson. What am I? A frigging Pussycat Doll?

I indeed knew the music video to that song and I wasn´t totally untalented? When it came to dancing and singing but I really didn´t want to do it.

Firstly, it was embarrassing, second I would never do this in front of Sasuke Uchiha and third of all, this should be done by someone who actually had the figure for it. I didn´t look good in bikini bras and hotpants. I looked horrible. Like a cow, stuffed into a yellow slender dress.

This was the first time in my life, I actually felt humiliated to the bone. I knew I hadn´t been too nice to him, but this was just too much.

Insults, even slight humiliations I could bear and live with, but this was just too much. Shit, are those tears in my eyes, or is it water? I would not give him the satisfaction of seeing me cry. I´d rather die!

Since I couldn´t cry or get out of this I did what he asked, even if I was so embarrassed that my movements were kinda robotic at first, but soon enough the music got to me and I gave the peepshow he desired. One day, in the near future, when I got the chance, he would pay. He would pay for all of this.

Soon enough I was so wet, that my clothes became see through and he could see practically everything. When I bend down, he saw plenty of my cleavage and depending on which side I bend down, he even had a nice view of my ass. The bastard seemed to like it very much. He was enjoying the show.


Half an hour later the car was carefully cleaned and I could rinse water over it. Because I wanted to get rid of the soap and bubbles on my body I splashed water on myself and it was a really stupid idea. It was ice cold.

"Well, Haruno...Who is Sai? Be so kind and also explain why you groped me while you were dreaming about him..."

I rolled my eyes upwards into my head. "Why do you wanna know?"

"Out of curiosity."

"Fine, Uchiha. Sai was my best friend who I almost lost my virginity to. Satisfied?"

"Almost lost? That means you are still a virgin?", he asked incredulously.

I blushed a pretty red but nodded.

"And why almost?", he persisted.

"It´s a long story..." I turned around, so I wouldn´t have to look at him. I really didn´t want to remember.

"I´m sure I can follow..."

It was crystal clear that he wouldn´t let it be, so I told him. All of it.

"Fine. Before my family moved here, we lived in New York. I attended school there but I was a loner. At that time, I didn´t have any friends. My classmates thought I was strange and I thought they were strange so we ignored each other. I was constantly sitting in a corner, reading a book. Soon people didn´t mind me anymore. It was almost as if I had seized to exist. Sai was the only one who noticed just how lonely I was."

Without even wanting it, I smiled. He really was my savior at that time.

"We became friends. After that I was part of the community. My classmates and I actually got along and then…I fell in love with him.

We didn´t go shopping or swimming or whatever and he was constantly surrounded by girls, just like you, but every time I was sad and lost he would come and cheer me up."

My smile faded and then vanished completely. Now I had to tell the part I had pushed so far back into my mind, I was surprised I still remembered.

„After some time everyone just knew that I had a major crush on him. Even he knew, but he never said anything. In my last year of Middle School, he started to approach me. We didn´t exactly date each other, but we did flirt all the time...and then..." I lowered my head and closed my eyes. Those memories began to play like a movie in front of me.

„We arranged an evening at his place, where we drank, smoked and played games. Well, those games turned into something entirely different. Everytime one of us lost a game, we would jump the other and...well...never mind that. We crossed the line and touched each other, even though we were not a couple. I was intoxicated. He had started to notice me, not as a friend but as a girl. I let myself be fooled and returned to his house the next day. He persuaded me to stay a little while longer. We smoked and drank again and not long after we were making out heavily..."

I shook myself. Oh, how stupid I had been. Even now, two years later, I still got goosebumps thinking about it.

„We threw ourselves on the bed, all hot and bothered. I think I told him I was into handcuffs and he actually had some. He cuffed me to the bed, next to it there was a condom and I was practically naked, while he was taking his pants off. I got scared. I freaked out. I knew that I loved him, but I didn´t know if he felt the same..."

I clutched my hand and started to shiver. It´s the cold water, I told myself, but I knew it had nothing to do with water. It had everything to do with shame and regret.

