Hello Lovelies! I know I promised an update yesterday, but I was really busy. Anyways, without further ado... Chapter 12! Disclaimer: I do not own Degrassi.

Clare's POV-

"Eli." I muttered, while gently shaking his shoulder to wake him up. He shuffled a little, and rolled over, but didn't wake up.

"Eli." I shook him a little harder. His eyes fluttered, and then finally opened all the way. He sat up, rubbed his eyes, and stretched.

"So, what's on the agenda for today?" He quoted me.

"It's your turn to pick." I told him.

He smirked. "Not a chance."

I sighed, giving in. "Fine." "How about we go whale watching then?" I asked, while brushing my fingers through my hair.

"I'm up for whatever you are." He replied.

"Alright, so it's settled."

I went to the bathroom, got a quick shower, and brushed my teeth. I wrapped myself in a towel, and walked back into the bedroom.

Eli was in the middle of changing, and he was completely naked.

I stood stunned, in the doorway for a second. I could feel my cheeks getting hot from embarrassment. Eli looked a little embarrassed too. I just couldn't bring myself to look away, and that made me even more embarrassed.

"Earth to Clare." Eli muttered.

He slipped on his boxers, and a shirt.

"Yeah?..Uh...What?" I stuttered.

He chuckled. "My face is up here." He joked. "Are you done staring, or would you like me to take them off again?"

"Sorry." I mumbled, still embarrassed. The redness in my cheeks returned.

He crossed the room, to where I was standing, and wrapped his arms around me.

"You don't have to be so embarrassed." He whispered. "I was just joking, Clare."

"I know, but..." I started to say something, but his lips crashed into mine, breaking me off mid-sentence.

I pulled away. "We could skip whale watching y'know. Just stay here. We have the house to ourselves." I whispered.

He laughed at me again, and handed me my jeans.

"Get dressed, Clare."

I sighed. "Fine."

He was still laughing as he slipped on his jeans and walked downstairs, leaving me alone so I could change.

I put my clothes on, and then I went downstairs as well.

Eli was watching TV. When he saw me come downstairs, he turned it off.

"Ready to go?" Eli asked me.


He took my hand, and walked me out to the car.

"Mind if I give you a rain check on the whale watching?" He asked.

"That's what you said about the matching piercings, and we still haven't done that." I pointed out.

He chuckled. "We will." "But I have something way more fun for us to do than go whale watching." He added.

"What?" I asked, skeptical.

"You'll see. Patience is a virtue, Clare."

"Patience Smatience."

A little while later, we pulled up in front of a building that I had never seen before. Outside, there was a whole course. I would have thought it was golf, except for the fact there were no holes or flags anywhere.

"Where are we?" I wondered.

Eli smirked. "We're paintballing."

"No we aren't" I corrected.

"Oh, come on, Clare. It'll be fun."

"No." I mumbled.

"Please?" He leaned in close; his face only inches away. His emerald-green eyes smoldered into mine, and I could feel his hot breath on my face. "Please?" He whispered again.

"Alright." I whispered, knowing I was letting him sucker me into giving him his way, yet again.

"Next weekend it's my turn to choose. No rainchecks." I muttered.

He laughed, but nodded, agreeing with me.

With that, I stepped out of the car, unwillingly, to go be pelted with a million painballs...

Eli's POV-

For some reason, Clare was deathly afraid of even the thought of going paintballing. Somehow though, I convinced her to get out of the car, and at least come try it. But, when we got inside to get our supplies, she chickened out again, this time her resolution unwavering.

"Call Adam, if you want to paintball."

"Clare..." I begged.

"No. Getting hit with a million paintballs at two-hundred miles per hour does not sound all that fun."

"Fine." I mumbled, while pulling out my cell phone to call Adam. "Are you sure you don't mind if I paintball with Adam for awhile?" I asked, just to be sure.

"Nope, I don't mind." She replied.

I dialed Adam's number.

"Hello?" He muttered.

"Hey man, You want to go paintballing today?"

"Sure!" He answered, overly excited. "What time?"

"Uh...Now." I mumbled.

"I'll be there in about twenty minutes."

"Alright. Bye." I muttered, closing my phone.

I walked back over to Clare, who was sitting down, talking on the phone as well.

"Okay. Bye! See ya in a few." She said. She pressed the end button, hanging up, and slid her phone back into her right pocket.

"Who was that?" I wondered, innocently."

"Just Alli. She's going to come hang out with me for awhile while you guys are playing in the woods."

The way she put it sounded weird. Playing? We're grown men, we don't "play." We run around doing fun things.

I sat with her and waited, for our friends to show up. A little while later, Adam and Alli showed up. Adam and I left, to go get dressed in our paintballing gear, and load up our guns. Clare waved goodbye, as I walked away.

"I'm cheering for ya, babe." She called.

I chuckled. "Good to know!"

With that, Adam and I left, to go have some fun.

Comments? Suggestions? Tell me what you think in a review! Everytime I get a new one, it makes my day...So, REVIEW! :))