Hey there peoples! Here's an update for an almost Valentine's day treat! :D

DISCLAIMER: iDon't own iCarly.

Chapter 6: Normal POV

"UGGGHHH!" Sam moaned.

"Sam, quit moaning, it's not gonna help the situation!" Freddie scolded.

Sam sighed and flopped down on one of the beanbag chairs. She was slightly scared and slightly excited that she was trapped in here. She was scared because she had no idea who locked them in, and she was excited because Freddie was stuck here with her, and now they had an excuse to talk.

Freddie interrupted her thoughts. "Can you turn the screen on your phone back on? I can't see anything."

"Oh, yeah, sure." Sam pulled out her crappy flip phone and lit up the screen. "Turn yours on too, dorkwad."

Sam could just barely see him roll his eyes in the dim light. He grabbed his PearPhone and unlocked the touch screen, illuminating the room even more.

Suddenly, an idea dawned on Sam. "Hey, we have our phones, so why don't we just call Spencer and tell him what happened?"

Freddie's face lit up. "Sam, you're a genius!" He exclaimed.

Sam smiled in return and checked her phone.

"Damn, the storm must be screwing with the phone company's cause I have no signal…" Sam informed him.

Freddie sighed. "Same here."

They sat in an awkward silence for a little while, until Sam let out a shiver.

"You cold?" Freddie asked her.

"N-no… I never get c-cold…"

"Sam, you're only wearing shorts and a t-shirt and it's like 40 degrees in here. How can you NOT be cold?"

Sam glared at him with her teeth chattering.

All of a sudden a clap of thunder boomed from the sky, startling the two teens.

Sam jumped into Freddie's lap and cringed when a strike of lightning was visible through the window.

When Sam realized where she was sitting, she slowly started to climb off Freddie, the look of embarrassment visible on her face.

Freddie grabbed her hand and stopped her. "Wait… sharing body heat is a good way to stay warm… so um, if you wanna stay close to me, um, I mean uh, you don't have to…" Freddie stuttered.

Sam laughed lightly and stayed where she was. "Whatever you say, Freddork…"

Meanwhile, downstairs…

George's POV

"Got any 8's?" Spencer asked.

"Go fish," I replied.

"GAH!" Spencer threw his cards down on the table. "This game is even worse than Solitaire!"

I sighed. "Fine, what do you wanna do then?"

"I wanna check on the camera!"

Earlier today I had set up a camera in the iCarly studio so we could see what they were doing. What? It's not stalker-ish, it just helps me collect my… data!

We went to the computer and opened the camera program.

Spencer pressed play and we both giggled in excitement.

When it finally turned on I realized that since the lights weren't on, you could barely see anything. I really should've thought that through more…

However, you could just make out two figure huddled together on a make-shift bed made out of beanbags.

AWWWW! Spencer and I squealed. This is so fabo!

But we aren't letting them out until I think its time…

Now back to the studio…

Normal POV

"One time, me and my mom were walking into the lobby and Lewburt yelled at my mom because she brought a wet umbrella inside." Freddie said, laughing.

The two were sharing funny stories about Lewburt, Freddie and Carly's nasty roommate.

"Once me and Carls came from the Groovy Smoothie, and I slipped on the wet floor a little and spilled my smoothie everywhere! His reaction was priceless…" Sam reminisced.

"We need to do another Messin' With Lewburt segment soon," Freddie pointed out.

"Yeah, we really do," Sam agreed.

"Think you can come up with another amazing prank?" Freddie teased.

"Oh, I know I can!"

"Remember when Carly pulled a prank on us?" Freddie asked.

Sam laughed. "Oh yeah… cause she never pulled a prank before… and remember when Spencer put the maxi-glass in front of the elevator?"

Freddie made a face and looked away.

Sam noticed his discomfort. "What's wrong?"

"Oh, um, I just didn't like what happened…"

"What do you mean? We ran into the glass, yelled at him… oh, I get it. You just didn't like it when I shocked you with that pen afterwards." Sam grinned cheekily.

"No, it wasn't that… it was nothing. It's stupid."

"Come on, you can tell me," Sam pursued.

Freddie sighed. "Fine… I didn't like that prank because after Spencer pulled it on us, you said that you had a crush on him…"

Sam looked at him, surprised. "Freddie, I wasn't serious about that. I only said it because… well, um… I can't tell you!" Sam stuttered.

"Sam, please tell me…" Freddie pushed.

"Look, I said that I had a crush on Spencer because I had to stop myself from saying that I had a crush on you, okay?"

Freddie looked at her in shock before finally whispering, "You… have a crush on… me?"

Sam glared at him and started to get off of the beanbag chair bed they had made.

"No! Sam, I mean… um, I just said that because I'm in total shock right now… the good kind of shocked.

Sam looked confused. "What do you mean 'the good kind of shock'?"

"I mean that I… have a crush on you two…"

Freddie got off the beanbag chair he was laying on and walked towards where Sam was standing.

"That's why I was so upset when you said you liked Spencer and when you thought Cort was hot, that's why I wanted to kiss you that night on the fire escape, that's why-"

Before he could finish, Sam crashed her lips onto his.

From downstairs you could hear two people start screaming, and it sounded like feet were pounding on the floor.

They pulled away from each other and looked around in confusion. Who was screaming and jumping?

Feet started pounding up the stairs and two figures appeared at the studio door, one floating and one standing.

"AHHHHH!" Sam and Freddie screamed, grabbing each other for dear life.

The door flew open to reveal Spencer and George. They ran (well, George floated) into the room and crowed around Sam and Freddie.

Spencer grabbed them and pulled them into a giant bear hug. "YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY!" He chanted.

Sam managed to escape from Spencer's grip and looked at them like they were crazy. "WHAT is going on here?" She yelled.

"My plan, that's what's going on! Whoop whoop!" George cheered.

"What plan?" Freddie exclaimed.

"My totes awesome Master Plan of course!" George then explained every step of his Master Plan to the confused teens, who were still confused when he finished.

"That's just creepy!" Sam cried.

"Yeah, it is," Freddie agreed. "But I guess that explains all his weird questions and behavior."

"Eh, he was weird before that too!" Sam argued.

"Sam, be nice!" Freddie warned.

Sam rolled her eyes. "Fine, but this whole thing is just crazy…"

Spencer interrupted them. "So, does this mean that you're a couple now?" He asked excitedly.

Freddie and Sam looked at each other. "Well, he never asked me…" Sam said.

"I was about to, but then we were oh so rudely interrupted. They both glared at George and Spencer.

"Oh! Sorry, continue on…" Spencer encouraged.

He and George felt their way around the dark room until they reached the car and sat down.

Freddie turned to Sam. "Would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?"

"Well, I guess I could do better, but…" Sam teased. "Yes, Freddork, I'll be your girlfriend."

Freddie smiled and pulled her in for a passionate kiss.

From the car, Spencer and George started cheering like mad.

"I did it!" George cried. "My plan worked!"

Freddie said they would "never" date. Looks like they had it in them all along, all they needed was a push from an overly-enthusiastic Seddie bra…

And that bra was totes fabo.


A/N: I love how Spencer and George totally over-reacted. But I have to admit, that's how I would act if Seddie happened, ha ha!

So anyways, I hope the final chapter didn't disappoint!

By the way, for all you people who were fans of my story iGo To Six Flags, I finally wrote a sequel! It's called iCome Home, check it out! :D

*I also started a Seddie forum, so feel free to drop by and share your opinions!*

Review, it's the last chance you'll get to!