"I told him to stop and he didn´t. He just kept on kissing, caressing me. I won´t say I didn´t like it, but I was scared out of my mind. I started to thrash under him until he actually let me go. Very glad, I left his place.

He avoided me after that incident. I didn´t know why but I also didn´t have to guts to ask him directly what his problem was. About a month later a classmate told me, that everyone knew the spicy details, the difference being that they thought I had truly slept with him. A friend of mine then told me that it had been a wager."

I had to take a deep breath, because I wasn´t getting any air whatsoever.

"Everyone knew just how much I loved him. The boys bet on me rejecting him, no matter how much I liked him. You will never sleep with that nerd, they said. He bet against them and lost, so he made up a story, telling how bad I was doing the nasty..."

My eyes filled with angry tears. In the end I had started to cry. I cried those tears, remembering the asshole who had broken my heart two years ago.

"And yet another friend told me that he was a man whore. I didn´t believe the whole story and so I kept asking around. Everyone who was willing to answer my questions said the same. He had fucked everything that didn´t reject him. I would have been one more stupid girl in his bed. I started to avoid him then too and not long after that we moved away. I couldn´t bear those "that´s the whore" glances anymore. Since then I haven´t let any other boy touch me like he did. I have not been kissed for 2 years now. That´s why I am a virgin. I don´t trust men one bit. And you...I could never stand you because you remind me of him so damn much."

I turned around, focusing all my wrath on him. He had wanted to know, now he could bear my emotional outburst.

"All those girls around you, your constant change of girlfriends, your looks, even your voice reminds me of Sai. Everything you do, how you walk and talk, how you behave, reminds me of him. But I´m sure he wouldn´t have let me clean his car...but then again", I added bitterly, "He would have...if he had been dared to do so..."

After my little tirade of hate I stopped crying. All that was left in me was pure, carnal anger. That´s another reason why I never care to remember that story. I cry easily when I get really angry. That´s a trait I don´t honor much. Sasuke had listened carefully without interrupting or contradicting me. He was still sitting on his chair, giving me a glance I couldn´t quite read. I couldn´t tell what he was thinking, so I had no idea if he was in fact pitying me or not. Also, I didn´t want that. The last thing I needed was his pity.

"Well, i´ve told you what you wanted to hear. Can I go home now?"

"I still don´t quite understand why you groped me while dreaming about him..."

I didn´t get the guy. He must have been really looking forward to me beating his beautiful face into a bloody mess.

"Perhaps I just dreamed about that make out session because he was the first and the last guy I kissed? OR perhaps because I am just that much of a horny girl and desperately need to grope people, who lay next to me in bed? Pick whatever you want, but let me the fuck go!"

I went for the door, passing him while doing so. I wanted to get out of this place as soon as possible. If he didn´t drive me home, I would just walk. His face was the last thing I wanted to see now. He got up and grabbed my arm.

„Let me go, Uchiha", I hissed, bloody murder spilling from my words. My patience was gone.

„You haven´t been kissed for two years?", he asked.

„So what? I said, let me the fuck go!" I pulled harder to get my arm back, but he just kept holding me.

„Then it´s about damn time.."

Sasuke pushed me against the car house, pinning my hands over my head while doing so.

„What the..." I wasn´t able to continue that curse. He had already put his lips against mine. He kissed my like I was the very air he needed to survive. At first, I was shocked but after my brain got back from a temporary vacation and realized that I was being kissed by the greatest asshole on earth, I started to fight back. I did not want to be kissed by him. Nope, never. I tried to shove my knee right into his testicles but I failed miserably. He put his own knee between my legs, pinning me effectively, without a chance to escape. In the meanwhile I refused to open my mouth and that seemed to annoy him. He kept holding my arms above myself, but traced my body with the other one, stroking places he would never been allowed to touch. When he reached my breasts, he actually grabbed it, not to softly. I panted and that gave him the chance to invade my mouth with his tongue.

