Disclaimer: I do not own Degrassi, or any of the characters in it. Sadly (:

This is my first fan fic. I know the first chapter is really short, but I just wanted to know If you think I should even keep writing it. Tell me what ya think!

Clare's POV

It's been a week since school started back. A week since Eli and I got paired up in English. Just one week. It seems like so much longer, but I guess time flies when you're with someone like Eli. He was dark, mysterious, unpredictable…gorgeous. And just my English partner. I had to frequently remind myself of the last part, otherwise I got all caught up in crazy daydreams. Things that were never going to happen. Eli and I were so - different. And there was no way he would like a girl like me. Right? Yes Clare, Right. I mean, I'm so innocent. Everybody knows that, they call me Saint Clare…Even he calls me Saint Clare. I think he does it just to get under my skin though. Enough about Eli, Clare. Focus on the assignment for English class. Ugh. Why can't I stop thinking about Elijah Goldsworthy. I desperately need an escape. Now.

Eli's POV

Clare Edwards. I wonder what she's thinking about right now. Wait, no I don't. I can't stand it, for some reason she's the only thing I've been able to think about for the past week. What is this girl doing to me? She's turning me all soft, and- sappy. Even when I went to see the Dead Hand concert with Sav and Adam, she was all I could think about. Even when the cops were chasing us, and Bianca got busted for underage drinking. (Which was EPIC, by the way.) The point is… I've never liked a girl like Clare before. She's sweet, and caring, and…virginal? I guess that's the right word. And she would never go for a guy like me. Would she? Of course not, Eli. Because, I wear all black, and listen to death metal, and drive a hearse. We're complete opposites. But, then again…opposites do attract. Time for English class…