My body started to like what he was doing to me, I stopped fighting him. Even though I never wanted to be kissed my him, I had to admit that he was a damn good kisser. He knew exactly what he was doing and I reacted, perhaps because it had been so long that someone had kissed me like that. I couldn´t breathe, his hand on my bossom was arousing me more than it should. Shyly, I returned his kiss. I felt somewhat self-conscious since I had become a little rusty with that whole kissing thing.

Suddenly he pushed himself away from me, leaving me panting and begging for more. My eyes sure as hell betrayed my disappointment. Why had he stopped?

„Open up and use your tongue...", he ordered. He laid his hand on my face and kissed me again.

I stopped thrashing and fighting and simply did what he had asked. Damn, why did it turn me on so much when he ordered me around? I actually opened my mouth for him. His tongue stroked and caressed my own and soon I started to return his actions, shyly, but not long after I gained enough confidence to take the lead. He just didn´t let me.

Our tongues battled violently with each other, while he pressed his lips and his body more against me. I heard someone moan and squeal at the same time. Then I realized it had been me. He was twisting and pulling my nipples. His pelvis was pushing against mine and I could feel that he was veeery happy to be there. I absolutely loved what he was doing to me, then I remembered. Hadn´t Sai done the same thing? Kiss me, fondle me, rub himself on me, while I was going crazy. In that moment I noticed, hey, I´m a hormonal and horny teenager too and I didn´t care. I just wanted him to keep touching me.

Sasuke released my arms after he was totally sure I wouldn´t try to punch him again. Why should I? Instead I wrapped my arms around his neck and played with his hair. He hoisted me up on his arms and instinctively, I wrapped my legs around his waist, since I didn´t want to fall. At first I was not sure if he could hold me, since I was rather tall and not...light.

He held me securely, without so much as putting a lot of work to it. Damn, he was strong. His kiss grew more desperate and he clashed his mouth against mine as if he wanted to eat me up. I wanted nothing more than be devoured by him in that precise moment.

My bikini bra had gotten loose in between all that kissing and rubbing, so he just pulled it away impatiently.

Sasuke Uchiha caressed my breasts, fondling them until they felt raw and very sensitive. I couldn´t suppress my moans or screams, but it didn´t hurt. I was not hurt, I was aroused, feeling lightheaded, hot and bothered and totally...wait...what the hell was I doing?

Nothing kept him from taking me right then and there, just my hotpants and his zipper. I started to grow aware of what I was doing, what I was letting him do to me. I remembered that night with Sai, on his bed, both of us nearly naked and panting just as much as me and Sasuke were doing right now.

They both wanted me but not out of love. They both wanted to spill themselves inside of me, but not because they loved me. I would have let Sai do it, since I loved him with all my body and soul, but Uchiha would not get that. I meant nothing to him. I was his slave. He would use me, then throw me away like some old rag. I would not let him do that to me. I would not be able to bear it.

Lips pulling on my nipples, teeth biting them, fingers twisting them, brought me back to reality. I hadn´t noticed how he had moved down to me bosom, giving my two mounds extra hot attention. I was starting to lose my mind yet again. If this kept on, I would lose my virginity to someone I didn´t love. That thought made all those nice feelings go away. I wasn´t enjoying this anymore. Sasuke Uchiha, no matter how good a kisser, would not have me. Not today, not tomorrow and not in the near future.

I put my feet back on the solid ground and started to push against his shoulders.

„Sasuke, stop..."

He wasn´t getting the message because he kept going on.

„Sasuke, please..." Still no reaction but more forceful sucking on my nipples.

„Damn it, Uchiha!" I pushed with all the strength I had left


He actually stumbled backward and it looked like he would fall on his ass but he caught himself at the last moment. I hugged myself, trying to hide my boobs from his hungry eyes. We both were having a hard time catching our breasts. I ignored my swollen lips, who were begging to be kissed again, as he tried to ignore that boner he was packing.

„We stop. It´s not...right", I said breathlessly. Damn, it was hard fighting against my own body. Every cell in my body wanted him. A voice in my head screamed angrily at me: „Are you fucking stupid, girl? Do you think you´ll get a second chance to fuck Sasuke Uchiha?"

I screamed back in my head. „I don´t care if he was Mister Universum. I still wouldn´t let myself get laid by him!

Sasuke started walking in my direction. He looked kinda annoyed and I knew why. He honestly thought I would let him get into my pants. So not happening.

After he had handed me the bikini bra, he said: „I´ll take you home..."

Was he mad? I don´t know. Did I care? Hell no!

Naruto POV

Someone tell me this is a dream. I am not seeing my best friend Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Haruno making out in broad daylight and they also haven´t been doing this for about ten frigging minutes now. She is not half naked, propped against his car house, returning his fervent kisses.

It must be another girl from the neighborhood with pink hair, because there is no way that she would do that with Sasuke. They hated each others guts.

What a damn day. I would ask him later what the hell he was thinking. Anyway, their behaviour had been suspicious all along. She was behaving like one of his fan girls and he was enjoying it too damn much.

Not so long ago they had been cussing at each other, playing pranks and flipping the bird. What the hell was I missing?

Sasuke POV

I couldn´t have been more surprised when Sakura pushed me away from her and I saw that it had cost her a great deal. Her body language and her eyes betrayed her. She wanted more and I could give her more, but she was starting to reject me.

A few minutes ago, I had been very sure of myself. I could see her, laying on my bed, that pink hair splayed on my pillow, her, moaning and screaming my name while I pleasured her thoroughly.

I swear, I would have fucked her speechless if she had let me and why not? We were both single, both horny and I always had condoms in my house.

After seeing her face, though, I immediately regretted my actions. She had told me why she didn´t like me and now I had given her a reason to like me even less.

She had told me the most hurtful story of her life, five minutes later I had been kissing her brains out. What was wrong with me? She had her reasons for being celibate and I had destroyed all that.

If she had ever trusted me, well, so much for that. She would never again. Sakura Haruno sure as hell would avoid ever coming to my house again and back I was to being completely alone on weekends.

So what do you do when you realize you have done a very stupid mistake? Ignore it.

I told her I would take her back home and returned to the house to take a shower and then put some clothes on.

I would keep her as my slave and try to keep my hands off her and she would have to put up with me if she didn´t want really big posters of her naked body hanging all around the school.

We didn´t talk while I drove her back home. It seemed like none of us knew what to say. When I looked at her, she blushed and then turned away from me.

She got out of the car and closed the door rather angrily. She was being rude and I didn´t like it one bit.


She turned around and stomped back to my window. „What now?"

I handed her a bag.

„I´ll be playing soccer on Wednesday. You´ll have to attend and I´m giving you the honor of being my own, personal cheerleader.

„Any more wishes?", she said indignantly.

„A lot of them, but I´m not telling you just yet", I responded.

She stomped off to her door.

„And Haruno", I hollered, „ are a devilish good kisser!"

While driving off, I saw her standing at her door, blushing beet red and gaping.

Hell yeah! She not kissing me again? So not happening...

Hey Guys ^^

Thanks for all your reviews and praise ^^ I´m really honored

I apologize for letting you all wait so long, but I was busy and the chapter wasn´t exactly easy to write

I totally suck at kissing scenes...I hope you like it though...

I hope I will be able to work a little faster from now on. I have tons of free time to spare.

Valentine´s Day is over I guess and I spent it with a friend who hates it as much as I do. Good thing that

Hey by the way, If you wanna know what process I´m making with the chapters, why don´t you all add me on Facebook and Twitter? I don´t decline friend requests from anyone, but behave yourself. I don´t hesitate to throw people out. The last one was a guy pressing for cybersex. Well, he´s not my friend anymore ^^

Hmm, I can´t write the link to my fb page in here. The name´s Laura Fernandez. I´m the chick with the black and white photo, grinning stupidly and doing the peace sign infront of her face.

My name on Twitter is LauryUchiha too ^^

I write mostly in german, but I´ll write in english if it concerns the chapters here ^^

Hope you are having a great time

bye bye LauryUchiha

Please don´t forget to review 3

PS: Thanks to SweetCrazyDramaQueen who reminded me that I have to update this chapter.

Miss you honey. I wanna talk to you so badly T_T